

单词 secondarily
释义 secondarily, adv.|ˈsɛkəndərɪlɪ|
[f. secondary a. + -ly2.]
1. In the second order in time or temporal sequence; for the (or a) second time; also, as the (or a) second action, event, etc. Obs.
c1475Partenay 512 Raymonde swere agayn secundarilie, That neuer no day forsworne wolde he be.1477Sir J. Paston in P. Lett. III. 187 Snaylwell, by my grauntefadres will ones, and by my fadris will sceconderely [sic], is entaylyd to the issyw of my fadres body.a1513Fabyan Chron. v. lxxxviii. 65 [Vortimerus] gaue vnto theym a great Batayll vpon the Ryuer of Darwent... And secundaryly he faught with theym vpon y⊇ Foorde called Epifoorde.1527Andrew Brunswyke's Distyll. Waters M ij b, Dystylle them secondarely in a newe glasse in balneo marie.1578Lyte tr. Dodoens ii. lxxxv. 263 The Rosemary floureth twise a yeare, once in the spring time of the yeare, and secondarily in August.1609Bible (Douay) Ps. lxvii. Comm., Other Apostles of divers tribes sent first to the Jewes, secondarily to the Gentiles.
2. Secondly; in the second order or place (in an argument, discourse, or the like). (Very common in the 16th c.) Obs.
1523[Coverdale] Old God (1534) Lj, Secundaryly I fynde the saide ceremonies on euery syde sundry & vnlike among theym selues.1534in W. H. Turner Select. Rec. Oxford (1880) 128 And secondaryly, if such lycence..were suffered it should be the occasions of many frays, of much robory and bribery.1599Shakes. Much Ado v. i. 221 They haue committed false report,..secondarily they are slanders,.. thirdly, they haue verified vniust things, and to conclude they are lying knaues.1604N. Bownd Storeh. Comfort iii. 26 Secondarily, if wee should neglect to pray for them.1647Hexham 1, Secondarily or secondly, Ten tweeden.
3. As a secondary consequence, indirectly; through an intermediate agency or train of events.
1637Gillespie Eng. Pop. Cerem. iii. viii. 196 Whereupon secondarily and accidentally will follow their falling away from their Ecclesiasticall office and function.1647H. More Song of Soul ii. iii. i. 21 She sees more clear Then we that see but secondarily.1678Cudworth Intell. Syst. 732 Our Knowledge here is not After Singular Bodies, and Secundarily or Derivatively From them; but in order of Nature, Before them, and Proleptical to them.1690Stillingfl. Serm. xxvii. Wks. I. 441 Those who had the Apostolical Office committed to them, (whether Primarily by Christ himself, or Secondarily by the Apostles, as Timothy and Titus and others) had great need of this Apostolical Spirit.1748Hartley Observ. Man i. iii. §3. 371 An Action that is not automatic primarily or secondarily.1803Beddoes Hygëia ix. 11 It would be more exact to consider him as nervous because he has been gouty. He is only secondarily nervous.1884Bower & Scott De Bary's Phaner. 459 The large medullary rays have originated secondarily from the primary ones.
4. (The chief modern sense.) With reference to other than temporal order: In the second place, second in order of importance, not first of all; subordinately.
1525Fitzherb. Husb. §163 Wherfore thou must fyrst loue god princypally, and thy neyghbour secondarely.1621Donne Serm. xv. (1640) 151 Thereupon doe the Fathers..take that place of Ezekiel..to be primarily intended of the last resurrection, and but secundarily of the Jews restitution.1690C. Nesse Hist. & Myst. O. & N.T. I. 51 The godly seed of the woman shall secondarily partake of this triumph.1813Leach Parl. Deb. 15 Feb. in Examiner 22 Feb. 116/2 An office which was primarily judicial and secondarily political.1899J. F. Hurst in Amer. Jrnl. Theol. Oct. 680 The first Prayer Book [of 1549] was based primarily, on the old Latin service-books, and secondarily on Archbishop Hermann's Consultation.




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