

单词 fur up

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to fur up
3. To coat or cover with fur or morbid matter. to fur up: to stop up or ‘clog’ with this.
the world > physical sensation > cleanness and dirtiness > dirtiness > pollution or defilement > pollute or defile [verb (transitive)] > incrust or fur
1593 T. Nashe Christs Teares 31 a Her Alablaster walls were all furred and fome-painted, with the bespraying of mens braines.
1601 J. Marston et al. Iacke Drums Entertainm. i. sig. A3 Ye shall haue me an emptie caske thats furd With nought but barmy froath.
1669 W. Simpson Hydrologia Chymica 354 A rejected Sordes of the blood, which furs up the Orifices.
1700 J. Addison Milton's Stile Imitated iii, in Misc. Wks. (1726) I. 60 The walls On all sides furr'd with mouldy damps.
1792 S. Ireland Picturesque Views Thames II. 89 This water has the property of not furring any vessel it is boiled in.
1839 W. B. Stonehouse Hist. Isle of Axholme 25 It [the water]..furs every thing in which it is kept.
1863 J. Tyndall Heat xi. 375 The surface of the vessel..is now white-furred all over with hoar-frost.
figurative.1641 J. Milton Animadversions 37 We..after all these spirituall preparatives, and purgations have our earthly apprehensions so clamm'd, and furr'd with the old levin.a1681 J. Lacy Sr. Hercules Buffoon (1684) iv. iii Thy love to her is furred all over like a sick man's tongue.1863 Hants. (Otterbourn) Dial. One can't do nothing, one's so furred up with things.
extracted from furv.
to fur up
a. intransitive. To become furred or coated with morbid matter. Also, to collect as fur. to fur up: to become ‘clogged’ with fur.
the world > physical sensation > cleanness and dirtiness > dirtiness > pollution or defilement > be polluted [verb (intransitive)] > become incrusted or furred
1550 T. Becon Fortresse of Faythfull Prol. A vij b Nowadayes ye archedecons aske not for ye pore..but whether ye hosts be wel kept in ye pyxe from moulding & furring.
1601 P. Holland tr. Pliny Hist. World II. 520 Take it forth, and scrape from it the mouldinesse or vinewing that doth furre or gather about it.
1615 H. Crooke Μικροκοσμογραϕια 401 A little skill to cleere and dresse the wheeles may keepe this watch of his life [the heart] in motion, which otherwise will furre vp and stand in his dissolution.
1648 R. Herrick Hesperides sig. E Teeth..Which though they furre, will neither ake, or rot.
1649 W. Blith Eng. Improver lx. 54 The better will they [Spades] rid off worke by far..and not fur and clog with Earth.
1716 E. Baynard Health 5 For too much Meat, the Bowels furr.
1743 W. Ellis London & Country Brewer (ed. 2) III. 245 Their rough Inside, that is sooner apt to furr, taint and leak.
1898 N.E.D. at Fur Mod. This kettle soon furs.
extracted from furv.
to fur up
b. to fur up: to become fluffy. Obsolete.
the world > textiles and clothing > textiles > thread or yarn > [verb (intransitive)] > become fluffy
to fur up1825
1825 ‘J. Nicholson’ Operative Mechanic 395 The thread is slightly twisted, in order to enable it to bear the action of the hot liquor without the fibres separating or furring up.
extracted from furv.
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