

单词 goods and graces

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goods and graces
c. A personal quality, a virtue; a divinely given talent; a grace. Frequently in goods and graces. Obsolete. [With goods and graces , compare Middle French biens et graces (c1372 in the passage translated in quot. ?c1450, or earlier).]
society > faith > aspects of faith > spirituality > grace > [noun]
OE Homily (Corpus Cambr. 162) in J. Bazire & J. E. Cross Eleven Old Eng. Rogationtide Homilies (1989) 47 Þreo and þrittig wintra on þyssum middanearde he wæs and æghwilces godes [altered to æghwilce gode; lOE Hatton 116 æghwylces godes] bysene he us onstealde.
OE Rule St. Benet (Corpus Cambr.) lxxi. 130 Hyrsumnesse god and dugu[ð] [L. oboedientiae bonum] þæt is a ðam abbode to gegearwienne and mid mycelre eaðmodnesse to gebeodenne.
c1225 (?c1200) St. Margaret (Bodl.) (1934) 14 Ah leue ȝe..o þe liuiende godd, mihti & meinful & euch godes ful.
a1425 J. Wyclif Sel. Eng. Wks. (1871) II. 18 Þis Goost anoyntide Crist wiþ goodis of grace as fulli as ony man myȝte be anoyntid.
?c1450 tr. Bk. Knight of La Tour Landry (1906) 91 No woman shulde be proude of the goodes and graces that God hathe sent her.
a1500 (?a1450) Gesta Romanorum (BL Add. 9066) (1879) 423 The blessid virgine asked of the deuyll, ‘say me, whethere þes iij. synnes, lechery, Couetese, and gloteny, mow be to-gedre in oon herte with these goodes, contricion, wepyng, and purpose of amendyng?’
1563 2nd Tome Homelyes Rogation Week i, in J. Griffiths Two Bks. Homilies (1859) ii. 474 The goods and graces wherewith they were indued in soule, came of the goodnesse of God only.
extracted from goodadj.n.adv.int.
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