

单词 lesser dog

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Lesser Dog
b. Astronomy. In the names of certain constellations and stars, as Lesser Bear (= Little Bear n.), Lesser Dog (= Little Dog n. at little adj., pron., n., and adv. Compounds 1d), Lesser Lion (= Little Lion at lion n. 7).See also Lesser Dog Star at Dog Star n. 1, Lesser Wain at wain n.1 2, Lesser Water Snake at water snake n. 3a.Now largely superseded by little.
the world > the universe > constellation > [adjective]
binary stars1802
1540 J. Palsgrave tr. G. Gnapheus Comedye of Acolastus i. iii. sig. Gii Ye Sidoniens loke euer whan they saile by see on the night, towardis the starre, called the dogges taile, or Vrsa minor, the lesser beare.
1556 R. Record Castle of Knowl. 268 Northe almost from this Dogge is ther a constellation of 2 only starres named Canicula, the lesser Dogge.
a1609 J. Dennys Secrets of Angling (1613) iii. xxi. sig. D7v When cold Boreas..Lookes out from vnderneath the lesser beare.
1651 V. Wing Harmonicon 261 Procyon; the lesser dog.
1712 E. Wells Young Gentleman's Astron., Chronol., & Dialling vii. 89 The southern Constellations known to the Antients are the Whale, Eridanus, the Hare, orion, the greater Dog, the lesser Dog, [etc.].
1736 Philos. Trans. 1735–6 (Royal Soc.) 39 244 I observed a lucid Arch one Degree broad, which extended along the Northern Crown, the Cingulum Boötis, the Coma Berenices, the lesser Lion and Cancer.
1852 Harper's Mag. Jan. 262/2 Coming up the eastern sky are Orion, Gemini, Sirius, the Lesser Dog.
1869 E. Dunkin Midnight Sky 159 Leo Minor, the Lesser Lion, was also formed by Hevelius about the year 1691, out of the district between Leo and Ursa Major.
1923 Times 1 Nov. 20/3 Procyon, the lesser Dog, called so in distinction to Sirius, the greater Dog.
1935 A. McC. Harding Astron. vi. 304 The Lesser Lion is very inconspicuous and is rather difficult to identify.
1999 MELUS Spring 197 Arabs from North Africa knew Ursa Minor as Al Dubb al Asghar—the lesser Bear.
2015 L. Loria What is Constellation? 19 (caption) The Canis Minor (‘Lesser Dog’) and Monoceros (‘Unicorn’) constellations.
extracted from lesseradj.adv.n.
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