

单词 as well as

> as lemmas

as well as


P1. With modifying adverb or adjective.
a. too well: to a greater extent than is desirable, advisable, comfortable, etc.; (colloquial) (in negative contexts) very well, at all well.
the world > relative properties > quantity > sufficient quantity, amount, or degree > excessive amount or degree > excessively [phrase]
too welleOE
too muchc1449
to faultiness1530
but too‥1639
over and above1732
to a fault1753
only too1817
eOE King Ælfred tr. Boethius De Consol. Philos. (Otho) (2009) I. v. 398 Forðæm þæt ðe þissa woruldsælða to wel ne lyste.
OE Blickling Homilies 185 Ic lærde wlance men & heahgeþungene þæt hie ne astigan on ofermedu, ne uþgendra welena to wel ne truwodon.
?c1225 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Cleo. C.vi) (1972) 185 To wel we witen hu þe wei of þis world is slibbri.
c1325 (c1300) Chron. Robert of Gloucester (Calig.) l. 9639 (MED) Þe deuel..sed bituene hom seu..al to wel it greu.
a1456 (a1426) J. Lydgate Minor Poems (1934) ii. 680 (MED) We knowe to weel þe bent of Jackys bowe.
1579 E. Spenser Shepheardes Cal. Nov. 51 To well I wote..howe my rymes bene rugged and vnkempt.
1595 Blanchardine & Eglantine liv. 213 Ah ! to to well I suspected..that my captiuitie would bring her callamity.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Othello (1622) v. ii. 353 Then must you speake, Of one that lou'd not wisely, but too well . View more context for this quotation
1672 J. Dryden Conquest Granada i. iii. i. 23 Too well I know her blandishments to gain, Usurper-like, till setled in her Reign.
1753 S. Richardson Hist. Sir Charles Grandison II. ix. 59 Those [facts], however, would too well justify him.
1781 S. Johnson Pope in Pref. Wks. Eng. Poets VII. 228 That he loved too well to eat, is certain; but that his sensuality shortened his life will not be hastily concluded.
1847 C. Dickens Dombey & Son (1848) xix. 189 There was a touching modulation in these words about her father that Walter understood too well.
1888 ‘J. S. Winter’ Bootle's Children iv. 26 I didn't use poor Bill any too well.
1913 W. Grossmith From Studio to Stage ix. 110 With some of these drawbacks against us, Heather Bigg and myself didn't do too well.
1970 T. Southern Blue Movie iii. i. 145 Naturally, this had not gone down too well with the Card [sc. Cardinal]—who went straight to the Prince and lodged the strongest sort of complaint.
2007 Herald-Times (Bloomington, Indiana) 24 Apr. a6/1 The baby book conjured up that emotion we mothers know all too well: guilt.
b. well enough (in early use also †enough well): sufficiently well, adequately.In the 16th cent. occasionally written as one word.
the world > relative properties > quantity > sufficient quantity, amount, or degree > [adverb]
well enoughOE
OE Ælfric Catholic Homilies: 1st Ser. (Royal) (1997) xix. 330 Genoh wel wat god hu hit getimað on þære fandunge.
lOE King Ælfred tr. Boethius De Consol. Philos. (Bodl.) (2009) I. xiii. 264 Ic ongite þæt..þu genoh wel understenst þæt ic þe to sprece.
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 1652 Forr witt. & skill iss wel inoh, Þurrh salltess smacc bitacnedd.
c1300 Havelok (Laud) (1868) 707 (MED) Hise ship he greyþede wel inow, He dede it tere, an ful wel pike, Þat it ne doutede sond ne krike.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) v. l. 5010 And thanne him thoghte wel ynouh, It was fantosme.
c1450 Alphabet of Tales (1904) I. 215 When sho saw þis maister of þe knyghtis, sho knew hym well enogh & he hur.
1485 Malory's Morte Darthur (Caxton) xxi. i. sig. ddiij And by cause of hyr fayre speche Syr Mordred trusted hyr wel ynough.
a1500 (?c1450) Merlin iv. 68 And these othir tymes I parceyved it wele I-nough.
1579 J. Stubbs Discouerie Gaping Gulf sig. D7 Which mought wel ynough be the cause why the Pope decked hym with hys title of most christian king.
