

单词 error of a planet

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error of a planet
d. Mathematics. The quantity by which a result obtained by observation or by approximate calculation differs from an accurate determination. error of a planet: the difference between its observed place and that indicated by calculation. error of a clock: the difference between the time which it indicates and that which it ought to indicate. law of error, random error (see quots.). probable error, standard error (see under the first element).
the world > relative properties > number > mathematics > [noun] > mathematical enquiry > result of > error in
cumulative error1887
1715 tr. D. Gregory Elements Astron. I. i. §61. 123 All the errors of the Body L, arise from the Forces represented by the Right lines AM, MN.
1833 J. F. W. Herschel Astronomy iii. 136 By applying its [clock's] error and rate..he can correct its indications.
1838 A. De Morgan Ess. Probabilities 135 The number of positive and negative errors will in the long run be equal.
1875 F. Galton in London, Edinb. & Dublin Philos. Mag. 4th Ser. 49 37 The law of frequency of error says that ‘magnitudes differing from the mean value by such and such multiples of the probable error, will occur with such and such degrees of frequency’.
1876 Catal. Special Loan Coll. Sci. Apparatus S. Kensington Mus. §48 Testing how far the relative numbers in the several classes accord with the results of the Law of Error or Dispersion.
1878 B. Stewart & P. G. Tait Unseen Universe iii. 123 The same law as that of the Probability of error.
1910 Encycl. Brit. IX. 754/2 In mathematics, ‘error’ is the deviation of the observed or calculated quantity from its true value. The calculus of errors leads to the formulation of the ‘law of error’, which is an analytical expression of the most probably true value of a series of discordant values.
1936 Jrnl. Royal Aeronaut. Soc. 40 77 The distribution of the components of the velocity fluctuation at any given point appears to follow the ‘random error law’.
1951 M. Jahoda et al. Res. Methods Social Rel. I. iv. 100 Random error is due to those transient aspects of the person, of the situation of measurement, of the measurement procedure, etc., which are likely to vary by chance from one measurement to the next.
1959 Chambers's Encycl. VIII. 220/1 The component of molecular velocity along any chosen direction is distributed according to the so-called ‘error law’, i.e. the number of molecules whose component velocity u lies between narrow limits u and u + du is proportional to eAu2du.
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