

单词 mental retardation

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mental retardation
a. Designating a temporary or permanent impairment of the mind due to inherited defect, injury, illness, or environment, usually needing special care or rehabilitation. Esp. in mental breakdown, mental deficiency, mental disease, mental disorder, mental incapacity, mental retardation, etc.; see also mental illness n. at Compounds.
1768 A. Tucker Light of Nature Pursued II. ii. xxi. 47 Bringing on the inconveniences, disabilities, pains and mental disorders spoken of.
1791 W. Cowper tr. Homer Iliad in Iliad & Odyssey I. xxiv. 640 (note) Jupiter justifies him against Apollo's charge, affirming him to be free from those mental defects which chiefly betray men into sin.
1794 H. L. Piozzi Brit. Synonymy II. 6 Phrenzy, madness and distraction are the poetical expressions of what we call mental derangement, or disordered spirits, in elegant conversation.
1812 T. Jefferson Let. in Papers (2008) Retirement Ser. V. 95 It would only change the topic of abuse with the former, and not cure the mental disease of the latter.
1838 Biblical Repertory Apr. 294 Large tumours have been found in the encephalon, which must have compressed the brain for years, without producing the least mental defect or aberration.
1839 E. A. Poe Fall House of Usher in Burton's Gentleman's Mag. Sept. 150 And now, some days of bitter grief having elapsed, an observable change came over the features of the mental disorder of my friend.
1847 C. Brontë Jane Eyre III. i. 21 I resolved to be clean in my own sight—and to the last I repudiated the contamination of her crimes, and wrenched myself from connexion with her mental defects.
1856 Educ. of Imbecile (Home for Invalid & Imbecile Children, Edinburgh) 11 His appearance and bearing gave evidence of great mental deficiency.
1869 ‘G. Eliot’ Let. 21 Sept. (1956) V. 56 I have such a horror of a mental breakdown.
1904 Lancet 27 Aug. 598/2 Scientific views regarding mental disease have..been undergoing great changes.
1904 Lancet 17 Sept. 838/1 Those cases of mental incapacity arising from incipient or oncoming insanity.
1907 J. London Iron Heel x. 166 Hints were made of mental breakdown on his part.
1908 Rep. Royal Comm. Feeble Minded VIII. 324 in Parl. Papers (Cd. 4202) XXXIX. 159 ‘Feeble minded’, i.e., persons who may be capable of earning a living under favourable circumstances, but are incapable from mental defect existing from birth or from an early age: (a) of competing on equal terms with their normal fellows; or (b) of managing themselves and their affairs with ordinary prudence.
1908 Lancet 12 Sept. 812/2 It was difficult..to secure effective treatment for early undeveloped cases of mental disorder.
1913 Act 3 & 4 George V c. 28 (title) Mental deficiency act.
1914 W. B. Drummond tr. A. Binet & T. Simon Mentally Defective Children ii. 16 Some heads of schools..have fixed to almost a year the mental retardation of the child as compared with normal children of the same age.
1921 C. L. Burt Mental & Scholastic Tests ii. 163 The central problem of this memorandum—the line of demarcation for mental deficiency.
1946 Amer. Jrnl. Psychiatry 103 323/1 At the present time it cannot be said that we cure any of the more important and more fixed mental diseases.
1960 Guardian 16 Mar. 4/6 The most important change in terminology made by the new Act [sc. the Mental Health Act, 1959] is that the expressions ‘mental deficiency’ and ‘mental defectives’ should be abolished... ‘Mental disorder’ is introduced as a new term covering all forms of mental ill health.
1964 J. Tizard Community Services for Mentally Handicapped i. ii. 18 There is a statutory obligation placed upon the local authorities in Britain to ascertain cases of mental subnormality..and to make provision for them.
1967 Brit. Jrnl. Psychiatry 113 340/1 It is a relief to find that the old title ‘Mental Deficiency’ has been allowed to remain and has not been replaced by the much less accurate legal (in England) term ‘Mental Subnormality’.
1970 ‘T. Coe’ Wax Apple (1973) vi. 50 I automatically had felt superior. After all, I'd never had a mental breakdown.
1971 Rand Daily Mail (Johannesburg) 4 Sept. 2/1 Nothing he had heard in court suggested that Muller has ever had a mental disorder.
1989 C. Caufield Multiple Exposures (1990) 247 Safeguards should be introduced to guard against the accidental irradiation of women in the early months of pregnancy when the foetus is particularly vulnerable to mental retardation.
1991 Jrnl. Mental Deficiency Res. 35 195 The control patients had a wide variety of causes for mental deficiency.
1994 Nature 7 July 29/3 Mental retardation is a distressing fact of nature with which families, humanitarians and social policymakers must contend.
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