

单词 notwithstanding


Brit. /ˌnɒtwᵻðˈstandɪŋ/, /ˌnɒtwᵻθˈstandɪŋ/, U.S. /ˌnɑtwɪ(θ)ˈstændɪŋ/, /ˌnɑtwɪðˈstændɪŋ/
Forms: Middle English natwithstanding, Middle English natwithstendyng, Middle English natwithstonding, Middle English natwithstondinge, Middle English natwithstondyng, Middle English natwiþstandinge, Middle English nottwiþstondynge, Middle English notwithstondeng, Middle English notwithstondyng, Middle English notwithstongyng (transmission error), Middle English notwiþstanding, Middle English notwiþstondinge, Middle English notwiþstondyng, Middle English notwiþstondynge, Middle English notwiþstoondinge, Middle English notwythstondynge, Middle English–1500s natwithstandyng, Middle English–1500s notwithstandyng, Middle English–1500s notwithstandynge, Middle English–1500s notwithstonding, Middle English–1500s notwithstondinge, Middle English–1500s notwithstondynge, Middle English–1500s notwythstandyng, Middle English–1500s notwythstondyng, Middle English–1700s notwithstandinge, Middle English– notwithstanding, 1500s natwithstandynge, 1500s nothwithstandinge (perhaps transmission error), 1500s nothwythstanding (perhaps transmission error), 1500s notuithstanding, 1500s notwithestandinge, 1500s notwithestandynge, 1500s notwithstondeynge, 1500s notwitstandyng, 1500s notwitstandynge, 1500s notwythstandynge, 1500s–1600s notwitstanding, 1500s–1800s notwythstanding; Scottish pre-1700 natwithstandynge, pre-1700 nothwithstanding (perhaps transmission error), pre-1700 notwithtstanding (transmission error), pre-1700 1700s– notwithstanding.
Origin: Formed within English, by compounding; probably partly modelled on a French lexical item, and partly modelled on a Latin lexical item. Etymons: not adv., English withstanding , withstand v.
Etymology: < not adv. + withstanding, present participle of withstand v., probably after Anglo-Norman and Middle French non obstant and its etymon post-classical Latin non obstante (see non-obstant prep.). Compare noughtwithstanding prep., adv., and conj., notwithstand conj., prep., and adv., and also nought-againstanding prep. and adv., not-againstanding prep., not gainstanding at gainstand v. b, nongainstanding prep.With forms in nat- compare nat adv.
A. prep. In spite of.
1. With simple prepositional object.
c1400 Bk. to Mother (Bodl.) 113 (MED) And ȝut notwiþstondinge al þis..religiouse men and wommen trauelen..to make hem semliche to cursed proude folk.
c1425 J. Lydgate Troyyes Bk. (Augustus A.iv) iii. 4714 (MED) Natwith-stondinge his grene mortal wounde, He ros ageyn.
a1475 J. Fortescue Governance of Eng. (Laud) (1885) 117 He dothe wronge, not with standynge the said lawe declared by the prophete.
c1475 (?c1400) J. Wyclif Sel. Eng. Wks. (1871) III. 434 And notwiþstondynge þis, Crists Chirche shulde live, ȝif alle siche prelats wanteden þerinne.
1569 R. Grafton Chron. II. 651 Notwithstandyng gentle aduertisement to them geuen,..they remayned still in one obstinate minde.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Two Gentlemen of Verona (1623) iv. ii. 12 Notwithstanding all her sodaine quips. View more context for this quotation
1625 F. Bacon Ess. (new ed.) 72 Wee see the Switzers last well, notwithstanding their Diuersitie of Religion.
1662 E. Stillingfleet Origines Sacræ i. ii. §4 It might be the old famous Tyre still, notwithstanding what Sanchoniathon speaks.
1707 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husbandry 167 Some Lands will make unsound Cheese, notwithstanding all the Care the good Housewife can take.
1766 O. Goldsmith Vicar of Wakefield II. xiii. 222 But notwithstanding this, it is impossible to describe our good humour.
a1806 C. J. Fox Hist. James II (1808) 214 Thomas Archer, a clergyman.., was executed, nothwithstanding many applications in his favour.
1888 J. W. Burgon Lives Twelve Good Men II. x. 258 Notwithstanding the engrossing labours of the Hall..[he] was..a thoughtful and laborious student in Divinity.
1902 B. T. Washington Up from Slavery iv. 71 Notwithstanding my need of money and clothing, I was very happy in the fact that I had secured enough money to pay my travelling expenses back to Hampton.
1988 S. Afr. Panorama May 50/2 Notwithstanding his many activities, Alan finds the time to be a dedicated husband and father.
2. With that-clause as object, forming a compound conjunction equivalent to sense B.
c1425 J. Lydgate Troyyes Bk. (Augustus A.iv) iv. 5474 Not-wiþstondynge þat he trouþe ment, ȝit for a worde he to exile went.
a1464 J. Capgrave Abbreuiacion of Cron. (Cambr. Gg.4.12) (1983) 208 Notwithstanding þat þe kyng hite him þis, he was exiled þe next day.
c1475 tr. C. de Pisan Livre du Corps de Policie (Cambr.) (1977) 43 (MED) Notwithstonding that natur of childirn may not be brought to lernyng but only by drede, yett the sone of a prynce behoveth to be brought in by othir maneir.
