

单词 seigniory
释义 seigniory, seignory, n.|ˈseɪnjərɪ|
Forms: 3–4 senurre, 4–5 senurie, senery, 5 senowrye; 4 Sc. senȝhory, senȝeroy, senȝhowry, 4–5 senyoury (Sc. senȝoury, senȝory), seniourie, 5–7 seniory, seniorie, (5 seniore), senȝowry, 6 senȝeory, -ie, 6–7 senyeory; 3 seynorye, 4 seynu(r)rye, 4 seynore, seinuri, 5 seynourye; 4 seinȝnery, 4–5 sengnurie, syngnory; 4 segnoury, 6 segnorie, segniory, 6–7 segniorie, 6 segnyorye; 3–6 seygnery, seignori(ȝ)e, seiȝnory, 4–5 seignurie, 4–6 seignorye, seygno(u)rye, seignourie, -y(e, seygnourie, 4–7 seigniorie, (7 seigniore, siegniory, seignieurie), 4– seignory, 6– seigniory.
[a. OF. seignorie (mod.F. refashioned seigneurie), f. seigneur: see seignior. Cf. Sp. señoría, Pg. senhoria, It. signoria. See also seigneury, signory.]
1. Lordship, domination, sovereignty. Obs.
c1290S. Eng. Leg. 115/320 Ȝif he hadde of is owene flesche al-ovt þe seignorie.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 3858 He wolde wende Vor to winne seygnorie aboute in oþer ende.13..K. Alis. 597 (Laud MS.) He shal habbe seignorye Of þis rounde myddell erd.1375Barbour Bruce xii. 298 Covaitiss of senȝhory.c1400Laud Troy Bk. 3159 Thei made lettres..To eche a lond and prouynce That Gregeys hadde in seygnorye.1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 209/11 Mony has jurisdiccioun and seignoury be way of dede, and nocht be way of lawe.1474Caxton Chesse ii. v. (1883) 66 Whan thou haste moste seignourye and lordships than shalt thou [etc.].a1547Surrey æneid ii. 467 That many yeres did hold such seignorie.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. IV 1 The Turke..by the discord of christen princes hath amplified greatly his seigniory and dominion.1638Sir T. Herbert Trav. (ed. 2) 66 If hee would..do homage to him, he should re-accept his seniory.1649G. Daniel Trinarch., Hen. IV ccclxi, The more Politicke Molls, (who in fatter Soyles, have Seigneiorie).1684Contempl. St. Man i. ii. 20 What were..the Seignory of the World, but Vanity of Vanities?
b. quasi-arch. your seignorie = ‘your lordship’: attributed to a foreign speaker.
1829Scott Anne of G. xxix, ‘It may be your seignorie is right’, answered the guide.Ibid. xxx.
2. spec. Feudal lordship or dominion; the authority, rights, and privileges of a feudal lord.
1464Rolls of Parlt. V. 524/1 Articles of Liberteez to Seignorie apperteynyng.1567in F. J. Baigent Crondal Rec. (1891) 171 With suche segnyorye and preferment of the said under tenauntes as the personne so atteyncted had before the said atteyndour.1620J. Wilkinson Coroners & Sherifes 3 Alwaies saving to the King and to other Lords their Seigniories and Franchises.1834Pringle Afr. Sk. xiv. 473 Reserving to the chiefs certain rights of seigniory over the respective domains.1851Dixon W. Penn xxii. (1872) 188 James thought..the rights of seigniory too large.
b. A particular feudal lordship; in English Law chiefly, the relation of the lord to the tenants of a manor.
seigniory appendant, seigniory in gross: see quot. 1886. By some writers seigniory has been used as equivalent to ‘seigniory in gross’.
