

单词 napery


Brit. /ˈneɪp(ə)ri/, U.S. /ˈneɪp(ə)ri/

α. late Middle English napere, late Middle English–1600s naperie, late Middle English–1600s naperye, late Middle English– napery, 1500s naparie, 1500s naperi- (in compounds), 1600s napary, 1600s napperie, 1900s– napiery; Scottish pre-1700 naiperie, pre-1700 naipperie, pre-1700 napperie, pre-1700 neaperie, pre-1700 nepereye, pre-1700 1700s– napery, 1800s napiery, 1900s– naperie.

β. late Middle English naapri, late Middle English nappre, late Middle English–1500s naprye, late Middle English–1600s naprie, late Middle English–1600s (1800s English regional) napry, 1500s nameprie (perhaps transmission error), 1500s napre; Scottish pre-1700 naipre, pre-1700 napre, pre-1700 naprey, pre-1700 naprye, pre-1700 neaprie, pre-1700 neiprie, pre-1700 nepprie, pre-1700 nepre, pre-1700 nepri, pre-1700 neprie, pre-1700 nepry, pre-1700 1700s naprie, pre-1700 1700s–1800s napry, pre-1700 1800s naiprie, 1800s nai'pry.

Origin: A borrowing from French. Etymon: French naperie.
Etymology: < Anglo-Norman and Middle French naperie (13th cent. in Old French) < nape nape n.2 + -erie -ery suffix. Compare post-classical Latin naparia, naperia, naperium household linen, office of naperer, custody of household (usually royal) linen (frequently from 13th cent. in British sources).Attested earlier in a surname, although it is unclear whether this is to be interpreted as Middle English or Anglo-Norman; compare:1268 Patent Roll, 52 Henry III 30 July (P.R.O.: C 66/86) m. 8 Walterus de la Naperye. Compare also e.g. the following, which may show the Anglo-Norman rather than the Middle English word:1349–50 in F. R. Chapman Sacrist Rolls Ely (1907) II. 144 Pro le napperie in ospicio, 2s.1398 Inquisition Misc. (P.R.O.: E 153/1826/16) xliij pieces de Naperie de diuers sortz. Forms with metanalysis (compare apron n.) are also occasionally attested; compare:1578 in M. A. Havinden Househ. & Farm Inventories Oxfordshire (1965) 95 Aprye Ware. 33 pere of shetes 8 tablescloes.1578 in M. A. Havinden Househ. & Farm Inventories Oxfordshire (1965) 97 The apreie. The linen and aprie.
a. Linen used for household purposes; esp. table linen.
society > inhabiting and dwelling > inhabited place > a building > furniture and fittings > household linen > [noun]
white goods1807
c1400 Femina (Trin. Cambr.) (1909) 75 (MED) Wyth a cloth keuere þe heyȝhe table..And þe secunde also keuere Wyþ whyt naperie [Fr. blaunche nape] ȝyf ȝe haue.
1418 in F. J. Furnivall Fifty Earliest Eng. Wills (1882) 32 All my beddynge & naperie.
a1475 J. Russell Bk. Nurture (Harl. 4011) in Babees Bk. (2002) i. 132 The surnape ye shulle make..with a clothe vndir a dowble of riȝt feire napry.
a1500 (?c1378) J. Wyclif Eng. Wks. (1880) 434 Diȝschis & coupis of siluer & oþer vessel, and costly naprye.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 457/1 Gyve me leave to bleche my naperye in your garden.
1578 T. Nicholas tr. F. Lopez de Gómara Pleasant Hist. Conquest W. India 176 His Table clothes, napkins, and towels, were made of Cotten wooll, verie white and newe, for he was never served but once with that naperie.
1620 tr. G. Boccaccio Decameron I. Induction f. 7v When they entred into the Hall, they saw the Tables couered with delicate white naperie.
1656 P. Heylyn Surv. Estate France 15 The napperie of the Table was..so foul and dirty, that I durst not conceive it had been washed above once.
1721 Session Bk. Rothesay (1931) 359 The box to the church napery.
1799 J. Robertson Gen. View Agric. Perth 382 Some weaving napery for the warehouses at Dunfermline.
1822 J. Galt Provost xxxviii. 278 All the best of her sheets and napery.
1870 D. Rock Textile Fabrics (S. Kensington Mus.) Introd. p. lxxv Venetian linens, for fine towelling and napery in general.
1897 Overland Monthly May 515/1 There were carpets, curtains, furniture, dishes, bedding, cutlery, napery, and other things to be purchased.
1913 Amer. Hist. Rev. 18 732 All this was set out with plate, napery, perfumes, and various expensive forms of service.
1960 C. P. Snow Affair (1979) i. vi. 57 The napery gleamed under the lights; the side of the tablecloth nearest the fire had a rosy sheen.
2000 Independent 18 Jan. ii. 3/2 The preposterous quantities of napery and the battalions of waiters..required for the highest level of Michelin acclaim.
b. Clothing; esp. underwear. Obsolete.
the world > textiles and clothing > clothing > types or styles of clothing > underwear > [noun]
small clothes1625
long john1941
1598 E. Guilpin Skialetheia sig. A8 [The] goodly show, Of thyne apparraile and thy naperie.
1604 T. Dekker & T. Middleton Honest Whore sig. E2v Prithee put me into holesom napery.
1620 J. Taylor Praise of Hemp-seed in Wks. (1630) 69 From little Hemp and flaxen seeds, Ropes, halters, drapery, and our napery breeds.
a. The charge or custody of the royal linen; the position or office of naperer. Obsolete (in later use historical).
society > authority > office > holder of office > official of royal or great household > [noun] > in charge of linen > office of
a1483 Liber Niger in Coll. Ordinances Royal Househ. (1790) 56 The steward takethe..for his napery at the iiii principall festes of the yere..in prises of lynyn clothe.
1601 F. Tate Househ. Ord. Edward II (1876) 27 A lawendere of the Naperie, who shal wash all manner of linnen cloth, appertaining to the office of the Naperie.
1628 E. Coke 1st Pt. Inst. Lawes Eng. 107 b To perform the office of the napery at his coronation.
1875 W. Stubbs Constit. Hist. (1877) III. xxi. 531 The several departments were organised under regular officers of the buttery, the kitchen, the napery, the chandlery, etc.
b. A storeroom for linen. Obsolete. rare.
the mind > possession > supply > storage > [noun] > place where anything is or may be stored > store-room > specific
plate room1767
box room1820
locker room1870
1819 H. Hallam View Europe Middle Ages (ed. 2) III. ii. ix. 427 The house consisted of a hall, parlour,..a napery, or linen room [etc.].
3. The manufacture of personal or household linen. Obsolete. rare.
society > inhabiting and dwelling > inhabited place > a building > furniture and fittings > household linen > [noun] > manufacture of
1624 J. Taylor Praise Cleane Linnen in Wks. (1630) ii. 169/1 What were the function of the Linnen Draperye Or Sempsters admirable skill in Naperye?
1650 T. Fuller Pisgah-sight of Palestine iv. vi. 106 Kings Merchants..brought it in linen-yarn.., Solomon so setting up Napery, and the manufacture of weaving.
4. The naturalistic depiction of linen in painting. Obsolete. rare.
1688 R. Holme Acad. Armory iii. 148/1 Napery—the working of Linnen in Painting according to the Foldings thereof.


