

单词 memorative


Brit. /ˈmɛm(ə)rətɪv/, U.S. /ˈmɛm(ə)rədɪv/, /ˈmɛməˌreɪdɪv/
Forms: late Middle English memoratief, late Middle English memoratif, late Middle English memoratiffe, late Middle English memoratyf, late Middle English memoratyff, late Middle English–1500s memoratyfe, late Middle English–1500s memoratyve, late Middle English– memorative, 1500s memoratyue, 1500s–1600s memoratiue; Scottish pre-1700 memoratyve.
Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Etymon: Latin memorativus.
Etymology: < post-classical Latin memorativus that mentions or reminds (as a grammatical term: 6th cent.; from late 8th cent. in British sources), of or relating to memory (from 13th cent. in British sources) < classical Latin memorāt- (see memorate v.) + -īvus -ive suffix. Compare Old French, Middle French memoratif (French mémoratif) worthy of memory (late 13th cent.), relating to the memory (14th cent.), having a good memory (16th cent.), also as noun in sense ‘something which serves as a reminder’ (Rousseau; compare Middle French mémorative commemoration, seat of the memory (16th cent.)).With phrases at sense A. 1 compare post-classical Latin potentia memorativa, virtus memorativa, vis memorativa (from 13th cent. in British sources).
Now rare.
A. adj.
a. Of or relating to the memory; esp. in memorative faculty, memorative power, memorative virtue. Chiefly archaic in later use.
the mind > mental capacity > memory > [adjective]
?c1425 tr. Guy de Chauliac Grande Chirurgie (Paris) (1971) 41 (MED) The brayne after þe lengþe haþ þre ventrycles or wombes, and eueriche wombe haþ two partes, and in euery parte is organyzed a vertue..in þe hyndermore..þe vertu seruatyf, i. kepynge, and memoratif, i. hauing in mynde.
1481 tr. Cicero De Senectute (Caxton) sig. C4 The vertue memoratyf callyd remembraunce.
1509 S. Hawes Pastime of Pleasure xiii. sig. E.iiv The .v. parte [of rethoryke] is than memoratyfe The whiche the perfyte mynystracyon Ordynatly causeth to be retentyfe.
a1586 Sir P. Sidney Arcadia (1593) iv. sig. Qq2 Voyde of sensible memorye, or memoratiue passion.
1603 P. Holland tr. Plutarch Morals 799 Polymneia ruleth and preserveth the vertue memorative, and the desire of knowledge and learning, which is in the soule.
a1676 M. Hale Primitive Originat. Mankind (1677) 8 How the Species, Order, and Circumstances of things are preserved in the Memorative Faculty or Organ.
1706 Phillips's New World of Words (new ed.) Memorative, belonging to the Memory; as The memorative Power.
1876 Catholic World Dec. 414/1 A man who..boasted of retaining his intellective and memorative powers unimpaired, and yet..he could not construct the shortest sentence coherently.
1885 Ld. Lytton Glenaveril I. ii. vi. 224 No miracle Of memorative power, however great, A statesman or a poet can create.
b. art memorative n. [after post-classical Latin ars memorativa (the title of a work by Jacobus Publicius printed at Cologne in c1480, and of numerous later works); compare art of memory n. at memory n. Phrases 4] = art of memory n. at memory n. Phrases 4. Also memorative art. Obsolete.
the mind > mental capacity > memory > retention in the mind > improvement of memory, mnemonics > [noun]
artificial memoryc1545
art of memoryc1545
art memorative1576
memoria technica1730
1576 A. Fleming Panoplie Epist. 303 (margin) This Simonides was the first inuenter of the Art memoratiue.
c1578 G. Harvey Let.-bk. (1884) 77 But see a fitt of my arte memorative.
1597 Bp. J. King Lect. Ionas xxviii. 383 Manye haue..made a memoratiue art, appointing places and their furniture, for the helpe of such as are vnexperienced.
a1628 J. Doddridge Eng. Lawyer (1631) 23 The precepts of Art Memorative.
