

单词 in expectation

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in expectation


a. according to (also unto) (a person's) expectation(s): in a manner conforming to what was hoped for or imagined beforehand; as expected.
1527 T. Wolsey in State Papers Henry VIII (1849) VI. 246 Most hertely praying me, that.., according to his expectacion, I wolde have no les good respecte unto his honour and affaires, than I have to Your Graces propre.
1553 R. Eden in tr. S. Münster Treat. Newe India Ded. sig. aaiijv If dew successe..shoulde not chaunce according vnto theyr hope & expectacion.
1681 J. Worlidge Systema Agriculturæ (ed. 3) ix. 184 It framed not according to expectation.
1795 W. Jackson New Newgate Cal. II. 31 Both master and man entered the shop in pursuit of the game, and, according to expectation, they found the person wanted.
1866 ‘G. Eliot’ Felix Holt I. i. 40 Nothing had turned out according to her expectations.
1906 Times 7 July 7/5 According to expectation, the Hungarian frontier was closed to Servian produce at midday to-day.
2012 Daily Tel. (Nexis) 5 May 23 In purely electoral terms, the results were hardly surprising. Each party performed roughly according to expectations.
b. against (also contrary to) (a person's) expectation(s): in contrast or opposition to what was hoped for or imagined beforehand.
1533 T. Elyot Of Knowl. Wise Man i. f. 13v Thinkest not thou, that I spake contrary to his expectation, whiche he had of me by the reporte of my lyuinge?
1550 T. Becon Fortresse of Faythfull sig. H.vi The Lorde God..agaynste all naturall and humayne expectacion, gaue them plentye of swete waters oute of the harde stonye rocke.
1613 R. Harcourt Relation Voy. Guiana 2 We discryed her to Leeward of vs, contrary to our expectation, hauing giuen her lost.
1712 C. Hornby Caveat against Whiggs: 4th Pt. 102 Without Men or Money, he had, against Expectation, conquered Kingdoms.
1826 Christian Advocate Jan. 1/1 Contrary to expectation, the number of copies subscribed for, was greater than the number printed.
1967 H. S. Thompson Hell's Angels xxi. 238 Contrary to all expectations, most of the Angels became oddly peaceful on acid.
2006 C. Stringer Homo Britannicus vii. 245 Against expectations.., the measured amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface has fallen over the last fifty years.
c. beyond (also beside, out of) (a person's) expectation(s): in a way differing from or surpassing what was hoped for or imagined beforehand.
1536 J. Gwynneth Confut. Fyrst Parte Frythes Boke i. sig. av I shall for my part therfore..show the many thynges, perchaunce not a lytell beyonde thyne expectacyon.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Henry VI f. clxiijv The duke of Yorke..came to the kynges tent, where beside his expectacion, and contrary to the promise made by the kyng, he found the duke of Somerset.
1563 W. Fulke Goodle Gallerye Causes Meteors v. f. 70 Some perchance, would loke that we..shold entreate of..pretious stones. Which matter though it be out of our purpose..yet seing it is not out of their expectation.
1675 H. Neville tr. N. Machiavelli Prince xiii, in tr. N. Machiavelli Wks. 217 Beyond all expectation he escaped being a Prisoner to his Enemies, because they also were defeated.
1773 S. Johnson Let. 12 Aug. (1992) II. 49 At Durham, beside all expectation, I met an old friend.
1870 H. Lonsdale Life R. Knox 65 The students..succeeded beyond expectation.
2009 Daily Tel. 1 June 29/1 Under his leadership the miners achieved rates of pay far beyond their expectations.
P2. of great (also such, etc.) expectation: showing signs of a successful future; promising. Now rare.
the mind > mental capacity > expectation > hope > promise, ground of hope > [adverb]
of great (also such, etc.) expectation1553
1553 T. Wilson Arte of Rhetorique f. 40 Your two sonnes,..beynge..of such expectation for their towardnes, that almoste it were not possible for them hereafter to satisfye the hope in their age, whyche all menne presently hadde conceyued of their youthe.
1605 R. Verstegan Restit. Decayed Intelligence viii. 246 The woorthiest names, were to bee giuen to such as were of woorthiest expectation.
