

单词 heat-resisting

> as lemmas

b. Objective and obj. gen., as heat-absorbing, heat-absorption, heat-economizer, heat-evolution, heat-forming, heat-giver, heat-giving, heat-loss, heat-making, heat-measurer, heat-producer, heat-production, heat-radiator (= radiator n.), heat-regulator, heat-regulating, heat-resistant, heat-resisting, heat-storage, heat-tempering adjs.
a1618 J. Sylvester Posthumi Sonn. xiii, in Wks. (1880) II. 323 The timely sweet heat-temp'ring showers.
1800 W. Herschel in Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 90 310 If the coloured rays themselves are not of a heat-making nature.
1857 Chambers's Information for People (new ed.) I. 739/1 The proportion of nutritive to the heat~forming principle in loaf-bread is 10 to 46.
1865 Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. 1862–4 9 343 The heat-absorbing capacity of aqueous vapor.
1868 Trans. Illinois State Agric. Soc. 1865–6 6 53 Heat Radiator [exhibited].
1874 R. J. Dunglison Dunglison's Med. Lexicon (rev. ed.) at Aliment Liebig divides them [sc. aliments] into two classes..flesh formers..and..heat givers.
1877 D. Estes Half-hour Recreations 2nd Ser. 148 An accurate Heat-Measurer.
1879–81 H. Watts Dict. Chem. VIII. ii. 1018 The heat-conducting power of water.
1884 Jrnl. Nerv. & Mental Dis. 11 141 He believed the central nervous system to have an immediate influence on heat-production.
1897 Daily News 8 Jan. 9/1 Infra-red waves or the invisible rays beyond the red end of the spectrum..being calorific or heat-producing.
1897 T. C. Allbutt et al. Syst. Med. II. 26 The paralysis of the heat-regulating centres.
1899 H. L. Callendar & H. T. Barnes in Rep. Brit. Assoc. 626 The external heat loss is more regular and certain.
1899 Daily News 21 July 4/4 A heat-resisting alloy.
1902 Encycl. Brit. XXXIII. 280/1 Heat-evolution is reckoned as positive, heat-absorption as negative.
1902 Encycl. Brit. XXVI. 508/1 The heat-loss can be reduced to a minimum.
1904 G. F. Goodchild & C. F. Tweney Technol. & Sci. Dict. 283/2 Heat radiator, a device by which the cooling of the cylinder of a motor cycle or of the condenser of a car is promoted.
1904 Daily Chron. 29 Nov. 4/5 The heat-regulating mechanism of the body.
1905 Daily Chron. 14 July 4/4 Animal foods rich in fat..are heat-producers of the first order.
1927 J. B. S. Haldane & J. S. Huxley Animal Biol. iii. 87 If we put our man..into a calorimeter for a day and measure his heat-production.
1934 Archit. Rev. 75 24/2 With the removal of weight from partitions and external walls came a reduction in thickness of material, with a consequent loss of sound and heat-resisting qualities.
1935 Archit. Rev. 78 129 A double window was evolved with central heating between the two glass lines to minimize the heat loss occasioned by the lavish use of glass.
1951 Good Housek. Home Encycl. 263/1 All heat-storage cookers have insulated hot-plate covers.
1960 Farmer & Stockbreeder 22 Mar. (Suppl.) 11/3 The steel-reinforced, heat-resistant handle.
1961 M. Hynes Med. Bacteriol. (ed. 7) ii. 17 The ultimate test of a sterilizer is to show that live spores are killed. The spores must be carefully chosen—soil bacteria are often too heat-resistant for the purpose.
1962 Gloss. Terms Glass Industry (B.S.I.) 8 Heat-resisting glass, a glass able to withstand high thermal shock.
1964 L. C. Martin Clin. Endocrinol. (ed. 4) vii. 227 A varicocœle may also upset the heat-regulating mechanism and this is aggravated by a suspensory bandage.
1964 R. F. Ficchi Electr. Interference viii. 151 As ground current flows through the ground rod electrode, heat is generated that follows the well known I2R heat-loss pattern.
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