

单词 cuisse


Brit. /kwɪs/, /kwɪʃ/, U.S. /kwɪs/
Forms: plural Middle English quysseaux, quyssewes, Middle English cusseis, cussues, qwysshewes, Middle English–1600s cushies, 1600s cushes, 1500s–1800s cuisses, 1700s–1800s cuishes; singular Middle English cusshewe, cusché, 1600s cush, 1800s cuish.
Etymology: In 14th cent. quyssewes, cuissues, < Old French cuisseaux, cuisiaux, plural of cuissel = Italian cosciale, Latin coxāle, < Latin coxa hip, Italian coscia, French cuisse thigh. In English the -ewes, -ues of the plural being reduced to -ies, and at length to -es, the latter has been confounded with the plural ending in fish-es, etc., and a singular cuish, cuisse formed. The etymological singular would be quissel, or quissew.
plural. Armour for protecting the front part of the thighs; in singular a thigh-piece.
society > armed hostility > military equipment > armour > armour for limbs > [noun] > leg armour > for thighs
1314 Sir R. de Clifford in Hist. Lett. & Pap. North Reg. (Rolls 1873) 227 Vij. pair de trappes..ix. pair de quisseus.]
c1330 R. Mannyng Chron. Wace (Rolls) 10027 Arthur..was armed fynly wel Wyþ..Doublet & quysseaux.
c1400 (?c1390) Sir Gawain & Green Knight (1940) l. 578 Queme quyssewes.. coyntlych closed His thik þrawen þyȝeȝ.
1423 in J. Raine Testamenta Eboracensia (1865) III. 73 Pro uno pare de qwysshewes de mayle, pro defensione crurium.
c1425 Wyntoun Cron. viii. xxxii. 46 Hys Cusche Laynere brak in twa.
1590 J. Smythe Certain Disc. Weapons 3 If he had that day worne his cuisses, the bullet had not broken his thigh bone.
1596 W. Warner Albions Eng. (rev. ed.) xii. lxx. 293 The Taishes, Cushies, and the Graues.
1598 W. Shakespeare Henry IV, Pt. 1 iv. i. 106 I saw yong Harry with his beuer on, His cushes on his thighs. View more context for this quotation
1622 F. Markham Five Decades Epist. of Warre iv. viii. 151 They shocke close together, and as it were ioyne Cush to Cush.
1697 J. Dryden Ded. Æneis in tr. Virgil Wks. sig. (b)4v How came the cuisses to be worse temper'd than the rest of his armour.
1715 A. Pope tr. Homer Iliad I. iii. 411 The Purple Cuishes clasp his Thighs around.
1815 W. Scott Lord of Isles vi. xxxiii. 268 Helm, cuish, and breast-plate stream'd with gore.
1881 F. T. Palgrave Visions of Eng. 136 Sidney struck onward, his cuisses thrown off.


Cf. also cussan n.
cuishard n. [French cuissard] Obsolete = cuisse n.
1632 J. Hayward tr. G. F. Biondi Eromena 145 He bore him a thrust under the vauntplate, between the two cuyshard pieces.
1830 E. Hawkins Anglo-Fr. Coinage 110 Part of his cuissarts appears.
cuisset n. [French 13th cent.] Obsolete = cuisse n.
1598 R. Barret Theorike & Pract. Mod. Warres Gloss. 250 Cuisset, is the armings of a horseman, for his thigh vnto the knees.
cuissot n. [French 13th cent.] Obsolete = cuisse n.
1678 tr. L. de Gaya Treat. Arms of War 44 Cuissots or Thigh-pieces.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1893; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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