1585 R. Parsons Christian Directorie Pref. 4 The vulgar translation is known welinough.
1587 Sir P. Sidney & A. Golding tr. P. de Mornay Trewnesse Christian Relig. xxx. 551 But the Rabbines saw wellynough that the miracles of Iesus could not be denyed.
1631 J. Shirley Schoole of Complement v. i. 68 He gaue me two or three kicks, which I deseru'd well enough.
1698 J. Fryer New Acct. E.-India & Persia 25 For which the Winds served them well enough, though full in our Teeth.
1711 J. Swift Jrnl. to Stella 11 Jan. (1948) I. 162 The scheme..would have done well enough in good hands.
1753 S. Richardson Hist. Sir Charles Grandison I. xvii. 119 They liked not the humour he seemed to be in well enough to comply with his request.
1831 T. Hood in Comic Ann. (ed. 2) 32 Time was I liked a cheesecake well enough.
1880 G. Sims in Weekly Disp. 23 May 12/1 It is thieves' patter, but someone in the crowd understands it well enough and answers him.
1907 W. De Morgan Alice-for-Short xxxii. 332 She knew well enough that the unheard portions of the conversation were worse than what had reached her ears.
1999 G. Kissick Winter in Volcano (2000) xxiv. 231 I like her well enough. She's a good lookin' babe.
2000 D. Ginsberg Waiting xi. 283 It was a rough patch, I assumed. He'd done well enough the year before and he was bound to snap out of it.
c. pretty well: in a satisfactory way; to a considerable extent, largely. Formerly also as n.: †a fair amount (obsolete).
the world > relative properties > quantity > moderateness of quantity, amount, or degree > [adverb] > fairly
pretty well1576
1576 G. Whetstone Rocke of Regard i. 3 For my selfe, I shifted prettie well.
a1627 T. Middleton & W. Rowley Old Law (1656) v. 61 The Dutch Veny I swallowed pretty wel.
1694 P. A. Motteux tr. F. Rabelais 5th Bk. Wks. vi After we had pretty well staid our Stomachs with some tight Snatches.
1701 C. Cibber Love makes Man iv. 44 I do know London pretty well.
1737 H. Bracken Farriery Improved xxv. 365 Give the Horse pretty well of my Cordial Ball.
1737 H. Bracken Farriery Improved xxv. 368 He has pretty well of Flesh upon his Back.
1753 S. Richardson Hist. Sir Charles Grandison II. vii. 40 Their father..by that time, had pretty well got over his grief.
1855 C. Kingsley Westward Ho! I. ii. 45 He..had his heart pretty well hardened by long baneful licence.
1882 W. Besant All Sorts of Men II. xxviii. 206 They had got by this time pretty well all they clamoured for.
1888 ‘J. S. Winter’ Bootle's Children xi. 84 Lassie kept her composure pretty well.
1902 H. K. Mann Hist. Popes I. i. 417 The pallium..had then..pretty well its modern shape.
2005 C. Frayling Ken Adam iii. 52 The bigger ship, La France, was riding the gale pretty well, but the Marie Annick didn't have proper ballast.
d. With intensifying (usually slang) adverb or adjective prefixed so as to form a compound emphatic adverb, as bloody well, damn well, etc.
the world > relative properties > quantity > greatness of quantity, amount, or degree > high or intense degree > greatly or very much [phrase] > very
jolly and1565
bloody well1814
(a) hang of a1941
1814 in Protestant Advocate Mar. 258 Any Catholic or Catholics, that shall have their houses or windows illuminated to-night,..will come off damn well, if his or their windows and houses are not burnt by the united heroes of this nation.
1884 Sessions Paper 8 Jan. 325 If you don't bleeding well let me go.
1898 R. Kipling in Morning Post 8 Nov. 5/1 My friend, you made a mistake, and you jolly well know it.
1916 Rec. Trial H. Farr (P.R.O.: WO 71/509) f. 4 I'll get you fucking well shot.
1921 E. O'Neill Emperor Jones i. 160 Ring the bell now an' you'll bloody well see what I means.
1928 E. Waugh Decline & Fall iii. iii. 240 I should bleeding well say there was.
1933 M. Lincoln Oh! Definitely iii. 23 I'd have ruddy well..locked the door.
1941 N. Coward Australia Visited i. 6 We were in it once and for all and intended to damn well get on with it.
1943 D. Welch Maiden Voy. iii. 14 Someone in the next cell was shouting, ‘Bloody well let me out, you bastards.’
1962 L. R. Banks End to Running i. vi. 96 Because actually, as a matter of fact, don't y'know, I'm not sodding well coming.
