

单词 buggery
释义 ˈbuggery|ˈbʌgərɪ|
Forms: 4 bugerie, 6 buggerye, -arie, -orie, boggery, bowgery, bockery, Sc. bewgrye, 6–7 buggerie, 6– buggery, 8– -ary.
[f. as prec.: see -ery.]
a. Abominable heresy. Obs.
b. Unnatural intercourse of a human being with a beast, or of men with one another, sodomy. Also used of unnatural intercourse of a man and a woman. Now mainly as a technical term in criminal law.
1330R. Brunne Chron. 320 Þe Kyng said & did crie, þe pape was heretike..and lyued in bugerie.1514Fitzherb. Just. Peas (1538) 125 b, It is enacted that the vice of buggorie committed with man kynd or beast be adjudged felonie.1552Lyndesay Monarche 3473 That self Syn of Sodomye, and most abhominabyll bewgrye [v.r. bowgre].1667Chamberlayne St. Gt. Brit. i. (1684) 41 The sin of Buggery brought into England by the Lombards.1729G. Jacob Law-Dict., Buggery..is defined to be carnalis copula contra Naturam, & hoc vel per confusionem Specierum, sc. a Man or Woman with a brute Beast; vel Sexuum, a Man with a Man, or Man with a Woman.1754Edwards Freed. Will iii. vii. 187 The most horrid crimes, Adultery, Murder, Buggery, Blasphemy, &c.1861Act 24 & 25 Vic. c. §61 The abominable crime of buggery, committed either with mankind or with any animal.1966J. Sparrow Controversial Ess. 41 Lawrence weaves into his story not merely a defence but a panegyric of this practice, making Lady Chatterley's Lover a vehicle for conveying his belief that it is a proper, if not a necessary, element in a full sexual relationship between man and woman... The practice approved by Lawrence is that known in English law as buggery.
c. In various slang uses (see quots.) = hell n. 9; to play buggery: to play havoc. (Cf. 1851 attrib. quot. in B below)
1898Shetland News 11 June (E.D.D. Suppl.), You wye 'at dey geng an' buy at private bargains ootside da ring plays buggery.1923J. Manchon Le Slang 74 All to buggery, foutu.1929F. Manning Middle Parts of Fortune I. iii. 39 I saw 'im, sir; 'e were just blown to buggery.1937Partridge Dict. Slang 103/2 Like buggery, either vigorously, cruelly, vindictively; or, as an expletive, certainly not!1939Dylan Thomas Let. Mar. (1966) 228 Old stories mostly, but cut and pruned to buggery or sense.1961Coast to Coast 1959/60 83 ‘Pipe down, Rymill!’ ‘Go to buggery, Rymill!’1966‘E. Lindall’ Time too Soon (1967) xiii. 142 ‘Sah. You sick.’ ‘Go to buggery,’ Minogue snarled. ‘Yes, sah,’ Basikas said, and stood aside.
B. attrib. or as adj.
1643R. O. Man's Mort. vi. 49 Christ dyed not for the rationall part seperated from the materiall, nor the materiall from the rationall, if there should be such Buggery births.1851Mayhew Lond. Labour I. 23 A buggery fool.




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