

单词 in print

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in print
7. in print. (Cf. out of print adv.)
(a) In a printed state, in printed form.Used chiefly with reference to text (and hence to authors, etc.), but also occasionally (as in quot. 1662) to images.In quot. 1606 perhaps with allusion to sense A. 7c.
society > communication > printing > [adverb] > in print
in print?1473
?1473 W. Caxton tr. R. Le Fèvre Recuyell Hist. Troye (1894) II. Epil. lf. 350 I haue practysed & lerned at my grete charge and dispense to ordeyne this said book in prynte after the maner & forme as ye may here see.
a1479 J. Paston Inventory of Bks. in Paston Lett. & Papers (2004) I. 517 A boke jn preente off þe Pleye of þe [Chess].
1533 in J. W. Clay Testamenta Eboracensia (1902) VI. 38 A antiphonar in prynt.
1553 in tr. S. Gardiner De Vera Obedientia: Oration (new ed.) Pref. sig. Aij A certaine Sermon, made in Englshe..by doctour Tonstall..and set furthe in Printe.
1563 N. Winȝet Certain Tractates (1888) I. 60 To put furth our mynd in prent at hame.
1606 N. Breton Choice, Chance, & Change sig. G1 My Mistris was saluted by a spruse companion that loookt [sic] like a letter in print.
1644 J. Milton Areopagitica 21 He..must appear in print like a punie with his guardian, and his censors hand on the back of his title.
1662 J. Evelyn Sculptura iv. 45 After Raphaels death, did Julio Romano publish some of his own designes in print.
1690 J. Locke Ess. Humane Understanding Ep. Ded. sig. A2 Things in print must stand and fall by their own Worth, or the Reader's Fancy.
1712 R. Steele Spectator No. 509. ⁋1 My present Correspondent, I believe, was never in Print before.
1766 T. Jefferson Let. 25 May in Papers (1950) I. 20 I would give you an account of the rejoicings here on the repeal of the stamp act but this you will probably see in print before my letter can reach you.
1816 Ld. Byron Eng. Bards & Sc. Reviewers 51 'Tis pleasant, sure, to see one's name in print; A book's a book, although there's nothing in't.
1845 H. S. Thirlway Jrnl. 5 Nov. (1996) ii. 18 For the first time I saw my name coupled with my father's in print.
1872 ‘M. Twain’ Roughing It lviii. 427 However, when the above item appeared in print I put full faith in it.
1908 Daily Chron. 11 Nov. 3/4 Their appearance in print was hailed with pleasure by Johnsonians and Boswellians.
1943 R. Ingersoll Battle is Pay-off iii. ii. 121 The rocket launcher..was first used in the landing in Africa and only in recent months, very properly, has the army allowed even a reference to it in print.
1984 A. Oakley Taking it like Woman (1985) 2 It goes against the grain of a basically shy and retiring nature to see myself in print in this way.
2001 Independent 25 Oct. 15/2 Mr Chirac's extra-marital exploits have long been rumoured, but rarely mentioned in print.
(b) Of a publication: currently available from the publisher. Also in extended use.
1841 Times 20 May 6/1 (advt.) Every number of the Flutonicon, from 1 to 90, is in print.
1861 Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. July 55/2 He will easily get Tennyson's Poems [etc.]..all the books in print, as it is termed.
1945 H. L. Mencken Diary 11 Oct. (1989) 384 He thinks that Knopf should keep all of his books in print... I proposed that he pick out four or five that he really cherishes, and prepare them for reprinting.
1987 R. Manning Corridor of Mirrors xiv. 153 I am sorry that this novel is no longer in print. Its theme was one I felt deeply.
2001 N.Y. Times 11 Feb. ii. 4/1 The 1957 record ‘Bing With a Beat’ is in print as a CD.
2005 Sunday Express (Nexis) 6 Nov. 55 The Express Bookshop offers a postage free..service for all books currently in print in the UK.
b. In a precise and perfect way or manner; with exactness, to a nicety; in a neat and tidy condition. Obsolete (English regional (east midlands and East Anglian) in later use).
the mind > attention and judgement > beautification > beautification of the person > beautification of the hair > styles of hair > [adjective]
in print1576
the mind > mental capacity > knowledge > conformity with what is known, truth > freedom from error, correctness > exactness, accuracy, precision > [adverb] > strictly
at point devicec1390
to the point device1542
by the square1570
by point device1575
in print1576
to a tittle1597
to a hair's breadtha1616
to a nicka1680
to a cow's thumb1681
to a tee1693
to a dot1728
to a nicety1795
to a fit1890
society > communication > printing > publishing > [adjective] > in print
in print1881
society > communication > printing > publishing > [adverb] > in print
in print1881
1576 A. Fleming tr. Erasmus in Panoplie Epist. 357 Considering that what soeuer is vttered in such mennes hearing, must bee done in printe, as wee say in oure common Prouerbe.