1982 P. Redmond Brookside (Mersey TV shooting script) (O.E.D. Archive) Episode 1. 61 Paul. It's obvious, isn't it. Bobby. No it bloody well isn't.
2006 Sydney Morning Herald 4 Mar. 37/4 Everyone wants to be green but live as they damn well like.
e. full well: see full adv. 1c. right well: see right adv. 7a.
P2. as well.
a. Also, in addition; in the same way.In early use often introducing an additional element in a sentence; later more usually following the additional element.
c1384 in R. W. Chambers & M. Daunt Bk. London Eng. (1931) 231 (MED) Forseyng that, As well vndyr the seyd Hall, parlour, And kechyn, botery, And All the seyd Chambres, be selered vndurnethe the Grunde xij fote in heygh.
a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1865) I. 423 Euery fysshe one eyed is; So fareþ as wel in Albania þe Milewel.
a1400 (c1303) R. Mannyng Handlyng Synne (Harl.) 536 As she dyde, he dyde yn dede;..Ryȝt as she dede, he dede as weyl.
c1475 tr. C. de Pisan Livre du Corps de Policie (Cambr.) (1977) 92 (MED) It behoueth to him..not only to haue his hondis and his tonge cloos but as well his yen.
c1550 Complaynt Scotl. (1979) 1 As veil it bringis furtht..hoilsum frute of honour.
a1631 J. Donne Paradoxes (1652) sig. D6v They should love their brothers aswel.
1670 A. Marvell Let. 22 Feb. in Poems & Lett. (1971) II. 98 The next news will be that..they [sc. the Lords] have as well comply'd on their part also.
1706 R. Estcourt Fair Example v. i Thou hast a handsom smug Neighbour that I believe knows her as well.
1833 J. Nyren Young Cricketer's Tutor 39 The wicket-keeper..should remove a little backward from the wicket..because by his doing so the catches will be much more easy, and he may stump as well.
1875 Economist 23 Jan. 95/1 But the state of the French Exchange is such that gold is taken from London as well.
1882 W. Besant All Sorts of Men II. xxvii. 199 Because she was a dressmaker, and lived at Stepney, he would be a workman and live there as well.
1930 Music Supervisors' Jrnl. 17 26/2 The poor music teacher must sell his wares not only to the school student, but to his principal and the faculty advisor of the student as well.
1961 R. McInerny Logic of Analogy (1971) ii. 34 Not only is analogical signification an antepredicament, it is as well a kind of equivocation.
2005 Times Lit. Suppl. 18 Mar. 10/4 Maria Luisa fed not only the stray cats and dogs of her Venetian neighbourhood, but the rats as well.
2012 Wall St. Jrnl. 10 July d3/1 My training has always focused on physical agility but brain training helps sharpen my mental agility as well.
b. As much; to the same extent. Obsolete.
the world > relative properties > quantity > [phrase] > to the same extent or degree
as well asc1300
as wellc1449
c1449 R. Pecock Repressor (1860) 199 Wherfore as weel or miche rather Cristen men ouȝten be waar forto entirmete with like ymagis.
c1449 R. Pecock Repressor (1860) 260 Wherfore as weel and as alloweabili y mai seie this speche.
c. may as well, might as well: see may v.1 Phrases 3.
