

单词 mil


Brit. /mɪl/, U.S. /mɪl/
Forms: 1800s– mil, 1900s– mill.
Origin: Either (i) a variant or alteration of another lexical item. Or perhaps (ii) a borrowing from Latin. Etymons: mill n.6; Latin millēsimum.
Etymology: Either originally a variant of mill n.6, now usually distinguished in form in the senses below, or perhaps independently < mil- (in classical Latin millēsimum thousandth: see millesm n.). In sense 1c in application to Egyptian currency, perhaps after or independently shortened < millieme n. (see quot. 19371 at sense 1c).
1. A coin with a value equivalent to one-thousandth of the basic monetary unit. Cf. mill n.6
a. In various schemes proposed for the decimalization of the British currency: a coin of the value of one-thousandth of a pound. Now historical.In quot. 1849, the amount of one-thousandth of a pound as used in calculating insurance premiums.
society > trade and finance > money > medium of exchange or currency > coins collective > English coins > [noun] > proposed coin of one thousandth of pound
1849 Jrnl. Statist. Soc. 12 131 The unit figure on the third decimal place is a little less than a farthing... It may be called a millesima, or, in short, a mil... The premium by the English table is 15l., 9 decs., 6 cents, 7 mils.
1854 Jrnl. Statist. Soc. 17 244 The plan finally adopted by the committee is as follows:—They propose to retain the present sovereign, or pound sterling, intact as the unit of account, and to descend in a decimal progression from this by means of certain new coins of account termed in the report ‘florins’, ‘cents’, and ‘mils’.
1854 H. N. Humphreys Coinage Brit. Empire xii. 148 It is proposed that the smallest [British] coin, one thousand to the pound, shall be called a mil.
1875 W. S. Jevons Money xiv. 176 The two principal schemes [of decimalization]..are the Pound and Mil scheme, and the Penny and Ten-franc scheme.
1883 Encycl. Brit. XVI. 734/1 Another proposal starts from the present pound as unit. It is to be divided into 10 florins (2s.), which would contain 100 mils (or farthings reduced 4 per cent.). A new coin, 10 mils (2s. 4d.) would probably have to be introduced.
1920 Rep. Royal Comm. Decimal Coinage 13 in Parl. Papers (Cmd. 628) XIII. 467 The pound and mil provides no exact equivalent of the penny. Of the nearest equivalents 4 mils is 4 per cent. less, 5 mils is 20 per cent. more than the penny.
1920 Glasgow Herald 10 Apr. 4 If there were any demonstrable superiority in this ‘pound mil’ system it might be worth while to face all..delays.
1960 News Chron. 4 May 3/2 The day when we..pay 200 mils for a packet of cigarettes has drawn a little closer.
1963 Rep. Comm. Inq. Decimal Currency p. xiv, in Parl. Papers 1962–3 (Cmnd. 2145) XI. 195 We sometimes refer to ‘mil’ systems..as three-place decimal systems.
1967 Guardian 26 Apr. 2/6 The committee..was considering an amendment to introduce the pound-florin-mil system.
b. In Hong Kong in the mid 19th cent.: one-thousandth of a dollar. Now historical.
society > trade and finance > money > medium of exchange or currency > coins collective > foreign coins > [noun] > coins of India and Far East
1893 R. Chalmers Hist. Currency Brit. Colonies xxxvii. 374 By Royal Proclamation, under Order in Council of 9th January 1863..‘the dollar of Mexico’..was made the only unlimited legal tender [in Hong Kong]. Provision was made for striking at the Royal Mint in London..copper cents and mils (or cash), respectively representing one hundredth and one thousandth of a dollar.
1902 Encycl. Brit. XXXI. 292/1 Hong Kong,..the denominations are..the cent and the mill in bronze.
1908 G. B. Rawlings Coins xi. 317 The mil follows the Chinese fashion and is pierced in the centre. On the one side it has a crown, V.R., and the date, and Hong Kong One Mil.
c. In Palestine, Israel, Cyprus, and Malta, during various different periods of the 20th century: one-thousandth of a pound, lira, etc.
1929 Whitaker's Almanack 447 Palestine..Silver—100, 50 mils. Bronze 2, 1 mils.
1937 M. Comencini Coins Mod. World 42 Palestine Mandated Territory... Currency in Mils on a decimal basis, similar to that in use in Egypt.
1937 M. Comencini Coins Mod. World 106 Egypt... Currency unit:..1 Piastre of 10 Milliemes or Mils.
1950 G. Mikes Milk & Honey 66 When they speak of a piastre they mean ten mills... A pruta used to be called a mill in the times of the mandate.
1956 Whitaker's Almanack 783 Cyprus... 1,000 mils = £1 Sterling.
1968 C. Narbeth Coin Collector's Encycl. 65 Cyprus... A new currency was introduced in 1955 of 100 mils (equals 2s.).
1970 C. Wood Terrible Hard v. 56 ‘How much?’ ‘Forty-five mils!’
1975 G. Lyall Judas Country iii. 20 I served 'em a compulsory breakfast at 500 mils each.
1994 Times 13 Dec. 16/5 The five stamps..are denominated in mils, the smallest unit of the British mandate Palestinian currency that has not been used since the British left.
1998 Coin News June 31/3 On independence, the Maltese government..struck coins of 2, 3 and 5 mils, the 3 mils being the rough equivalent of a third of a farthing.
2. A unit of length equal to one-thousandth of an inch (0.0254 mm). Cf. mill n.8 See also circular mil n. at circular adj. and n. Compounds 1.
the world > relative properties > measurement > measurement of length > [noun] > units of length or distance > inch > one thousandth of an inch
1872 R. Sabine in Jrnl. Soc. Telegr. Engineers 1 246 I find it convenient to express the specific inductive capacity..in terms of the quantity of electricity which a plate..one thousandth of an inch (or one mil) thickness is capable of containing.
1931 A. Nadell Projecting Sound Pict. xiv. 244 The effect of the bias is to eliminate the former spacing of 2, or 1 ½ mils.
1945 C. E. Balleisen Princ. Firearms xi. 122 Actual measurements in inches may be recorded directly in either inches or mils without any conversion.
1962 A. Nisbett Technique Sound Studio 255 Coarse-groove. The groove normally used for 78 rpm recordings... Width 6 mils, depth 2·5 mils.
1973 Sci. Amer. July 43/1 Graphite fibers, produced by the carbonization of rayon or acrylic fibers, average about a third of a mil in diameter.
1992 Soldier of Fortune Oct. 14/2 A heavy-duty 6-mil poly bag.
3. A unit of angular measure equal to one-thousandth of a radian (approx. 3.438 minutes of arc). Also: 1/ 1600 of a right angle, i.e. 3.375 minutes of arc (approx. 0.0009817 radian).
the world > relative properties > measurement > measurement of length > measurement of other dimensions > [noun] > of angles > units of angular measurement
1907 O. M. Lissak Ordnance & Gunnery xiii. 507 The horizontal deflection scale..is graduated, in sights for field artillery, to thousandths of the range. These gradations are called mils.
1920 A. H. Carter & A. V. Arnold Field Artillery Instr. vi. 219 The angle of site scales and the deflection scales on all instruments are graduated in mils.
1920 J. K. Finch Topogr. Maps 138 The vertical lines of the sketching screen, being one inch apart and twenty inches from the eye, determine an angle of fifty mils.
1941 Amer. Math. Monthly 48 188 Most American mobile artillery units as well as many heavy railway mounts have the scales on their sights, azimuth circles, and quadrants graduated in mils.
1955 C. R. Wylie Plane Trigonom. i. 21 Show that on any circle a central angle of 1 mil intercepts an arc whose length is approximately 1/1,000 of the radius of the circle.
1959 Conversion Factors & Tables (B.S.I.) i. 44 For some purposes, the angular mil is taken to be one thousandth of a radian.
1970 Daily Tel. 1 June 15/7 The Services no longer measure bearings in 360 degrees but in 6,400 mills to a circle.
1986 New Scientist 15 May 38/1 In action, an ordinary soldier, firing a single shot, has an aiming error of 1 mil (1 mil = arc subtended by 1 metre at 1000 metres).
1990 Country Walking Jan. 69/2 (advt.) Compass used by armed forces with dual mils/degrees scale.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2002; most recently modified version published online June 2022).


