

单词 clerk convict

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clerk convict
3. clerk attaint, clerk convict: see quots. Obsolete.
1622 F. Bacon Hist. Raigne Henry VII 66 The King began..to pare a little the Priuiledge of Clergie, ordayning, that Clarkes conuict should bee burned in the hand.
1629 Vse of Law 47 in J. Doddridge Lawyers Light A man found guilty of felony..and praying his clergy, and thereupon reading as a clerke..is called a clerk convict.
1641 Rastell's Termes de la Ley (new ed.) f. 62 Clerk attaint is he, which prayeth his Clergie after judgement given upon him of the felonie, and hath his Clergie allowed.
1641 Rastell's Termes de la Ley (new ed.) f. 62 Clerke convict is hee, which prayeth his Clergie before judgement given upon him of the Felonie, and hath his Clergie to him granted.
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