

单词 etc in mind

> as lemmas

to have (also bear, keep, hold, etc.) in mind
b. in mind: remembered, kept in the memory. to have (also bear, keep, hold, etc.) in mind: to remember, retain in memory; to recall and take into consideration, keep one's attention fixed upon (now the principal sense). See also bear v.1 Phrases 1i.Formerly also: spec. †(in arithmetical calculation) carried (obsolete), hence †to keep in mind: to carry (a number, cipher, etc.) (obsolete).
the mind > mental capacity > memory > retention in the mind > retain in the memory [verb (transitive)]
to have (also bear, keep, hold, etc.) in minda1200
to take (a thing) with one1577
the mind > mental capacity > memory > reminder, putting in mind > commemoration, remembrance > commemorate [verb (intransitive)] > be kept in memory
in minda1200
the world > relative properties > number > arithmetic or algebraic operations > perform arithmetic or algebraic operations [verb (transitive)] > transfer to next column
to have (also bear, keep, hold, etc.) in mind1612
a1200 MS Trin. Cambr. in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1873) 2nd Ser. 209 Listeð nu..and undernimeð hit on heorte, and habbeð hit on minde.
c1300 St. Francis (Laud) 460 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 67 (MED) Huy hadden in muynde hou muche he was anoured er of foules.
c1325 (c1300) Chron. Robert of Gloucester (Calig.) 636 Ȝo wolde þat ire name were eueremo in munde.
a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1879) VII. 415 He dede oon dede þat is worþy to be kepte in mynde [v.r. munde].
c1390 G. Chaucer Man of Law's Tale 1127 In the olde Romayn gestes may men fynde Maurices lyf; I bere it noght in mynde.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) iv. 1961 The whos knyhtnode is yit in mende, And schal be to the worldes ende.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Trin. Cambr.) 6095 In mynde shal ȝe holde þis day.
1431 in H. Littlehales Medieval Rec. London City Church (1905) 27 Also haue in mende of ij chales.
a1513 W. Dunbar Poems (1998) I. 222 Als lang in mynd my work sall hald..As ony of thair werkis all.
1550 R. Crowley One & Thyrtye Epigrammes sig. Dvi The Lorde wyll haue all theyr iuell doynges in mynde.
c1595 Countess of Pembroke Psalme cxv. 27 in Coll. Wks. (1998) II. 185 Iehouah..us in mind doth beare.
1612 W. Colson Art Arith. in Gen. Treasury G gg 4 Which maketh 17. pence, I write 7. in a place further towards the right hand, and keepe 1. in minde.
1656 T. Willsford Arithm. 33 4 times 5 is 20, for which subscribe a cypher, and keep 2 decimalls in minde;..then say 4 times 3 is 12, and 2 in minde is 14.
1675 J. Bunyan Light in Darkness 35 This their stumble might arise..From their own not observing and keeping in mind the Alarum that God gave them at his Birth.
1780 T. Jefferson Corr. in Wks. (1859) I. 260 I retain in mind, and recur, almost daily, to your requisitions of August.
1827 B. Disraeli Vivian Grey IV. vi. v. 172 Bearing in mind the exact position..in which I stand.
1881 G. M. Craik Sydney I. vii. 154 Will you keep in mind that we have got to be better friends?
1895 Sir A. Kekewich in Law Times Rep. 73 662/2 Keeping that fact in mind.
1939 A. Clarke Coll. Plays (1963) 95 It is hard to hold The difference in mind.
1975 Verbatim Sept. 9/2 Works that purport to present accurate linguistic facts about the Celtic role in English would do well to keep this in mind.
1987 R. Ellmann Oscar Wilde v. 102 Wilde was veering away from his former devoutness, but bore in mind that his examiners were probably in orders.
extracted from mindn.1
to bring (also get, etc.) in mind