P3. as well as.
a. Both..and, not only..but also. Now rare.In early use the rendering ‘not only..but also’ is applicable only if the order of the two contrasted words or expressions is reversed.
a1225 ( Rule St. Benet (Winteney) (1888) liii. 107 Ealswa wel þeo abbodesse ealswa eall þeo ȝeferreden [OE Corpus Cambr. ægþer ge se abbod ge eal seo geferræden; L. (Winteney) tam abbatissa quam cunta congregatio].
c1225 (?c1200) Hali Meiðhad (Bodl.) (1940) l. 638 (MED) Nis ha [sc. Pride] nawt i claðes..þah hit beo merke þrof..oðer hwiles, ah under hwit oðer blac & ase wel under grei ase under grene.
c1390 Castle of Love (Vernon) (1967) 81 Alle poyntes he fynde may..Þat bifalleþ to Godes godhede As wel as to his monhede.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) i. l. 2248 For al schal deie..Als wel a Leoun as an asse, Als wel a beggere as a lord.
c1405 (c1387–95) G. Chaucer Canterbury Tales Prol. (Hengwrt) (2003) l. 49 And ther to hadde he ryden..As wel in cristendom as hethenesse.
?1467–8 in C. L. Kingsford Stonor Lett. & Papers (1919) I. 100 The Shireff shewyd ij comyssions of this graunt as well of the lordes as of the comyns.
c1533 T. Cranmer Let. 21 July in Remains (1833) I. 45 That you take all manner of depositions, as well for the one part as for the other.
?a1560 L. Digges Geom. Pract.: Pantometria (1571) i. xx. sig. Fivv In equiangle triangles aswell the contayning as the subtending sides of equall angles are proportionall.
1588 R. Parke tr. J. G. de Mendoza Comm. Notable Thinges in tr. J. G. de Mendoza Hist. Kingdome of China 329 All of them as well the men as women and children were clothed with shamway skins.
1645 T. Gataker Gods Eye on Israel 50 Consisting of both sorts, as well unfaithfull as faithfull, as well bad as good.
1662 E. Stillingfleet Origines Sacræ ii. iv. §2 Which..must certainly comprehend as well the morall as the ceremoniall part of Moses his Law.
1718 Mem. Life J. Kettlewell i. xiii. 38 Making Use as well of his Eye..as of his Tongue.
1749 C. Middleton Free Inq. Miraculous Powers Pref. p. xxxiii It is allowed..by all, as well friends as enemies.
1828 W. Scott Fair Maid of Perth ii, in Chron. Canongate 2nd Ser. II. 48 Our churchmen have become wealthy, as well by the gifts of pious persons, as by..bribes.
1878 Pop. Sci. Monthly Dec. 199 We hardly find a powerful word which expresses a lasting state of pleasure, comprising as well the smallest satisfaction as the loftiest happiness.
1908 Law Rep.: Chancery Div. 1 523 To hold as well the capital or principal of the said trust funds as the dividends, interest and annual income thereof upon the usual trusts for the children of the marriage.
1982 Second Cent. Fall 173 An independent Jewish-Christian gospel that was used as well by the author of the Gospel of Thomas as by Tatian.
b. In as good, efficient, satisfactory, etc., a way as. Formerly also † well as.
the mind > goodness and badness > quality of being good > [adverb] > equally
as well asa1225
with the bestc1300
the world > relative properties > relationship > equality or equivalence > equality [phrase] > as well as (anyone)
as well asa1225
with the bestc1300
OE Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Tiber. B.iv) anno 1066 He..swor..þæt he wolde þisne þeodscype swa wel haldan swa ænig kyngc ætforan him betst dyde.
lOE Wulfstan Baptism (Corpus Cambr. 302) (1957) 173 Ealswa bealdlice se þeowa clypað & namað on his pater noster his Drihten him to fæder swa se hlaford, & seo wylen eallswa wel swa seo hlæfdige.]
a1225 (c1200) Vices & Virtues (1888) 125 Alswa wel onbuten mid-niht alswa on mid-daiȝ.
c1230 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Corpus Cambr.) (1962) 5 Þis nis nawt ibet ȝet ase wel as hit ahte.
c1300 Childhood Jesus (Laud) l. 1455 in C. Horstmann Altengl. Legenden (1875) 1st Ser. 49 Seiȝe me..ȝwi was Aleph i nemneð furst In Ebrv, and destincte hit Ase wel ase þou canst and miȝht.
a1375 (c1350) William of Palerne (1867) l. 98 Þe herdes wif..fetisliche it [sc. þat child] baþede, & wrouȝt wiþ it as wel as ȝif it were hire owne.
c1450 (?a1400) Wars Alexander (Ashm.) l. 44 And wele as Aristotill [he couth] þe artis all seuyn.
a1525 ( Coventry Leet Bk. (1907) I. 182 But neuer-the-later..he makithe cardes ther-of as well as he may.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 831/2 As well as is possyble,..As well as can be or maye be.
