

单词 fire rake

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fire rake
fire rake n. (a) a tool used to rake hot or burning materials in a fire or furnace; (b) a rake used in firefighting to move hot or burning debris; (in later use) esp. one used to clear a firebreak. [With sense (a) compare Middle Low German vǖrrāke.]
the world > matter > properties of materials > temperature > heat > heating or making hot > that which or one who heats > [noun] > a device for heating or warming > devices for heating buildings, rooms, etc. > hearth or fireplace > rake
fire rake1356
1356 in H. T. Riley Memorials London (1868) 284 (MED) Firrake.
1495 Will of M. Salman in E. Roberts & K. Parker Southampton Probate Inventories, 1447–1575 (1992) I. 11 A Paire of tonges & a Fire Rake, vj d.
1509 Inventory of Edmund Dudley in Archaeologia (1920–1) 71 39 A payr of tonges: a fyre schowell: a fyre rake.
1638 H. Hexam tr. S. Marolois & A. Girard Art Fortification ii. 32 One must of necessity vse showels, spades, fire-rakes, pickaxses, mattocks, hatches, bils, and axses.
1845 Morning Post 6 Mar. 5/2 A fire-rake about four feet in length fell close to him, and buried itself in the ground.
1910 Youth's Compan. 10 Nov. 623/1 He worked away.., raking back the leaves and ground cover with his fire rake, making a trail about three feet wide, across which he hoped the fire would not jump.
1968 Guardian 30 Apr. 3 She had said..the boys..killed the old woman with a poker and a fire rake.
2004 Rotarian Aug. 10/1 Dedicated men and women chopping through dense brush with fire rakes, axes, and chain saws.
extracted from firen.int.
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