Brit. /mɪl/, U.S. /mɪl/
Inflections: Plural mils, unchanged.
Forms: 1900s– mil, 1900s– mil. (with point).
Origin: Formed within English, by clipping or shortening. Etymon: millilitre n.
Etymology: Shortened < millilitre n.Proposed (together with decimil for 0.0001 litre, and centimil for 0.00001 litre) by J. Humphreys in 1904. The three terms were authorized by the Board of Trade in 1905.
A millilitre.
the world > relative properties > measurement > the scientific measurement of volume > measure(s) of capacity > [noun] > liquid measure of capacity > specific units of liquid measure > litre > one thousandth of a litre
1907 Weights & Meas. Regul. No. 698 Table C, in Statutory Rules & Orders 1907 1105 Permissible abbreviations of Denominations... Metric Weights and Measures... Litre..lit... Decilitre..dl... Centilitre..cl... Millilitre..mil. Cubic centimetre..c.c.
1914 Brit. Pharmacopœia p. xi The Board of Trade (May 1, 1908) recognised ‘mil’ as a short official designation for the millilitre.
1930 J. W. Cooper Pharmacy xiii. 115 1,000 grm. of couch grass is used to produce 1,000 mil. of liquid extract.
1981 N.Z. Listener 15 Aug. 88 We do not confuse the mills that grind slowly with the mils prescribed by the doctor.
1997 I. Rankin Black & Blue (1998) xiii. 186 At the bar, he ordered a double whisky. Now that the metric system had taken over, he could never remember whether thirty-five mils was less or more than a quarter gill.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2002; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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