1589 G. Puttenham Arte Eng. Poesie iii. xxii. 218 Certaine propheticall rymes, which might be constred two or three wayes as well as to that one whereunto the rebelles applied it.
1600 Looke about You I 1 b I see Prince Iohn coorted as well as I.
1637 J. Milton Comus 8 This is the place, as well as I may guesse.
a1640 P. Massinger & J. Fletcher Very Woman iv. i. 7 in P. Massinger 3 New Playes (1655) Ped. How hast thou sped? John. My Lord, as well as wishes.
1718 A. Ramsay Christ's-kirk on Green iii. 49 I've done my best..As well's I may.
1794 W. Anderson Piper of Peebles 7 Fan cummers fled an' hurl'd as weel On ice, as ony vady chiel.
a1798 J. Palmer Like Master like Man (1811) I. xii. 174 I am left to rough it as well as I can.
1849 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. II. vi. 74 She affected..to listen with civility while the Hydes excused their recent conduct, as well as they could.
1881 C. Phillipps-Wolley Sport in Crimea 76 I crept and ran as well as I could after my wounded game.
1924 R. M. Ogden tr. K. Koffka Growth of Mind v. §6. 293 Certain children can read mirror-writing at first just as well as they can ordinary writing.
2005 N.Y. Mag. 7 Feb. 53/1 (caption) This roller ball writes as well as any fountain pen.
c. To the same extent as, in the same degree as, as much as.Now usually with adjectives such as able, aware, worth; cf. sense A. 16b.
the world > relative properties > quantity > [phrase] > to the same extent or degree
as well asc1300
as wellc1449
the world > relative properties > quantity > [phrase] > as much (as)
as muchc1300
as well asc1300
OE Ælfric Catholic Homilies: 1st Ser. (Royal) (1997) xix. 333 Eallswa wel behofað þæt heafod þæra oðra lima, swa swa þa lymu behofiað þæs heafdes.]
c1300 St. Thomas Becket (Laud) 1888 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 160 For erchebischop ich am, wel ȝe wutez: ase wel ase he is on.
c1405 (c1387–95) G. Chaucer Canterbury Tales Prol. (Hengwrt) (2003) l. 738 He moot as wel seye o word as another.
c1450 Alphabet of Tales (1904) I. 75 (MED) He..sayde he was a synner & mysterd forgyfnes of his syn als wele as sho did.
1484 W. Caxton tr. G. de la Tour-Landry Bk. Knight of Tower (1971) l. 72 Ye..haue as wel for to paye as she hath.
1533 T. More Debellacyon Salem & Bizance ii. xv. f. lvv I durste as wel trust the trouth of one iudge as of two iuryes.
1547 Certain Serm. or Homilies Swearing ii. sig. G iv b Aswell they vse the name of God in vayne..as they whiche do promise [etc.].
1628 R. Burton Anat. Melancholy (ed. 3) ii. ii. iii. 235 Why hath Daulis and Thebes no Swallowes..as well as the rest of Greece.
1664 H. Power Exper. Philos. Concl. 184 Pugs and Baboons may claim a Traduction from Adam as well as these.
1710 J. Addison Whig Examiner No. 4. ⁋1 A man may as well hope to distinguish colours in the midst of darkness, as to find out what to approve and disapprove in nonsense.
1804 A. Seward Let. 10 May in Lett. (1811) VI. 164 Every day produces letters as well worth attention as most of Cowper's.
1891 R. W. Church Oxf. Movement xix. 347 The English Church was after all as well worth living in and fighting for as any other.
1906 W. Churchill Coniston (1968) ii. xiii. 418 I am as well able to do it as he was.
1978 R. Kirkpatrick Dante's Paradiso & Limitations Mod. Crit. ii. 60 Judgement and self-control are as well able to generate fluency as nervous excitement.