2. Preserving or reviving the memory of some person or thing; commemorative. In early use also: memorable. Obsolete.
the mind > mental capacity > memory > reminder, putting in mind > commemoration, remembrance > [adjective]
J. Metham Amoryus & Cleopes (1916) 1545 The memoratyff dart had woundyd hym so sore Off Cleopes bryght chere.
c1487 J. Skelton tr. Diodorus Siculus Bibliotheca Historica iii. 191 His successours..did no faites digne to be regestred, ne worthy to be had in repoort memorative.
a1513 H. Bradshaw Lyfe St. Werburge (1521) ii. iv. sig. n.vi The relique the shryne full memoratyue Was brought to Chestre for our consolacion.
?1567 M. Parker Whole Psalter lxix. 191 No where in booke: memorative wyth iust men have they place.
1584 W. Warner Pan his Syrinx xlvii. sig. S Shee..hath..for euer abandoned me and mine house, as the memoratiue Springes that a fresh should flow to her sorrowes.
a1603 T. Cartwright Confut. (1618) 402 Melchisedec, which figured out this memoratiue sacrifice, brought forth bread and wine.
1607 Bp. J. Hall Holy Observ. 127 The minde doth secretly frame to it self memoratiue heads, wherby it recalls easily the same conceits.
1702 C. Beaumont J. Beaumont's Psyche (new ed.) xvi. ccvii. 256 About this fair Irradiation's Scene thus scudding here Millions of Memorative Figures were.
1777 J. Nicolson & R. Burn Hist. Westmorland & Cumberland II. 193 A memorative epitaph for the worthy and loving Colonel Thomas Barwise.
1835 T. Carlyle Jrnl. 8 Feb. in J. A. Froude T. Carlyle: Life in London (1884) I. i. 20 Vernal weather of all kinds,..to me most memorative.
3. Having a good memory; retentive. Obsolete.
the mind > mental capacity > memory > retention in the mind > [adjective] > having a good memory
1481 W. Caxton tr. Myrrour of Worlde iii. xxiii. 186 Thaugh he had..a thousand hertes within his body the most subtyle and the most memoratyf that myght be taken.
1583 B. Melbancke Philotimus (new ed.) sig. K3 (For so goes the prouerbe) a good liar must be memoratiue.
1610 J. Healey tr. St. Augustine Citie of God vii. vii. 265 A respectiue memory and a memoratiue prouidence must of force go together.
1695 tr. Martial i. xxvii. 38 A memorative drunkard all men hate [Gk. Μισῶ μνάμονα συμπόταν].
4. Mindful of. Obsolete.
1635 J. Reynolds Triumphs Gods Revenge (new ed.) iv. xvii. 341 Shee blusheth and palleth as being conscious and memorative of what she had lately caused to be perpetrated by Tivoly.
1657 G. G. D'Ouvilly False Favourit Disgrac'd ii. i. 34 Weepe on, sad Soul! and may thy teares Make thee memorative of hers!
B. n.
A memorial; something which serves as a reminder. Obsolete.
the mind > mental capacity > memory > reminder, putting in mind > commemoration, remembrance > [noun] > memorial
c1487 J. Skelton tr. Diodorus Siculus Bibliotheca Historica iii. 172 Belesus..sware..to raise vp a grete monstruous hepe of a wondre height, that all men which sailed by the watre of Eufrates myght see a perpetuall memorative [L. monumentum] how the roialme of the Assirians was distroyed.
1597 Bp. J. King Lect. Ionas xxix. 396 Shorte sentences and memoratiues, as Know thy selfe, Vse moderation, Beware of suretishippe, and the like.
1631 J. Burges Answer Reioyned 137 As Rites, as helpes, as memoratiues of such duties.
1690 E. Gee Jesuit's Mem. Pref. 1 The Notes and Observations of this Memorative following were gathered and laid together in time of Persecution.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2001; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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