

单词 at, by, in, on or upon loan

> as lemmas

at, †by, †in, on or upon loan
a. The action of lending; an instance of this; also in †at, by, in, on or upon loan; and †to put to loan, in quot. figurative.
the mind > possession > giving > lending > [noun]
the mind > possession > giving > lending > [noun] > (a) loan
c1290 S. Eng. Leg. I. 244/136 ‘Leneth me’, he sede, ‘Ane hondret quarters of þat corn..þis schipmen seiden ne dorre we make no lone’.
c1386 G. Chaucer Shipman's Tale 295 No wight in al this world wiste of this loone.
1393 W. Langland Piers Plowman C. v. 194 Lumbardes of lukes þat lyuen by lone as Iewes.
1454 Rolls of Parl. V. 245 2 Ther shal be severally leveide and had by wey of lonne and preste to hym.
1463 in Manners & Househ. Expenses Eng. (1841) 220 Item, delyveryd to the sayd Straton, by lone, xijd.
a1513 R. Fabyan New Cronycles Eng. & Fraunce (1516) II. f. cxxviiv Any bargeyn or lowne of money by way of vsury.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Edward IV f. ccxliiii Money..prested out in lone.
1646 in Rec. Mass. Bay 4 Nov. (1853) II. 164 The Corte..formerly granted Maior Nehemia Bourne the loane of sixe great guns.
1712 T. Hearne Remarks & Coll. (1889) III. 319 I am promis'd the loan of it [a book].
1721 Rec. Colony Rhode Island (1859) IV. 297 To permit and suffer the said Richard Ward to have and take upon loan as much of said bills..as by them shall be thought needful.
1729 in N. Bouton Provinc. Papers New-Hampsh. (1870) IV. 553 The vote of the House..for re-emitting some bills at loan.
1753 G. Washington Jrnl. (1754) 6 The Waters were quite impassable, without swimming our Horses; which obliged us to get the Loan of a Canoe.
1813 J. Adams Wks. (1856) X. 36 I am much obliged to you..for the loan of this precious collection of memorials.
1817 W. Selwyn Abridgem. Law Nisi Prius (ed. 4) II. 972 If the loan is not upon the vessel, but upon the goods and merchandize.
1845 S. Austin tr. L. von Ranke Hist. Reformation in Germany III. 605 He incessantly pressed for a ‘brave sum of money’ on loan.
1858 W. H. Sumner in New-Eng. Historical & Geneal. Reg. XII. 226 I obtained the loan of that Order Book.
1900 M. C. Wilson Irene Petrie Pref. 12 I am indebted..to many friends for loan of letters, etc.
figurative and in extended use (rare).1538 T. Elyot Dict. Addicion Animam debet..he hath not his lyfe but in lone.1609 T. Heywood Troia Britanica v. xlix. 118 The blow was put to loane.1854 W. M. Thackeray Newcomes I. xxx. 297 She gratified Clive by a momentary loan of two knuckly old fingers.
extracted from loann.1
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