

单词 farthing-fee

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C1. attributive. Costing or valued at a farthing, as farthing-candle, whence farthing-candle-light, farthing-fee, farthing-loaf. Also objective, as farthing-coiner. Also as quasi-adj., trivial, almost valueless, unworthy of respect or notice.
c1300 Havelok (Laud) (1868) 878 He..bar þe mete to þe castel, And gat him þere a ferþing wastel.
c1350 Eng. Gilds (1870) 354 Ȝif þe ferþingloff is in defawte of wyȝte ouer twelf pans.
1463 in S. Tymms Wills & Inventories Bury St. Edmunds (1850) 28 As moche ferthyng white breed as comyth to iiij s. ij d.
1524 in J. Raine Testamenta Eboracensia (1884) V. 181 To every man and woman and childe of the contrie a farddyng loof.
1596 J. Dee in Record's Ground of Artes ii. 324 Directly against it [the price of wheate] in the second columne you may find the waight of the farthing white loafe.
1597 Bp. J. Hall Virgidemiarum: 1st 3 Bks. i. iv. 10 Strayning his tip-toes for a farthing fee.
1631 in S. R. Gardiner Rep. Cases Star Chamber & High Comm. (1886) 84 Then was..read the severall confessions of the 2 farthing coyners.
1673 E. Pearse Best Match vii. 76 Not so much as the light of a Farthing-Candle is to the light of the Sun.
1691 A. Gavin Frauds Romish Monks 247 Her sisters would never be at a Farthing charge to procure Prayers for her.
1795 J. Wolcot Wks. (1812) IV. 180 A sun with us..yields to every Farthing Candle.
1818 Ld. Byron Beppo xl. 21 That sort of farthing candlelight which glimmers When reeking London's smoky caldron simmers.
1848 R. Garnett Ess. 120 The farthing-candle style of the notes.
1864 Sat. Rev. 9 July 66 The farthing, as first issued, was called a farthing token.
1893 R. L. Stevenson Catriona v. 58 They each made me a little farthing compliment.
1896 H. Belloc Verses & Sonnets 25 His farthing honours.
extracted from farthingn.
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