

adjacent water adjectival adjective adjective group adjective phrase
adjoin adjourn adjourn a case adjourn a hearing adjourn a meeting
adjourn an inquest adjournment adjudge adjudicate adjudicate a dispute
adjudication adjudicator adjunct adjust adjustable
adjustable bed adjustable chair adjustable handle adjustable seat adjustable shelf
adjustable straps adjustable suspension adjust accordingly adjust a clock adjust a setting
adjust automatically adjust easily adjuster adjust manually adjustment
adjustment mechanism adjustment period adjustment problems adjustor adjust the angle
adjust the brightness adjust the colour adjust the dose adjust the focus adjust the heat
adjust the height adjust the level of adjust the light adjust the position adjust the price
adjust the rate adjust the schedule adjust the seasoning adjust the seat adjust the size of
adjust the speed adjust the strap adjust the temperature adjust the thermostat adjust the timing
adjust the volume adjutant ad-lib ad lib adman
admin admin error administer administer a dose administer a drug
administer a fund administer aid administer an estate administer an injection administer a shock
administer a test administer a trust administer a vaccine administer chemotherapy administered orally
administer intravenously administer justice administer medication administer medicine administer the sacrament
administer treatment administration administration of justice administration policy administrative
administrative boundary administrative building administrative burden administrative capacity administrative centre
administrative chaos administrative control administrative convenience administrative costs administrative discretion
administrative district administrative duty administrative efficiency administrative employee administrative error
administrative fee administrative function administrative hassle administrative headache administrative headquarters
administrative incompetence administratively administrative nightmare administrative office administrative officer
administrative overhead administrative oversight administrative penalty administrative position administrative post
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