

单词 last will and testament

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last will and testament
a. Law. A formal declaration, usually in writing, of a person's wishes as to the disposal of his property after his death; a will. Formerly, properly applied to a disposition of personal as distinct from real property (cf. sense 1c). Now rare (chiefly in phrase last will and testament).
society > law > transfer of property > testamentary disposition > [noun] > will
latter will1540
1306 Rolls of Parl. I. 220/1 Les executors de tieux testaments.]
c1330 R. Mannyng Chron. (1810) 20 Þre þousand marke he gaf with testament fulle right.
1362 W. Langland Piers Plowman A. vii. 78 I wole, ar I Wende write my Testament.
a1400 Cursor M. 28322 Ic seketur made of testament, Ne folud noght..Þe testament for to fulfill.
1463 in S. Tymms Wills & Inventories Bury St. Edmunds (1850) 36 I..calle vpon hym to do his part in alle thinges longyng to my testement and wille.
1464 Rolls of Parl. V. 549/2 Ayenst the Testament and the last Wille of your seid noble Progenitour.
1590 H. Swinburne Briefe Treat. Test. & Willes i. f. 3 A testament properly vnderstoode, is one kinde of last will, euen that wherein Executor is named.
1669 Will of William Prynne in S. Gardiner Documents Proc. against W. Prynne (1877) 99 Whom I make sole executors of this my last will and testament, revoking all former wills.
1766 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. II. i. 12 The right of disposing one's property, or a part of it, by testament.
1818 H. Hallam View Europe Middle Ages II. vii. 81 The ecclesiastical tribunals..took the execution of testaments into their hands, on account of the legacies to pious uses, which testators were advised to bequeath.
1880 J. Muirhead tr. Ulpian Rules xx, in tr. Gaius Institutes 400 A testament is the testification of our will, in the form prescribed by law, made solemnly, on purpose that it may be effectual after our death.
extracted from testamentn.
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