2005 R. M. Fogelson Bourgeois Nightmares 198 Olmsted, Jr., was as well aware of this bind as anyone.
d. Indicating the inclusion of one thing, person, etc., or class with another.
the world > relative properties > kind or sort > generality > condition or state of being inclusive > included [phrase] > inclusion with another
as well asc1449
c1449 R. Pecock Repressor (1860) 316 The multitude of the lay peple, as weel as of clerkis.
a1470 T. Malory Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll. 13) (1990) II. 537 Whan men bene hote in dedis of armys, oftyn..they hurte their frendis as well as their foys.
?a1500 MS Harl. 838 in Archaeologia (1829) 22 396 A stremer shal be slyt & so shal a standard as welle as a getoun.
1599 Hist. Syr Clyomon & Clamydes Prol. Worthy writers' works, Wherein, as well as famous facts, ignomious placed are.
1613 S. Hieron Baptizing of Eunuch in Wks. (1620) I. 335 Whereas the children of God in many things are trespassers aswell as the vngodly.
1649 J. Howell Δενδρολογια (ed. 3) 3 Nor is she lesse abounding in all things conducing to pleasure also, aswel as profit.
1655 in E. Nicholas Nicholas Papers (1897) III. 221 My heart as well as pursse being quite sunck.
1715 J. T. Desaguliers tr. N. Gauger Fires Improv'd 127 The two first..are made of Tin as well as the third.
a1719 J. Addison Dialogues Medals in Wks. (1721) I. ii. 452 I find..the Latins mean Courage by the figure of Virtue, as well as by the word it self.
1769 W. Draper in ‘Junius’ Stat Nominis Umbra (1772) I. ii. 20 Educated..by..a most spirited as well as excellent scholar.
1821 W. M. Craig Lect. Drawing vii. 404 The back-ground as well as other parts is dotted or stippled.
1854 A. Jameson Commonpl. Bk. 39 There are different sorts of strength as well as different degrees.
1896 Law Times' Rep. 73 615/1 A highway for carriages as well as for foot-passengers.
1924 O. Jespersen Philos. Gram. i. 23 Children..learn the accentuation as well as the sounds of each word.
2009 N.Y. Times (National ed.) 18 Sept. c27/4 He scolds the free-market ethos of the Reagan and Thatcher eras as well as the thinking of anti-Keynesian New Classical economists.
P4. so well..as: both..and; = Phrases 3a. Obsolete.
?1533 G. Du Wes Introductorie for to lerne Frenche sig. Cciii In the whiche all maner shape and effigiation doth shyne clerely so well corporates as incorporates.
?1545 J. Bale 2nd Pt. Image Both Churches ii. sig. Giij Comprehendynge in hym so well Mahomete as the Pope, so well the ragynge tyraunt as the styll hypocrite.
1605 in Archaeologia (1800) 13 316 [The steward] is to see into all offices, soe well forraine, as at home.
1619 tr. G. de Montenay Bk. Armes 92 The pipkens.., So well the great as the small.
P5. British colloquial. to be well away.
a. To have a good start over one's pursuers; (figurative) to have made good progress in an activity.
the world > movement > rate of motion > move at specific rate [verb (intransitive)] > outstrip others or take the lead
to show the waya1382
to be well away1821
to take up the running1894
the world > action or operation > prosperity > advancement or progress > advance, progress, or develop [verb (intransitive)] > advance or make progress
to go alongc1400
to get forward1523
to take or make strides1600
to get on1655
to get along1768
to get ahead1807
to be well away1821
to get somewhere (also anywhere)1923
the world > food and drink > drink > thirst > excess in drinking > [verb (intransitive)] > make progress in drinking
to be well away1821
1821 Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. Aug. 10/2 I thought it best to make nimble heels from the scene to another part, and before I was well away I heard her at him.
1859 J. S. Rarey Art of taming Horses (new ed.) x. 169 When he [sc. the fox] is well away through the hedge of a good-sized field, halloo..‘Tally-o aw-ay-o-o!’
1910 Glasgow Herald 20 Mar. 14/3 Stewart again seemed well away for the home side.
1950 J. Cannan Murder Included vii. 141 ‘What's happened?’.. ‘If we knew that, we should be well away.’
1997 M. Jackson Underground Man 1998 5 My mind was furiously sending out instructions—to turn and run, to get well away from that bird.
b. To be deeply under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
1919 S. Graham Private in Guards xiv. 295 ‘You were well away,’ said another. ‘You were drunk all right last night, my boy,’ said a third.
