

单词 for time

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for time
(a) for the time (formerly also †for time): = for the time being at be v. Phrases 1b. Now rare.
the world > time > relative time > the present (time) > [adverb] > for the time being
for the timec1390
for the time being1449
for present1559
for the present1559
for the moment1754
c1390 (?c1350) St. Bernard l. 325 in C. Horstmann Sammlung Altengl. Legenden (1878) 46 (MED) A slepyng mon to men is tolde As good as ded for þe tyme.
1415 in R. W. Chambers & M. Daunt Bk. London Eng. (1931) 233 Wee the forseid Water & William, beyng vewers for the tyme of the seid Cite.
1463–5 Rolls of Parl.: Edward IV (Electronic ed.) Parl. Apr. 1463 §27. m. 10 Any persone or persones for tyme dwellyng..within the same chapell.
c1475 (?a1440) B. Burgh Distichs of Cato (Rawl. C.48) l. 443 in Archiv f. das Studium der Neueren Sprachen (1905) 115 314 (MED) Thouh wikkydnesse for tyme [1476 Caxton for the tyme] be kept secre, Yitt att the laste will it discurid be.
1547 Bp. S. Gardiner Let. 30 Aug. (1933) 277 I kepe my wont to write to your Grace now, in whose hands I know the estate of the realm to be fortime in government.
1580 T. Cooper Briefe Homily Lords Supper sig. B.iv Immediately after Supper, they through timerousnes fled from Christ, & for the time forsoke him.
1627 P. Hay Advt. Subj. Scotl. 127 The French King..having received some Appellations and Complayntes from those of Guyen, beeing for the tyme Subjects to the King of England.
1696 Constit. agreed Comm. Company of Scotl. trading Afr. & Indies (single sheet) The Major Part of the Council General or Court of Directors in being for the Time, shall always be a Quorum.
1753 S. Richardson Hist. Sir Charles Grandison VI. xxxii. 216 These ideal vagaries, which, for the time, realize pain or pleasure to us.
1788 T. Jefferson Writings (1859) II. 495 The consul's presence in his port should suspend, for the time, the functions of the vice-consul.
1891 Athenæum 3 Jan. 20/1 For the time the question must be considered shelved, but the change must soon come.
1965 P. Hunt Gift of Unicorn 38 If it were allowed, one would say he was trying to get at the soul of the immediate apple. They are, for the time, wholly his apples.
extracted from timen.int.conj.
for time
(c) for time.
(i) On credit. Cf. Phrases 3d(e), Phrases 3l(b)(i). Obsolete.
1572 T. Wilson Disc. Vsurye f. 122 If merchaunts would deale plainely, and simply gayne without seking further aduauntage, and sellyng for tyme as they could presently.
1590 W. Burton Serm. Norwich sig. Gv He is in money, in wares, in buying and selling for readie money, for time.
1623 W. Painter Chaucer New Painted sig. C6v Buy not for time those wares that are too deare.
1676 G. Carew Fraud & Oppress. Detected & Arraigned 16 Severall Goods of the Company were sold for time in the moneth of December 1636.
1707 S. Clement Vindic. Bank of Eng. 82 He that buys Goods for Time, must consequently pay the dearer for them.
1765 T. Dilworth Synopsis Merchants Accompts 3, in Young Book-keeper's Assistant sig. U Case 29. When I buy Goods for present Mony... Case 30. When I buy Goods for Time, i.e. on Trust.
(ii) Stock Market. Of a bargain, etc.: on the understanding that the goods or stocks in question will be sold or purchased at a particular future time. Frequently in bargain for time (cf. time bargain n.). Similarly for new time (with reference to bargains of this kind made near the close of an accounting period, which by agreement do not have to be settled until the next period; cf. new-time adj. (b) at new adj. and n. Compounds 1a(b)).
society > trade and finance > stocks and shares > [noun] > specific operations or arrangements
time bargain1720
bargain for time1721
put and call1826
call option1874
short squeeze1877
margin call1888
profit taking1891
round turn1901
put and take1921
round trip1922
put and take1929
mark to market1938
stock split1955
traded option1955
stock splitting1959
spread betting1972
society > trade and finance > stocks and shares > [adverb] > type of transaction
in the street1895
for new time1902
over the counter1921
1721 E. Budgell Let. Friend in Country 27 Gentlemen were forced to draw upon their Bankers, to pay the excessive Differences of their Bargains for Time.
1732 True & Faithful Narr. in J. Swift Misc. III. ii. 271 There were many who call'd themselves Christians, who offer'd to buy for time.
1776 J. O. Justamond tr. G. T. F. Raynal Philos. Hist. Europeans in Indies I. ii. 205 To declare all bargains of sale for time null and void, unless it appears..that the seller was a proprietor at the time the bargain was made.
1813 Beawes's Lex Mercatoria (ed. 6) I. 620 The commissions..to brokers to buy and sell stocks for time.
1849 J. Francis Chron. & Char. Stock Exchange 187 As a dealer in the funds for time he was well known.
1902 W. D. Callaway Stockbrokers' Accts. ii. 7 Those [bargains] up to one o'clock on the first Contango day being for the settlement then entered upon, those subsequent to that hour being for the next account, or, as more commonly stated, ‘for new time’.
1955 P. Sraffa in D. Ricardo Wks. & Corr. X. 69 Bargains were made both for cash and for time... Transactions for time were by far the most important.
1984 Times 4 Aug. 23/2 Some investors were buying for new time yesterday on talk of a bid before the end of the account.
extracted from timen.int.conj.
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