

单词 great gross

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great gross
great gross n. twelve gross, 1,728.
the world > relative properties > number > specific numbers > hundred and over > [noun] > a gross > twelve gross
great gross1545
1545 Rates Custome House sig. a.iiiiv Broches of Latten the greate groce.
1617 F. Moryson Itinerary ii. ii. ii. 148 500 of their principall Spaniards..drew toward a guard we kept betweene Rincorran and the Towne (leauing a great grosse for their seconds, vnder the walles).
1640 in J. Entick London (1776) II. 166 Catling, the great gross, qt. 12 small gross of knots.
1701 E. Hatton Merchant's Mag. ii. 14 In adding hereof, you must for every 12 carry 1 to the Dozens place, for every 12 Dozen 1 to the Small Gross, for every 12 Small Gross 1 to the Great Gross.
1745 Accomplish'd Housewife 122 Having the Price of one single Thing, to find the Price of a Dozen...Or, by the Price of the small Gross, to find the Price of the great Gross, or 144 Dozens.
1822 B. Stevens New & Conc. Syst. Arithm. 232 To find the value of goods sold by the great gross.
1940 H. McKay Odd Numbers 211 There are actually traces of the scale of 12 (the duodecimal scale) in our language. We have the dozen (= 12), the gross (= 122), and the great gross (= 123).
extracted from greatadj.n.adv.int.
great gross
Twelve dozen. Not found in plural, the singular being used with numerals. Also small gross, in opposition to great gross = 12 gross (see great adj., n., adv., and int. Compounds 1c).
the world > relative properties > number > specific numbers > hundred and over > [noun] > a gross
great dozen1474
1411 Close Roll, 12 Hen. IV 26 Apr. [To export from England to Ireland] unum groos de poyntes.
1480 Wardrobe Accts. Edward IV in N. H. Nicolas Privy Purse Expenses Elizabeth of York (1830) 150 A groos pointes of sylk of divers colours.
1495–7 in M. Oppenheim Naval Accts. & Inventories Henry VII (1896) 265 Bowes—cc; Strynges—v groce; Arowes—cccc sheffes.
1549 in Acts Privy Council (1890) II. 348 Bowe stringes, xl gros.
1601 B. Jonson Every Man in his Humor ii. iii. sig. E3v Masse then he vtters them [sc. sonnets] by the grosse . View more context for this quotation
1621 J. Taylor Superbiæ Flagellum sig. B8 Foureteene groce of buttons, and Gold lace.
1660 Act 12 Chas. II c. 4 Schedule at Bosses Bosses for Bridles the small groce, cont. 12 dozen jl.
1685 London Gaz. No. 2001/4 A Groce of Gimp Lace mixt with Tincy, a Groce of Silk Buttons.
1719 D. Defoe Life Robinson Crusoe 152 A Gross of Tobacco-Pipes.
1803 S. Pegge Anecd. Eng. Lang. 261 We call twelve dozen; i.e. twelve multiplied by itself a gross or grose by tale.
1805 T. Harral Scenes of Life II. 63 A manufacturer of ghosts and monsters by the gross.
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