1513 in A. Spont Lett. & Papers War France (1897) X. p. xvii Notwithstanding that the Bretons fought valiantly in defence of their country, yet they were put to the worst.
1596 T. Danett tr. P. de Commynes Hist. iv. ix. 138 Notwithstanding that it were once burned by the Duke of Burgundy.
1651 in M. V. Hay Blairs Papers (1929) 146 Notwithstanding that his father kythed his great freind quhan he was heir in prisone.
1708 F. Atterbury Acquaintance with God 3 Notwithstanding that we find and feel our Souls disorder'd and restless..yet are we strangely backward to lay hold of this..Method of Cure.
1752 H. Fielding Amelia III. vii. v. 50 This Temper, notwithstanding that he was both a good and a pious Man, made his Company so insufferable, that [etc.].
1819 W. Irving Sketch Bk. iii. 177 He [sc. James I of Scotland] was detained prisoner by Henry IV., notwithstanding that a truce existed between the two countries.
1855 E. B. Pusey Real Presence (1859) iii. 329 The Church has ever worshipped our Lord truly and spiritually present in the Sacrament, notwithstanding that..His Human nature is at the Right Hand of God in Heaven.
1914 E. R. Burroughs Tarzan of Apes ii. 30 Notwithstanding that both Clayton and his wife kept a sharp lookout they saw nothing of larger animals.
1989 D. Morrow & M. Keyes Conc. Hist. Sport in Canada 15 Notwithstanding that the Hall, at New York, was packed with bullies and sharpers..our Canadian champion played on steadily and patiently.
3. Used postpositively.
1490 W. Caxton tr. Eneydos vi. 23 This notwystondyng, alwaye they be in awayte.
a1575 N. Harpsfield Treat. Divorce Henry VIII (1878) (modernized text) 179 But, her worthiness notwithstanding, and that he had a fair daughter by her, he..was wonderfully tormented in conscience.
1597 W. Shakespeare Richard II ii. i. 261 He hath not money for these Irish wars, His burthenous taxations notwithstanding . View more context for this quotation
1600 R. Chambers Palestina 53 This notwithstanding hee continued still in the Temple, vntill the dayes of his office were expired.
a1627 T. Middleton & W. Rowley Old Law (1656) iii. 38 These notwithstanding. His haire and wrincles will betray his age.
1729 B. Franklin Busy-body 7 He nevertheless permits to be published all satyrical remarks on the Busy-body, the above prohibition notwithstanding.
a1777 S. Foote Devil upon two Sticks (1778) iii. 59 The said party died a natural death, any thing appearing to the contrary notwithstanding.
1844 Act 7 & 8 Victoria c. 32 §26 Any other Act to the contrary notwithstanding.
1857 G. A. Lawrence Guy Livingstone iii Hunting three days a week, which he persisted in doing, all lectures and regulations notwithstanding.
1910 Blackwood's Mag. June 899/1 Here and there chains and nets may upset the stability of the submarine, hydroplanes notwithstanding.
1987 Observer 20 Sept. 10/1 The anxieties of Nato notwithstanding, it is difficult to see how the West can fail to benefit.
B. conj.
Although.Perhaps a development of sense A. 2 with omission of that.
?a1425 tr. Catherine of Siena Orcherd of Syon (Harl.) (1966) 22 (MED) Which synne worþily askide and disceruede a peyne þat schulde haue noon eende, notwiþstondynge þe deede of synne had eende.
c1449 R. Pecock Repressor (1860) 355 Ambrose and Ierom bileeueden it and witnessen it, not withstonding Pope Damasis wroot the contrarie to Ierom.
1458 in J. Raine Testamenta Eboracensia (1855) II. 225 (MED) Sir Thomas Chaworth praith his said executors..rather paie hit of his owne gode, notwithstandyng he hath paied hit here to fore.
1502 Lett. Richard III & Henry VII (Rolls) II. 111 Notwithstonding your grace had commaundid us to retorne, yet we..wold be content to make here abode.
1565 T. Stapleton tr. Bede Hist. Church Eng. v. ii. f. 155v He returned home, notwithstanding the bisshop offred him lodginge.
1613 S. Purchas Pilgrimage 745 [He] would needes goe on shore.., notwithstanding some advised and intreated him the contrary.
1676 Doctr. of Devils 170 Notwithstanding they knew the Laws, Customes, and Statutes, of the Nation.
1760 O. Goldsmith in Public Ledger 16 Feb. 121/4 Notwithstanding he had set his features to the semblance of a smile, I could perceive that he was out of humour.
1786 S. Henley tr. W. Beckford Arabian Tale 29 The Caliph, notwithstanding the table had been thirty times covered, found himself incommoded by the voraciousness of his guest.
