

单词 in any one's debt

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in any one's debt
b. in debt: under obligation to pay something; owing something, esp. money (see also 2c); in any one's debt: under obligation to pay or render something to him; indebted to him. So out of debt, out of any one's debt; to fall or run into (or in) debt; out of debt out of danger: see danger n. 1e, and cf. quot. 1551.
society > trade and finance > management of money > insolvency > indebtedness > [adverb]
in debtc1330
in, upon, on (the) score1568
in the red1907
in (occasionally the) hock1913
c1330 (?a1300) Guy of Warwick (Auch.) p. 462 ‘Þat dint’, he seyd, ‘was iuel sett. Wele schal y com out of þi dett.’
1393 W. Langland Piers Plowman C. xxiii. 10 Ne neuere shal falle in dette.
c1405 (c1387–95) G. Chaucer Canterbury Tales Prol. (Hengwrt) (2003) l. 282 Ther wiste no wight. that he [sc. the Marchant] was in dette.
?1478 W. Paston in Paston Lett. & Papers (2004) I. 649 For he seythe ye be xxtis. in hys dette.
a1535 T. More Hist. Richard III in Wks. (1557) 47/2 Nowe vnthriftes ryote and runne in Dette.
1551 R. Robinson tr. T. More Vtopia sig. Liiv Men, in whose debte and daunger they be not.
1569 R. Grafton Chron. II. 434 Out of the debt of other men, and well able to pay.
1602 Bp. M. Smith Learned Serm. Worcester 12 Beeing over heade and eares in debte.
1615 E. Hoby Curry-combe 215 I see you meane not to die in Iabals debt for an Epigram.
1725 D. Defoe Compl. Eng. Tradesman I. vi. 75 They are under no necessity of running deep into debt.
1763 Gentleman's Mag. July 331 The black traders are often in debt to the chiefs.
1812 M. Edgeworth Absentee xiv, in Tales Fashionable Life VI. 314 Lord Clonbrony, for the first time since he left Ireland, found himself out of debt, and out of danger.
1845 B. Disraeli Sybil II. iii. viii. 118 To run in debt to the shopkeepers.
extracted from debtn.
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