1580 J. Lyly Euphues & his Eng. (new ed.) f. 96 Concerning the body, as there is no Gentlewoman so curious to haue him in print, so is ther no one so careles to haue him a wretch, only his right shape to shew him a man.
a1592 R. Greene Mamillia (1593) ii. sig. H Dames nowadayes..Paced in print, braue loftie lookes, not vsde with the vestals.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Two Gentlemen of Verona (1623) ii. i. 159 All this I speak in print, for in print I found it. View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare As you like It (1623) v. iv. 88 O sir, we quarrel in print, by the booke: as you haue bookes for good manners. View more context for this quotation
1621 R. Burton Anat. Melancholy iii. ii. iii. 619 He must..speake in print, walke in print, eat and drinke all in print, and that which is all in all, hee must be mad in print.
1658 W. Gurnall Christian in Armour: 2nd Pt. 267 If his heart be on his garden, O how neatly it is kept! it shall lie, as we say, in print.
1692 J. Locke Some Thoughts conc. Educ. §22 Not design'de to lie always in my young Master's Bed at home, and to have his Maid lay all Things in print, and tuck him in warm.
a1825 R. Forby Vocab. E. Anglia (1830) 260In print,’ means exactly, to a nicety.
1854 A. E. Baker Gloss. Northants. Words II. 137 She's always in print, and so is her house.
1881 S. Evans Evans's Leicestershire Words (new ed.) (at cited word) ‘Shay kips all 'er plazes in print’, is high praise for a servant who keeps her own part of the house neat and clean.
c. With reference to personal appearance. to set in print: to arrange the pleats of (a ruff, etc.) in a neat or precise fashion; to dress (the hair, beard, etc.) neatly. Similarly to stand in print. Cf. print adj.1 1b, printed adj. 1b. Obsolete.Apparently earliest with reference to a style of ruff worn by Puritans, in which the pleats were small and arranged in formal sets (set n.1 27).
the world > textiles and clothing > clothing > types or styles of clothing > neck-wear > [adverb] > crimped: of ruff
in print1598
1598 E. Guilpin Skialetheia v. sig. D6v Neat as a Merchants ruffe, that's set in print.
1600 N. Breton Pasquils Fooles-cap (rev. ed.) sig. C2 Hee that can combe his head and curle his bearde, And set his Ruffes, and weare his Cloake in print.
1602 T. Dekker Blurt Master-Constable sig. E4v Your ruffe must stand in print, and for that purpose, gette poking sticks.
1605 G. Chapman Al Fooles v. i. H iv b Tis such a picked fellow, not a haire About his whole Bulke, but it stands in print.
1617 H. Fitzgeffrey Satyres sig. B5v To set in print the Haire: Character the Face: Or dye in graine the Ruffe for Visage grace.
1629 J. Gaule Distractions 91 His [sc. a proper squire's] Beuer cocks, Feather waggs, Locks houer, and Beard stands in print.
1631 B. Jonson Staple of Newes i. ii. 132 in Wks. II Pen. iu.: Put on my Girdle. Rascal, sits my Ruffe well? Lin. In print.
a1642 J. Suckling Poems 18 in Fragmenta Aurea (1646) It is so rare..to see Ought that belongs to young Nobility In print (but their own clothes) that we must praise.
1673 A. Behn Dutch Lover iii. ii. 43 A Coller in stead of a Cravat twelve inches high; with a blew, stiff, starcht, lawn Band, set in print like your Whiskers.
1678 R. L'Estrange tr. Epistles i. 5 in Seneca's Morals Abstracted (1679) When you see a Man Dress, and set his Cloths in Print, you shall be sure to find his Words so too.
1746 A. Arbuthnot Life Simon, Lord Lovat 171 His Wig very fair, and well powder'd; his curious Band set in Print, which the nicest Nun could not have found the least Fault with.
d. a fool (also man, etc.) in print: a complete or thorough man, fool, etc. Obsolete.
the world > relative properties > quantity > greatness of quantity, amount, or degree > high or intense degree > greatly or very much [phrase] > utter
to the hard ——c1400
as or so very a1560
a fool (also man, etc.) in print1600
of the first (also finest, best, etc.) water1824
dyed in the wool1830
1600 B. Jonson Every Man out of his Humor ii. iii. sig. Giiiv You are a gallant in print now Brother.
1604 T. Dekker & T. Middleton Honest Whore i. ii. 65 I am sure my husband is a man in print, for all things else, saue onely in this.
1611 R. Cotgrave Dict. French & Eng. Tongues at Bosse Sot en bosse et platte peinture, a foole in print, asse in graine, compleat coxcombe, absolute hoydon.
a1640 P. Massinger Guardian ii. i. 36 in 3 New Playes (1655) Is he not Madam A Monsieur in print? What a garb was there!
a1713 A. Pitcairne Assembly (1722) iv. iii. 76 That's a troubling Rogue as ever pish'd..he hath as much Sense and Philosophy as to make him a Fool in Print.
extracted from printn.adj.2
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