

单词 somedeal
释义 somedeal, n., adv., and a. Now arch. or dial.|ˈsʌmdiːl|
Forms: 1 sum dæl, 2 summ del, 4 sum del(l, 6 Sc. sum deill, deyll; 1 (adv.) sume daeli, dæle, 3 sume dale, 4–5 some dele (5 som dele, somme del), 6–7 some deale, 6– some deal; 1, 3–5 sumdel (5 summedel, 5, 9 dial. sumdell), 3–4 somdel (4 zom-), 5 so(u)mdell, 5, 9 dial. somdell, 4–5 somedel (6 -dell); 5–6 sumdele (6 -deale), Sc. -deil(l; 4 somdiel, 5 Sc. -deill, 5 -deele, 5–6 -dele, -deale; 4–6 somedele, 5–7 -deale, 6– somedeal (6 -deall).
[f. OE. sum some a.1 4 b + dǽl deal n.1 In advb. use partly representing the OE. instrumental forms sume dǽle.]
A. n. Some part or portion of some thing or things; some, somewhat.
a900O.E. Chron. (Parker MS.) an. 785, Iaenbryht ærcebisc. forlet sumne dæl his bisc'domes.922in Birch Cartul. Sax. II. 313 Ic sylle sumne dæl londes.a1122O.E. Chron. (Laud MS.) Pref., Scotta sum dæl ᵹewat of Ybernian on Brittene.c1200Ormin 1106 Nu habbe icc shæwedd ȝuw summ del Off þa Judisskenn lakess.c1320Cast. Love 1371 Sumdel ȝe habbeþ i-herd nou riht Of his strengþe and of his miht.1375Barbour Bruce v. 358 Thai..thaim defendit weill, Till of thair men war slane sumdeill.1502W. Atkynson tr. De Imitatione ii. x. (1893) 188 All worldly & bodely plesurs be..mixte with somdele of vnclenes.1553N. Grimalde Cicero's Offices i. (1558) 10 Somdeale of our birth our contrey, somedeale our parentes,..do claime.1593G. Harvey Pierce's Super. Wks. (Grosart) II. 81 Some deale of Selfe⁓liking.1896Crockett Grey Man x, You have had some deal of that too.
b. dial. A considerable number of people.
1851Sternberg Dial. & Folk-Lore Northants 101 ‘Was there many people at your feast?’ ‘Ees, theer war some⁓deal o' folk.’
B. adv. In some degree or measure; to some extent; somewhat; partly:
a. In general use.
c725Corpus Gloss. P 4 Partim, sumedaeli.1154O.E. Chron. an. 1137, Nu we willen sæᵹen sumdel wat belamp on Stephnes kinges time.c1205Lay. 1183 Milc wes i þere scale, & win sume dale [c 1275 somdel].c1290S. Eng. Leg. I. 118 A taillage it is, and sumdel with vnriȝte i-take.c1340Ayenb. 268 Þaȝ ich zomdel þis onderstonde.c1380Sir Ferumb. 4238 Hym semede þan it was a knyȝt,..And sumdel was agaste.c1440Pallad. on Husb. xiii. 84 Lord,..do me sumdel rise Thy self in hym to se.a1533Frith Answ. More (1548) O viij b, I doubte not..but that it doth some deal vexe you.1579Spenser Sheph. Cal. May 56 Thou lackest somedele their delight.1650T. B[ayley] Worcester's Apoph. Ep. Ded. 1 Some-deale a pretender unto gratitude.1849Rock Ch. of Fathers II. 143 note, It would seem, that ornament..varied some deal in shape.1854A. E. Baker Northampt. Gloss., Som-dell, in some measure, somewhat.1896Burgess Lowra Biglan 45 They had got into a way of sitting by themselves some deal of late.
b. Qualifying a following adj., adv., or pa. pple.
a1225Leg. Kath. 669 Ha wes sumdel offruht & offearet.c1225Ancr. R. 20 Ᵹif hit is halidei, buweð sumdel dune⁓ward.c1300Beket 95 This Gilbert him huld Somdel stille.c1386Chaucer Prol. 446 A good Wif was ther.., But sche was somdel deef.c1440Partonope 3120 Hit was nyght and somdele derk.c1450Knt. de la Tour cix. 148 By as moche as she was sumdel abaisshed.1524State P. Hen. VIII (1836) IV. 210 Her Grace was somedeall busyed to make us a good aunsuer.1592R. D. Hypnerotomachia 14 The vpper part of a womans head some deale bare.1605B. Jonson Volpone v. vi. [x.], I'le not iustifie The other, but he may be some-deale faulty.1819Tennant Papistry Storm'd (1827) 69 Though somedeal auld, In spreit yet juvenil and bauld.1828Scott F.M. Perth xvii, Though we know he was somedeal hurt in that matter.
c. With comparatives.
c1000Sax. Leechd. I. 144 Seo [wyrt] hæfð sume dæle læssan leaf ðonne docce.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 3 Hit lasteð þre wuke fulle and sum del more.c1300Havelok 2950 The feste of his coruning Laste..Fourti dawes, and sumdel mo.a1366Chaucer Rom. Rose 118 From an hille..Cam doun the streme.., And somedele lasse it was than Seyn.c1374Boeth. i. pr. v. (1868) 25 For whiche we wile vsen somedel lyȝter medicines.c1450Bk. Curtasye 808 in Babees Bk., I let hit here ouer passe, To make oure talkyng summedelasse.1565Jewel Reply Harding Pref. (1611) 7 Yet am I now some deale the more satisfied by these your trauels.1583Stubbes Anat. Abuses i. (1879) 53 It were some deal more tollerable.1830Miss Mitford Village Ser. iv. (1863) 298 The old red coat, some-deal the worse for wear.
C. adj. With a: A little; some. Obs.—1
c1340Hampole Prose Tr. (1866) 17 [He] perauenture hase getyn by grace a som-dele ryste and a clerete in concyence.
Hence somedeally adv. Obs.
c1400Hylton Scala Perf. i. xlii. (W. de W. 1494), This traueylle is somdelyche streyte & narrow.




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