

单词 chickweed


Brit. /ˈtʃɪkwiːd/, U.S. /ˈtʃɪkˌwid/

α. late Middle English chekwede, 1500s checkwed, 1500s checkwede, 1500s chekewede, 1600s checkweed, 1600s checkweede, 1600s cheekweed.

β. late Middle English thykwed (transmission error), 1500s chickewede, 1500s chickeweede, 1500s chickwed, 1500s chickwede, 1500s chikewed, 1500s chikeweede, 1500s chikwede, 1500s chyckewede, 1500s chyckeweed, 1500s chyckweed, 1500s chykwede, 1500s chykweede, 1500s–1600s chickweede, 1500s– chickweed.

Origin: Formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: chick n.1, weed n.1
Etymology: < chick n.1 + weed n.1, with reference to these plants being eaten by chickens. Compare earlier chickenweed n.
1. Any of several, typically relatively broad-leaved, plants of the genus Stellaria (family Caryophyllaceae); spec. (more fully common chickweed) S. media, a low-growing or straggling plant having ovate leaves and small flowers with deeply cleft white petals, which is a common arable and garden weed and can be fed to chickens and other birds. In early use also: any of various other plants which bear some resemblance to common chickweed or can be fed to birds, including pimpernel ( Anagallis arvensis), speedwells (genus Veronica), mouse-ears (genus Cerastium), and groundsel ( Senecio vulgaris) (now only with distinguishing word; cf. sense 2).Cf. earlier chickenweed n.Members of the genus Stellaria having narrower leaves are now usually called stitchworts.
the world > plants > particular plants > plants and herbs > according to family > Caryophyllaceae (chickweeds and allies) > [noun] > chickweeds and stitchworts
chicken meateOE
all bones1787
mouse-eared chickweed1789
satin flower1836
adder's meat1853
shirt button1880
?a1425 (?1373) Lelamour Herbal (1938) f. 64v (MED) Pympirnell. beryth a rede sangwyne colour and leves leke to chekwede.
1511 Kalender of Shepherdes (new ed.) sig. M.ivv Take chyckewede, clythers, ale, and otemele, and make a potage therwith.
1538 W. Turner Libellus de re Herbaria at Asine Chykwede.
1578 H. Lyte tr. R. Dodoens Niewe Herball 50 Chickeweede hath sundry upright, rounde, and knobby stalkes.
1597 J. Gerard Herball ii. 491 The Chickweedes are greene in winter.
1664 J. Evelyn Kalendarium Hortense 69 in Sylva Give them [sc. Birds]..Beets, Groundsell, Chick-weed.
1733 W. Ellis Chiltern & Vale Farming 302 Cliver or chickweed..twists about the Wheat, like the Tyne-weed.
1853 G. Johnston Terra Lindisfarnensis I. 43 Turnips among which chickweed grew luxuriously.
1874 J. Geikie Great Ice Age v. 65 The purple lichnis and white-starred chickweed..blossom and bloom under the fleeting sunshine.
1915 T. W. Woodhead Study Plants xix. 242 Some, like the Chickweeds, are able to pollinate themselves.
1992 Org. Gardening July 50 Common chickweed (Stellaria media) is a winter annual.
2010 Observer 21 Mar. (Guide to Pets) 23/2 They [sc. canaries] need green stuff, such as chickweed and dandelion.
2. With distinguishing word. Any of various plants, esp. of the family Caryophyllaceae, that bear some resemblance to common chickweed.germander chickweed, mouse-ear chickweed, sea chickweed, water chickweed, etc.: see the first element.See also chickweed wintergreen at wintergreen n. 1b.
the world > plants > particular plants > plants and herbs > according to family > Caryophyllaceae (chickweeds and allies) > [noun] > other plants belonging to
1597 J. Gerard Herball ii. 487 The great Chickweede riseth vp with stalkes a cubite high, and some time higher.
1659 R. Lovell Παμβοτανολογια 92 The bastard chick-weed. K[inds] as the Germander, horned, ivy, and great.
1711 J. Petiver Gazophylacii VI. Table LVI Star-leaved Persia Chickweed.
1773 W. Hanbury Compl. Body Planting & Gardening II. 30/1 The Least Chickweed.
1837 J. Macfadyen Flora Jamaica I. 52 Mollugo bellidifolia. Daisy-leaved Chickweed.
1878 A. P. Morgan Flora Miami Valley, Ohio 12 C[erastium] viscosum... Clammy Chickweed.
1972 Y. Lovelock Veg. Bk. 192 The same would seem to be true of Cuban spinach (C[laytonia] cubensis) and Chinese chickweed (C. sibirica).
1975 D. McClintock Wild Flowers Guernsey 81 Guernsey Chickweed Polycarpon tetraphyllum.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2019; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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