1466Paston Lett. II. 283 Their ancestors had been possessed of a court and seniory in the town of Paston.1482Rolls of Parlt. VI. 204/2 Any Tenaunt holdyng..by Knyghts service, by reason of any Seignorie or Lordshipp.1553Act 1 Mary Stat. ii. c. 5 Any person..having a Seignorie by reason of any Castells,..[etc.]..of him..holden by Knightes service.1586J. Hooker Hist. Irel. 113/1 in Holinshed, Matthew did..seeke to vsurpe the name of a segniorie of the Oneiles, and the dominions apperteining to that segniorie and surname.1597Shakes. 2 Hen. IV, iv. i. 111 Were you not restor'd To all the Duke of Norfolkes Seignories, Your Noble, and right well-remembred Fathers?1607J. Norden Surv. Dial. ii. 43 He may haue thereby a kind of seignory, a Lordship or gouernement in grosse ouer his Tenants by contract or couenant, but no Mannor.c1600Bacon Elem. Com. Law ii. (1630) 7 If tenant in ancient demesne be disseised by the Lord, whereby the seigniory is suspended,..Francke fee is no plea.1652tr. Fitzherbert's New Nat. Brev. 6 If a man hold of a Lord, as of Seigniory in gross, which is not any Manor, for which Seigniory he cannot keep any Court.1730M. Wright Tenures 30 Neither could the Lord alien or transfer his Seigniory or Superiority to another, without the Consent of his Feudatary.1844J. Williams Real Prop. (1879) 322 By the grant of an estate in fee simple, he necessarily parted with the feudal possession... The grantee, however, became his tenant... This simply having a free tenant in fee simple was called a seignory.1875Digby Real Prop. i. §3 (1876) 50 note, If the lord retained no lands in his own hands, but all the lands within the manor were held by free tenants, he was said to have a seignory, or a seignory in gross.1886Encycl. Brit. XXI. 623/2 They [seignories] are regarded as incorporeal hereditaments, and are either appendant or in gross. A seignory appendant passes with the grant of the manor; a seignory in gross—that is a seignory which has been severed from the demesne lands of the manor to which it was originally appendant—must be specially conveyed by deed of grant.
3. The territory under the dominion of a lord; esp. a feudal domain. Sometimes used for seigneury with reference to France or Canada.
1338R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 49 Whan Knoute had resceyued boþe þe seignories, He parted þe lond in foure parties.1489Caxton Faytes of A. i. i. 6 To recoure londes, seignoryes or ther thynges.1532–3Act 24 Hen. VIII, c. 7 Prouided alwayes, that euery lorde marcher haue the for⁓faytes..within their seygnories, liberties, aed [sic] frauncheses royall.1601Holland Pliny v. xxix. I. 107 A third Seignorie or Shire there is that goeth to Apamia.1603Knolles Hist. Turks (1638) 71 The Venetians; by whom it was holden as a part of their seignorie almost an hundred yeares.1646Bp. Maxwell Burd. Issach. 7 Crime..committed, within the Seignory of this pettie Principality.1818Cruise Digest (ed. 2) I. 3 The codes of the Germans..were superseded by these local customs: each seignory and province had its own.1839Stonehouse Axholme 144 The Lord of the Manor..could search for stolen goods within the extent of his seignory.
fig.1579J. Northbrooke Dicing Ep. Ded., I will poure out prayers vnto the Lord of heauen & earth to sende you..after this life neuer ceassing, and endlesse ioyes in the heauenlie Seignorie.a1586Sidney Arcadia iii. (Sommer) 268 In one place lay disinherited heades, dispossessed of their naturall seignories.
4. A body of ‘seigniors’ or lords. Often with reference to Italy, = signoria, signory 4.
1485Caxton Chas. Gt. 88 Ye myght be blamed, seen that your seygnorye ne your lordes be not here now present.1517R. Torkington Pilgr. (1884) 12 The Duke..with all the Senyorye went in ther Archa triumphali.1603Knolles Hist. Turks (1638) 84 Ouer all which, the seignorie neuertheless had a generall care.1872Lowell Dante Wks. 1890 IV. 134 The new decree by which the seigniory of Florence recalled a portion of the exiles.




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