

单词 as mild as a dove

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as mild as a dove
f. In proverbial similes: as mild as a dove, as mild as May, as mild as milk, etc.
the mind > emotion > calmness > meekness or mildness > meek or mild [phrase]
as mild as a dove1599
as mild as May1709
as mild as milk1874
the world > action or operation > behaviour > good behaviour > kindness > gentleness or mildness > gentle or mild [phrase]
as mild as a dove1599
as mild as May1709
as mild as milk1874
OE (Northumbrian) Lindisf. Gospels: Matt. x. 16 Estote ergo prudentes sicut serpentes et simplices sicut columbae : wosas ge forðon hogo suæ nedro & bliðo uel mildo suæ culfre.
OE tr. Chrodegang of Metz Regula Canonicorum (Corpus Cambr. 191) viii. 189 Hi beon swa snottre swa næddran and swa milde swa culfran.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 626/2 Whan he is angryest of all I can make hym as mylde as a lambe.
1599 W. Shakespeare et al. Passionate Pilgrime (new ed.) sig. B Faire is my loue, but not so faire as fickle. Milde as a Doue, but neither true nor trustie.
1709 A. Pope Spring in Poet. Misc.: 6th Pt. 728 Sylvia's like Autumn ripe, yet mild as May.
1772 W. Jones Poems 118 Two lovely daughters were his dearest care; Both mild as May, and both as April fair.
1798 J. S. Murray Traveller Returned ii. i. 129 She looked as mild as a lamb, and she was not bigger than a good stout yearling; but, for all that, she had spurits to the back bone.
1843 C. Dickens Martin Chuzzlewit (1844) xxx 363 Still Mr Pecksniff led her calmly on, and looked as mild as any lamb that ever pastured in the fields.
1874 T. Hardy Far from Madding Crowd I. iv. 42 A temper as mild as milk.
1927 J. Buchan Witch Wood xxi. 366 Johnnie said he sat yestreen at Kirk Aller wi' a face like a corp and took his paiks as mild as a wean, and him for ordinar' sic an ettercap.
1962 Washington Daily News 1 Aug. 29/6 He was mild as milk in the civil rights fight over the literacy bill last spring. It got licked.
1998 USA Today (Electronic ed.) 7 Oct. a21 Conversely, some men are mild as milk, others depressive, still others cling to the belief that you never hit a woman, ever.
extracted from mildadj.adv.n.1
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