a. to be of (also in) (a) mind (now usually to be of a mind): to be disposed or minded, to purpose, desire (to do something); (occasionally) to be in great mind (also of good mind or in a good mind) (cf. sense 11). of mind: with purpose, or intending (to do something). to bring (also get, etc.) in mind: to persuade. to have (something) in mind: to intend, plan, or determine to do (something).
the mind > will > wish or inclination > wish or be disposed or inclined [verb]
to be of (also in) (a) minda1325
to will well that1340
to find in one's hearta1393
to have a minda1400
to have a mind1530
to feel like1808
the mind > mental capacity > memory > faulty recollection > [adjective] > forgotten
out of memorya1275
of minda1325
out of mindc1325
spark out1882
a1325 [see sense 9].
c1450 (?a1400) Wars Alexander (Ashm.) 1254 Sire Meliager [was] in gret mynd a man out to sende To ser Alexander.
1505 in J. D. Marwick Extracts Rec. Burgh Edinb. (1869) I. 102 We ar and ever was of gude mynde till do this gude tovne..plesour.
1523 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles I. ccccli. 796 Wherof complayntes came to the heryng of the duke of Berrey, who was in mynde to remedy it.
a1535 T. More Hist. Richard III in Wks. (1557) 41/1 He secretly..caused the Quene to be perswaded and brought in the mynd, that it..shold be ieopardous, the king to come vp strong.
1563 in J. D. Marwick Extracts Rec. Burgh Edinb. (1875) III. 166 The said abbot wes of mynde to dispone..the kirk place [etc.].
1586 Let. Earle Leycester 13 Neither did I it of minde to circumvent her.
1599 in D. Masson Reg. Privy Council Scotl. (1884) 1st Ser. VI. 40 His Majestie being of gude mynd that the said Sir George be satisfeit of the saidis debursmentis, as ressone requyris.
a1617 P. Baynes Lectures 233 in Comm. First & Second Chapters Colossians (1634) Pharaoh [was] in a good minde, as wee say, to let the people goe.
1632 in R. S. France Thievely Lead Mines, 1629–35 (1951) 151 [They] would..have confederated..with Godfrey Mercer for his grove, haveinge gotten Casson in a mynde for his.
1661 C. Lyttelton in E. M. Thompson Corr. Family of Hatton (1878) I. 24 I doe not find my brother of the mind he seemed at first to be of to buy it.
1764 H. Bostwick Let. 10 Dec. in Beekman Mercantile Papers (1956) II. 953 The Indions Said they had maid peas but we was a mind to starve them.
1779 W. Cowper Hypocrisy Detected 12 They..set their wit at work to find What the prophet had in mind.
1814 Gonzanga ii. i, in J. Galt New Brit. Theatre III. 113 Oh lud! if I can but get her in the mind to have me.
1840 R. H. Dana Two Years before Mast vi. 49 The sail-maker was a Fin, and could do anything he was of a mind to.
1865 Harper's Mag. Oct. 674/2 If the Supreme Court was a mind to make a fool of itself, that was no reason that his court should.
1876 W. Minturn George Douglas (typescript) ii. i. 13 ‘I can eat all you're likely to kill in this campaign.’ ‘Then yeou may if you're a mind tew.’
1877 H. James American vii. 135 ‘I have something better in mind,’ he said; ‘come home with me and finish the evening before my fire.’
a1911 D. G. Phillips Susan Lenox (1917) II. xv. 358 The next morning Susan went shopping. She had it in mind to get the materials for a costume of a certain delicate shade of violet.
1949 H. Preece 6 Mar. in B. A. Botkin Treasury Southern Folklore (1949) ii. iv. 340 Britt Bailey had a mighty fine property..and he was no mind to get out of Texas.
1965 B. Behan Confessions Irish Rebel (1967) 157 I wasn't in mind to be asking further.
1986 J. Nagenda Seasons of T. Tebo ii. iii. 64 We could all do it if we were of a mind to.
1996 Earth Matters Autumn 18/1 I've always been a scribbler—all my family were journalists, and I had in mind to be one, too.
extracted from mindn.1
as lemmas




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