

单词 it is no reason

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it is no (also not) reason
a. As predicate in phrases as it is reason (also with good, great), reason is, it is no (also not) reason, to think it reason, etc. Obsolete. [Compare Anglo-Norman and Old French, Middle French est raison (c1090), Old French, Middle French c'est la raison que (13th cent.), c'est raison (1310), Middle French c'est bien la raison que (1450), and Middle French estre droit et raison to be just (1402).]
the mind > mental capacity > understanding > reason, faculty of reasoning > [noun] > basis in reason > matter having
c1230 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Corpus Cambr.) (1962) 92 Mare beoð þe gode þe beoð iclumben hehe itemptet þen þe wake, ant þet is reisun [?c1225 Cleo. þerto is reisun], for se þe hul is herre, se þe wind is mare þron.
a1325 (c1280) Southern Passion (Pepys 2344) (1927) 1345 (MED) Hit is resoun At þis heye ffeste of Ester to deliuery a prisoun.
a1400 (c1303) R. Mannyng Handlyng Synne (Harl.) 7211 (MED) Me þenkeþ weyl hyt ys resun To calle swych a man glotoun.
1423 Rolls of Parl. IV. 257/2 Hit is no reson that the Maister take his worshiþ of another mannes harme.
a1425 (a1400) Prick of Conscience (Galba & Harl.) (1863) 6891 (MED) It es reson and ryght Þat þai ay se þat grysely syght.
1454 Rolls of Parl. V. 248/1 We..ordeyne..that the seid Robert..paye the sommes..as it can be thought reason unto our Tresorer of Englond.
a1470 T. Malory Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll.) 273 To yelde us unto hym hit were no reson.
1523 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles I. 348 It is reason that it shulde so be.
a1533 Ld. Berners tr. A. de Guevara Golden Bk. M. Aurelius (1537) sig. Ddvi Reason is, that I succour thy povertee with moneie.
1577 B. Googe tr. C. Heresbach Foure Bks. Husbandry i. f. 25v It is good reason to sowe timely in wette groundes.
1625 F. Bacon Ess. (new ed.) 36 It were great Reason, that those that haue Children, should haue greatest care of future times.
1676 T. Hobbes tr. Homer Iliads i. 129 I thought it reason th' Argives should collect.
1686 tr. J. Chardin Coronation Solyman 100 in Trav. Persia It was not reason to punish the innocent with the Guilty.
1725 M. Davys Familiar Lett. in Wks. II. 267 Since you have refus'd what I would so honourably have given you, it is but reason I send back part of what you have forc'd upon me.
1809 B. H. Malkin tr. A. R. Le Sage Adventures Gil Blas II. vi. ii. 441 It is but reason that you should distrust our purity.
1818 T. L. Peacock Nightmare Abbey iv. 41 ‘Do you know, sir, that Marionetta has no fortune?’ ‘It is the more reason, sir, that her husband should have one.’
1864 Manning Let. to Pusey 28 It is, however, but reason that I should rejoice.
extracted from reasonn.1
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