General attributive.
1415 in E. F. Jacob & H. C. Johnson Reg. Henry Chichele (1937) II. 47 (MED) Item, iij brewers of plain cloith, all þe shetes and naperie lynne marked with C.
1532 G. Hervet tr. Xenophon Treat. House Holde f. 30 Shetes, towels, and a naprye ware by them selfes.
1558 in R. W. Ambler et al. Farmers & Fisherman (1987) 54 It. in beddynge and in naperiware xx s.
1615 R. Brathwait Strappado 6 But this's not all Ile doe: Bacchus shall knowe His naprie-drawers shall not end it so.
1631 R. Brathwait Whimzies xvii. 133 A kicke, I meane, from some surly Naprie groome, which serves in full discharge of his Commons.
1691 in A. W. C. Hallen Acct. Bk. Sir J. Foulis (1894) 140 To buy at Holand a naprie press.
1826 J. Galt Last of Lairds (1896) II. 188 A large worsted wheel, which..had been placed upon the great napery ark that stood at the stairhead.
1893 J. Inglis Oor Ain Folk (1895) 151 Treasured up in the napery chest.
1900 Overland Monthly Sept. 249/2 Then follow the simple tasks of seam and overcasting; then the napery-stitch on German linen.
1994 D. Porter Frommer's Comprehensive Trav. Guide Portugal '94–'95 xiii. 176 Most visitors..will gravitate to a napery-covered table for a well-prepared lunch or dinner.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2003; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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