

单词 in any way

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in any way
(b) In prepositional phrases with in modified by a determiner, possessive pronoun, or adjective, as in any way, in this way, in their way, in a similar way, etc.: in the specified manner.
a1375 (c1350) William of Palerne (1867) l. 5526 He wold haue do beter, ȝif is witte in eny weiȝes wold him haue serued.
c1449 R. Pecock Repressor (1860) 395 If remedie of this wronging schulde be do in this wey.
1530 Myroure Oure Ladye (Fawkes) (1873) i. 17 Lyghtnynge hys soule..with the spiritual vnderstondyng of hys wordes & that in tow wayes.
1567 W. Painter Palace of Pleasure II. xxx. f. 357 Why did you let my Barke such fortune finde That safe to shore I came by any way?
1592 A. Fraunce 3rd Pt. Countesse of Pembrokes Yuychurch f. 57v Wee conducted them by such a way, that they saw but eight Sphæres.
1617 F. Moryson Itinerary i. 67 After dinner we rode in like way two miles, to the City Lowen.
1644 W. Prynne & C. Walker True Relation Prosecution N. Fiennes 11 Colonell Fiennes..in a sycophanticall way alleadged, that we suspected the integrity of that Court.
1671 I. Barrow Duty & Reward of Bounty 49 Other Sacrifices..did in their way propitiate God, and atone sin.
a1715 Bp. G. Burnet Hist. Own Time (1724) I. 372 A Church falling to be given in that way, the electors had a mind to choose me.
1749 J. Cleland Mem. Woman of Pleasure I. 128 They were, in their way, making up to him.
1794 W. Godwin Caleb Williams III. i. 13 These men might be in some way assisting to me.
1830 M. Faraday Chem. Manip. (new ed.) xxiii. 565 In many other situations a bad conductor is of service in a similar way.
1879 O. N. Rood Mod. Chromatics iv. 50 Colours produced in this way are called ‘interference colours’.
1895 Law Times 99 546/1 Any practical suggestions pointing out in what way assistance may be rendered to students generally.
1910 Training Coll. Rec. Feb. 44 The Student Teacher system now adopted would seem a good compromise, but it is too early to pronounce judgment on it in any way.
1962 Lancet 2 June 1149/2 Urine from male patients was obtained in a similar way.
1977 J. March Adv. Org. Chem. (ed. 2) x. 344 Relatively good yields of α-hydroxy ketones may be prepared in this way.
2014 F1 Racing Mar. 37/3 Suddenly there's braking and G-forces to consider and components are tested in a different way.
extracted from wayn.1int.1
in any way
21. An aspect of something; a detail, a feature, a point; a respect or particular in which things can be judged or compared. Usually in adverbial phrases, as in all ways, in some ways, in any way, in one way, in more ways than one, etc. (sometimes also with in omitted).
the world > existence and causation > causation > cause or reason > [phrase] > for several reasons
in more ways than one1480
the world > relative properties > kind or sort > individual character or quality > the quality of being specific > specifically [phrase] > in detail > in any point or particular
in any way1480
1480 Higden's Discripcion Brit. (Caxton) xv Othir scolemaiestrs..leue all frenssh in scoles & vse alle construction in englissh, wherin they haue auantage one way that is that they lerne the sonner their gramer And in anothir disauauntage, for now they lerne no frenssh ne can none.
1554 D. Lindsay Dialog Experience & Courteour Ep. sig. A4v And geue thay be, in ony way offendit Declare to thame, it salbe weill amendit.
a1600 R. Hooker Wks. (1836) III. 796 That justice exacteth punishment for offending, even after their offences be forgiven them, there is, as it seemeth, proof sufficient more ways than one.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Merry Wives of Windsor (1623) i. iv. 12 His worst fault is, that he is giuen to prayer; hee is something peeuish that way . View more context for this quotation
a1626 F. Bacon New Atlantis (1900) 38/13 Also we make them differ in Colour, Shape, Activity, many wayes.
1631 B. Jonson New Inne iv. iv. 58 The office of a man Thats truly valiant, is considerable Three wayes: The first is in respect of matter..; in respect of forme..; And in the end [etc.].
1750 S. Richardson Lett. Particular Friends (ed. 4) xi. 24 It will be a Credit to you more ways than one.
1816 Edinb. Rev. Dec. 464 The foreign Commissioners had not yet reached St Helena, whose presence in the island may justly have alarmed Sir Hudson, in more ways than one, for the safety of his prisoner.
1885 ‘Mrs. Alexander’ Valerie's Fate v May you find a companion better in all ways than I could have been!
1893 R. Le Gallienne Retrosp. Rev. (1896) II. 21 A teetotaler, however admirable in other ways, is not the fit person to edit Burns.
1922 Jrnl. Washington Acad. Sci. 12 159 In other ways, it may introduce into the physical scheme of concepts, artifactual terms and relationships, which have the same irrelevancy to the real.
1952 M. R. Rinehart Swimming Pool xiv. 129 It's a dead end, in more ways than one.
1989 J. Aiken Blackground ii. 57 I will not have anybody here who has been in any way connected with drug abuse.
2001 O. Sacks Uncle Tungsten xvi. 196 Thallium..was in some ways similar to lead, in others to silver, in others to aluminum, and in yet others to potassium.
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