1788 J. T. Dillon Hist. Reign Peter the Cruel II. vi. 87 Of all the military adventurers..none were more conspicuous or successful than the bastard de Bearne, a young soldier of great expectation.
1821 Ld. Byron Let. 4 Jan. (1831) II. 301 I just see, by the papers of Galignani, that there is a new tragedy of great expectation by Harry Cornwall.
1937 A. T. Bethell Early Settlers Bahamas (rev. ed.) 11 In a voyage of such expectation and importance every circumstance was marked.
2003 B. Rappert Non-lethal Weapons as Legitimising Forces iv. 63 (heading) Technologies of great expectation.
P3. in expectation.
a. In the state or condition of being expected. Obsolete.
the mind > mental capacity > expectation > [adjective] > expected
in a possibility1523
in expectation1570
in perspective1633
in prospect1694
in prospective1746–7
ex ante1937
society > law > legal right > right of possession or ownership > right to succeed to title, position, or estate > [phrase] > to be looked forward to as one's entitlement
in expectation1570
1570 T. Norton Bull graunted to Harding (new ed.) sig. B.iiiv There is a new mischiefe in expectation.
1656 J. Smith Myst. Rhetorique Unvail'd 252 Desire..is a strange countrey..where corn is still in grasse..and birds alwayes in the shell.., all is there only in expectation.
1785 T. Reid Ess. Intellect. Powers ii. xx. 271 Belief of good or ill, either present or in expectation.
1842 H. Taylor Edwin the Fair ii. ii. 74 With hope of breaking lights..And woodland orisons and unfolding flowers, As things in expectation.
b. Law. Of property: expected to be inherited, esp. as remainder or reversion. Also of a person: expected to inherit.
1831 Times 24 Jan. 4/2 145l. per annum..which was to be paid by the insolvent from property in expectation.
1878 Sat. Rev. 2 Mar. 261/2 A saving clause..guards the actual possessor, but not the possessor in expectation, of property at home from the effects of the Bill.
1907 Deb. House of Commons (Canada) 18 Mar. 4922 There is..a very wide difference between property in expectation and property in fact.
2007 Operations Res. 55 128/2 Our model also suggests that because of the negotiation cost, both parties in a bilateral contract can lose money in expectation from the contract.
a. to meet (a person's) expectation(s): to be as good as anticipated; to satisfy or fulfil a preconceived idea that has been hoped for, expected, or demanded.
1658 L. Willan Orgula 17 Thy Form..meets the expectation here at the full.
1786 Morning Chron. 4 May When they had wrought their expectations as high as they could, he had the fullest confidence that he should be able to meet those expectations.
1815 D. Porter Jrnl. Cruise to Pacific Ocean I. vi If it should not meet your expectation as to style, I hope facts will amply compensate you for your disappointment.
1865 Irish Times 12 June Its Committee cannot meet the just expectations of nearly 300,000 British sojourners on the Continent without larger resources.
1921 Appleton (Wisconsin) Post-Crescent 20 Oct. 11/7 Just how far President Harding can meet expectations remains to be seen.
1992 Business Mag. Summer 16/2 Objectives must be achieved and organizational expectations met.
2010 J. Kosmas & D. Zaric Speakeasy 36 Bartenders..gravitated toward newly released single-barrel and small-batch bourbons to meet the expectations of the luxury crowd.
b. to exceed (a person's) expectation(s): (esp. of an experience, outcome, etc.) to be better than anticipated; to go beyond what was hoped for, expected, or imagined beforehand.
1663 R. Boyle Some Considerations Usefulnesse Exper. Nat. Philos. ii. App. 401 There are certain Preparations and Compositions of Remedies..whose Successe doth so much exceed Expectation.
1752 G. G. Beekman Let. 23 Oct. in Beekman Mercantile Papers (1956) I. 152 You well know by Experiance that the price often exceed our Expectation in that Commodity.
1771 T. Wood Serm. Death Mrs. Belcher 13 The Queen of Sheba, upon..hearing his [sc. Solomon's] Wisdom, confessed, that it exceeded her expectations.