1947 ‘N. Shute’ Chequer Board iii. 51 Bristow had a bottle of whisky and I had one of gin so we were well away.
1984 A. Carter Nights at Circus iii. v. 233 The Colonel..overcomes his resistance to vodka to such an extent he is soon well away and sings songs of Old Kentucky.
1995 M. Grapendaal et al. World of Opportunities iii. 55 By now Ellen was well away and taking heroin (and sometimes cocaine) almost every weekend.
2011 J. Rollins Lost Boyz vii. 66 One night when I was well away on ecstasy I climbed up under a railway bridge.
2012 A. J. Lawton Journey to Peace xvi. 119 I drained the beer and the hot toddy; I was well away by the time we left.
c. To be fast asleep.
1928 Sackbut Jan. 151 By the time he had gone to smoke, nothing could have kept me from slumber, and I was well away when I felt my arm being tugged.
1945 ‘H. Green’ Loving 51 I bet he's well away after that dinner he ate. He'll never stir.
1973 J. Porter It's Murder with Dover viii. 72 Many great men..[can] drop off to sleep at any time..and Chief Inspector was no exception. He was well away by the time MacGregor climbed back into the car.
1993 J. Cresswell To catch Wind 381 Your baby's well away, isn't she? They wake up and fall asleep at the blink of an eye when they're little, don't they?
P6. colloquial.
a. well, I'll be damned (also blowed, jiggered, etc.) and variants: used to express surprise, amazement, disbelief, etc. Cf. sense A. 20.
1830 G. Colman Random Rec. II. i. 20 He jerk'd up one shoulder, twisted his mouth a little awry, and begun with—‘Well, I'll be d—d,—things were different in the late Mr. Garrick's time.’
1842 Huntress 26 Nov. ‘Well, I'll be swan'd to man!’ exclaimed the pedler.., ‘it's the voice of the devil!’
1855 ‘P. Paxton’ Capt. Priest xxi. 153Well, I'll be blowed—what's that? Who's calling me?’
1913 Sat. Evening Post 16 Sept. 18 (advt.) Well, I'll be durned.
1955 B. Pym Less than Angels x. 121 Jebel Pingpong! Well, I'll be jiggered!
1988 Herald (Melbourne) (Nexis) 4 Feb. He was, however, bemused at the plan which had the streets running the wrong way. ‘Well I'll be buggered,’ he spluttered.
2008 Washington Post Mag. 17 Aug. 30/3 He emerges smiling from the water to the wild cheers of his teammates... ‘Well, I'll be damned’, he says.
b. In shortened form well, I'll be.Often representing the speech of children, and probably reflecting avoidance of damned or other words regarded as impolite or obscene; cf. quot. 1887.
1887 C. Miesse Points on Coal iv. ii. 420 Another man..exclaiming in loud laughter, ‘Well, I'll be ——, I'll be ——, well, I'll be ——, etc.’]
1903 Pedagogical Seminary Sept. 378/1 The following is a list of slang expressions... Girls... Well, I'll be.
1937 Boys' Life June 26/3 Pat grinned. ‘Well, I'll be!’ he exclaimed, delightedly.
1994 P. Baker Blood Posse xxx. 344 ‘It was me and Dave Green who saved your cousin in the hospital when the gangs tried to shoot him.’ ‘Well I'll be. Whatever happened to the footballer?’
2001 C. M. Schultz in Washington Post 1 Oct. (Home ed.) c10/1 (cartoon caption) I was right? Well, I'll be!
P7. to leave (something) well alone: to refrain from having to do with or interfering with (something).Derived from to leave well alone at well adj. and n.3 Phrases 3 by reinterpretation of the noun well as the adverb in sense A. 16a.
1904 H. James Golden Bowl I. i. iv. 77 All their case wants, at any rate,..is that you should leave it well alone.
1944 Living off Land: Man. Bushcraft ii. 43 The natives chew these...but..it should be left well alone by the white man.
1995 K. Ishiguro Unconsoled xxix. 431 He'll already know in his heart of hearts..that the past is now best left well alone.
2009 I. Sabatini Boy Next Door (2010) i. xxviii. 131 Leave the politics well alone.
extracted from welladv.n.4
as lemmas




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