

单词 in person of

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in (the) person of
in (the) person of phr.
a. In the (assumed or fictional) character, voice, or guise of. Also †under the person of. Cf. sense 1.
c1400 (c1378) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Laud 581) (1869) B. xviii. 333 (MED) In my paleys, paradys, in persone [v.r. likenesse] of an addre, Falseliche þow fettest þere þynge þat I loued.
1537 W. Turner tr. Urbanus Regius Compar. Olde Learnynge & Newe sig. Cii The Apostel doth not here speake in the person of wycked men, for wycked men do not consent to the law.
1559 W. Cuningham Cosmogr. Glasse 11 Whan as he speaketh vnder the parson of Phebus.
1620 tr. G. Boccaccio Decameron I. ii. v. f. 92v When the Magnifico, in the person of the Lady, had spoken thus, then hee returned her this answere.
1644 J. Milton Areopagitica 13 Spenser..describing true temperance under the person of Guion, [etc.].
1712 J. Addison Spectator No. 542. ¶1 Had I always written in the Person of the Spectator.
1843 tr. in Dial Oct. 267 Bettina.., the Frau von Arnim, exhibits her eccentric wisdom under the person of Goethe's Mother.
1955 W. R. Matthews Brit. Philosopher as Writer 12 The author sets up one or more ‘stooges’, who..can be made to ask just the questions which he, in the person of another character, can answer.
1997 R. Hayman Nietzsche (1998) 14 Entering the trance state, she [sc. the medium]..began to talk in the person of dead relatives.
b. In the embodied or representative form of; (as) embodied or invested in, or represented by. In early use: † as a representative or exemplar of (obsolete).
society > authority > delegated authority > action or function of a delegate or deputy > as deputy or representative [phrase]
in his steadc1230
in the stead ofa1325
in (the) person ofa1425
in the personage of1558
a1425 (?a1400) Cloud of Unknowing (Harl. 674) (1944) 56 Þe wonderful..loue þat oure Lorde had to hir, in persone of alle customable synners trewly turnid & clepid to þe grace of contemplacion.
a1425 (?a1400) Bk. Priue Counseling in P. Hodgson Cloud of Unknowing (1944) 135 (MED) Þerfore to þee, in persone of alle oþer liche vnto þee, I sei þus, [etc.].
1517 in B. Cusack Everyday Eng. 1500–1700 (1998) 101 In the persoon of my master I doo councell and alsoo monysshe yow to aduoyde hys howse.
1582–3 in D. Masson Reg. Privy Council Scotl. (1880) 1st Ser. III. 541 A power strange and unsufferabill to be in the persoun of ony inferior subject.
1601 J. Deacon & J. Walker Summarie Answere to Darel 22 Intending..to portraiture in the person of Iob, an absolute patterne of perfect patience.
1693 J. Dryden Disc. conc. Satire in J. Dryden et al. tr. Juvenal Satires p. vii I might find in France a living Horace and a Juvenal, in the Person of the admirable Boileau.
1776 E. Gibbon Decline & Fall I. xiii. 358 After the example of Marcus, he gave himself a colleague in the person of Maximian.
1809 E. A. Kendall Trav. Northern Parts U.S. I. vii. 60 The company still subsists in the person of the state.
1865 A. Trollope Can you forgive Her? II. xxi. 161 He sent a note by a messenger to Suffolk Street, and the answer to the note came in the person of Mr Grey.
1922 E. J. Lanigan Baseball Cycl. ii. 39/1 Another top-notcher joined them in the person of Thomas Ramsey.
1995 New Yorker 19 June 66/2 In 1992, conspiracism made a dramatic entrance onto the national political stage in the person of Ross Perot.
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