1858 H. H. Wilson Hist. Brit. India 1805–35 (new ed.) III. iii. iv. 112 In an economical point of view, therefore, these territories have already exceeded expectation, and are in a state of progress to still greater improvement.
1880 Manufacturer & Builder Sept. 193/1 They are far behind in their orders, the demand from wood-pulp makers having very greatly exceeded their expectations.
1909 Westm. Gaz. 16 June 1/3 The Conference at the Foreign Office..exceeded expectations.
1970 Jrnl. Brit. Astron. Assoc. 80 219 The bands of Jupiter were observed with clarity,..the whole object far exceeded expectations.
2007 Independent 15 Jan. 3/3 That was some experience. The whole day far exceeded my expectations.
c. to come (also be, live) up to (a person's) expectation(s): = to meet (a person's) expectation(s) at Phrases 4a.
1685 R. Lucas Duty of Servants i. ii. 23 Sometimes indeed there is not so much Regard had to your Ability,..and in this case, if your Capacity come not up to their Expectation, you wrong 'em not.
1798 Christian Mag. 2 July 330 Not the utmost gratification of our wishes can yield us happiness: we know not what we ask, nor does enjoyment ever come up to expectation.
1862 Chicago Tribune 20 July The Douglas ratification meeting held here yesterday was hardly up to expectations in regard to attendance.
1871 H. James in Atlantic Monthly Sept. 324/1 If you think so well of me, I shall find it hard to live up to your expectations.
1896 Mass. Ploughman 5 Dec. 5/2 Quite a number of milch cow buyers at the yards, and the trade was up to expectation.
1946 M. Fitt Death & Pleasant Voices (1950) i. i. 30 I can't help thinking that the life here won't come up to your expectations.
1954 Tide 5 June 38/3 The meeting itself lived up to expectation.
1990 Guardian (Nexis) 17 Nov. Neither the food nor the views from the windows were up to expectations.
2002 P. Long Guide to Rural Wales i. 9/1 Some 150 years later, a tower, two wards protected by a curtain wall and an outer ditch were added but the castle failed to live up to expectations.
d. to manage (a person's) expectations: to seek to prevent disappointment by recognizing or communicating in advance the limits of what is available or attainable, or of what can realistically be achieved or delivered by a project, undertaking, course of action, etc., esp. within given constraints and circumstances.
1967 I. Ehrenpreis Swift II. xix. 382 The series of disappointments taught him to manage his expectations.
1972 N. Berry Polit. Configurations v. 63 The capability of a government in managing expectations..depends upon the nature of its political configuration.
1978 L. M. Miller Behavior Managem. vi. 135 The manager must manage expectations. When bonus, incentive, or profit-sharing programs are instituted managers often make the mistake of overstating the potential rewards.
1985 Computerworld (Nexis) 9 Sept. id5 The key is to manage the expectations of the programming staff.
2012 J. Stafford et al. in J. R. Wilson et al. Rail Human Factors around World 807 It is important to manage expectations at corporate level rather than leave it to front-line staff to deal with the consequences.
P5. expectation of life: = life expectancy n. at life n. Compounds 3.
the world > life > source or principle of life > [noun] > expectation of life
expectation of life1725
life expectancy1848
life expectation1867
1725 A. de Moivre Annuities upon Lives Pref. p. iv The Expectation of Life, is that Duration which may justly be expected from a Life of a given Age.
1795 C. Hutton Math. & Philos. Dict. I. Expectation of Life..is the..number of years of life, which a person of a given age may, upon an equality of chance, expect to enjoy.
1837 J. R. McCulloch Statist. Acct. Brit. Empire I. ii. 418 The expectation of life among the government annuitants.
1874 Edinb. Med. Jrnl. (1875) 20 i. 527 The expectation of life was 22 years, but he died within 1 year of effecting his insurance.
1916 Mich. Alumnus Dec. 132 The expectation of life at the age of one is considerably better than at birth.
1994 Univ. Toronto Law Jrnl. 44 140 However, the courts did take into account sub-heads of non-pecuniary loss: usually for pain and suffering, loss of expectation of life, and loss of amenities.
extracted from expectationn.
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