1859 J. Lang Wanderings in India 409 Notwithstanding it was enlivened by several exciting incidents,..I was very glad when it was over.
1872 ‘M. Twain’ Roughing It xiii. 112 He never paid any attention to me, notwithstanding I made several attempts to ‘draw him out’ on federal politics.
1913 J. Muir Story of my Boyhood v. 179 Notwithstanding they [sc. muskrats] are so well hidden and protected during the winter, many of them are killed by Indian hunters.
1998 N. Mackey Whatsaid Serif 33 I stood immune to their talk, kept to one side of it, notwithstanding I'd have wished otherwise.
C. adv.
1. Nevertheless, all the same.
the mind > attention and judgement > testing > attestation, witness, evidence > qualification > [adverb] > however, nevertheless, notwithstanding
what for-thyc1175
never the latterc1225
in spite of (despite, maugre, etc.) one's teethc1230
nought for thatc1275
(all) for noughtc1325
(in) spite of one's nosec1325
ne'er the later (also latter)a1382
ne'er the lessa1382
ne for-thia1400
not gainstandingc1440
not the lessa1450
never þe quedera1475
nought the lessc1480
what reck?a1513
after all1590
in spite of spite1592
in the meanwhile1597
in (one's) spite?1615
in the meantime1631
non obstante1641
at the same time1679
with a non-obstante to1679
the same1782
all the same1803
quand même1825
still and all1829
still and ona1894
all the samey1897
just the same1901
1425 Rolls of Parl. IV. 274/1 Which proves notwithstondyng, yat hie and myghti Prince my Lord of Glouc'..and your oyer Lordes..will not take upon hem declaration for my said place.
c1450 Alphabet of Tales (1904) I. 8 Not-with-stondyng, afor his bruther was abbott, he [w]a[s] wurthie merchand.
1472 in P. E. Jones Cal. Plea & Mem. Rolls London Guildhall (1961) VI. 71 (MED) And the said Richard, his executours, and assignes therof hooly to expelle and ammove this present lees unto the contrary not withstandyng.
a1500 tr. A. Chartier Traité de l'Esperance (Rawl.) (1974) 10 (MED) Yet, natwithstonding, he was by Anthony cruelly beheded.
1551 T. Wilson Rule of Reason sig. Xiiij The people of Crete are lyars,..yet Epimenides may be excepted, & be a true man of his worde, notwithstandyng.
1585 T. Washington tr. N. de Nicolay Nauigations Turkie i. xi. 13 Borasques..proceed not out of the West, notwithstanding do often happen in Winter.
1606 G. W. tr. Justinus Hist. xxix. 100 Yet notwithstanding he promised to send friendly succours.
1651 T. Hobbes Leviathan ii. xix. 95 Their King, was notwithstanding never considered as their Representative.
1736 Bp. J. Butler Analogy of Relig. i. vii. 125 Were these Assertions true, yet the Government of the World might be just and good notwithstanding.
1769 O. Goldsmith Rom. Hist. II. 494 Julian..was, notwithstanding, a very good and a very valiant prince.
1813 R. Southey Life Nelson II. 22 The father..declared he saw that it would come to pass notwithstanding.
1875 C. Thirlwall Lett. (1881) I. 393 It can matter little that the rite is notwithstanding a real sacrament.
1902 W. S. Maugham Mrs. Craddock vii. 65 Bertha, knowing she would not read, took with her notwithstanding a book.
1991 G. Greer Change xi. 281 Simone de Beauvoir is, she tells us repeatedly, an intellectual; notwithstanding, she faces the future as unprovided as any empty-headed beauty queen.
2. Scottish. With of, forming a compound preposition equivalent to sense A. 1: in spite of. Obsolete.
1597 King James VI & I Daemonologie (1924) 57 Yee must notwithstanding thereof note my phrase of speaking in that.
a1639 J. Spottiswood Hist. Church Scotl. (1677) v. 251 The Factions at home, notwithstanding of the Abstinence, were not idle.
1655 R. Baillie Disswasive Vindic. 16 Acts of most hearty communion, nothwithstanding of some avowed differences.
1697 C. Leslie Snake in Grass (ed. 2) 117 Notwithstanding of this high Value they put upon themselves,..See how Jealous they are [etc.].
1747 R. Forbes Lyon in Mourning (1895) II. 97 I then says to him that, notwithstanding of what freedome wee enjoy'd..wee could've no acess to him.
c1817 J. Hogg Tales & Sketches III. 66 Notwithstanding of his..remonstrances.
1844 H. Stephens Bk. of Farm II. 404 Notwithstanding of this common opinion, a loss of a small portion of time..may have a material effect upon some future operations.
D. n.
Only in with a notwithstanding (to): notwithstanding. Cf. non obstante n. 2b. Obsolete. rare.
1647 W. Bridge Eng. Saved 14 The Lord, our Lord works, Delivers, saves, with a Notwithstanding; he doth work freely.
1689 Considerations conc. Succession 28 We may easily perceive that it binds Men to Allegiance (not indefinitely, but) with a Notwithstanding to the pretended Authority of the Pope.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2003; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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