

单词 sanctum sanctorum
释义 sanctum sanctorum|ˈsæŋktəm sæŋkˈtɔərəm|
Pl. sancta sanctorum.
[L. sanctum neut. nom. sing. and sanctōrum neut. gen. pl. of sanctus holy; a Hebraism, transl. (= LXX. τὸ ἅγιον τῶν ἁγίων) of qōdesh haqqŏdāshīm, ‘Holy of holies’ (see holy n. 1). The Vulgate (following the LXX) several times uses the pl. sancta sanctorum in the same sense as the sing., without any warrant from the original Hebrew.]
1. The Holy of holies of the Jewish temple and tabernacle. In early use also pl. in the same sense.
c1400Apol. Loll. 35 Þei..schal not nye to al My sanctuari, bi þe sancta sanctorum [Ezek. xliv. 13].1493St. Katherine (W. de W.) b iij a/1 (Stanf.) That holy place that is called Sancta sanctorum.1558Morwyng tr. Joseph Ben Gorion's Hist. Jews (1561) 36 b, Thei entred also into the Sanctuary, and attempted to enter into the sanctum sanctorum.1577[see sanctum 1].1714Addison Spect. No. 580 ⁋3 In Solomon's Temple there was the Sanctum Sanctorum.1787Minor 181 Mysteries, which, like the sanctum sanctorum of the Jewish Tabernacle, should never be exhibited to the profane world.1841Catlin N. Amer. Ind. lviii. (1844) II. 232 The Jews had their sanctum sanctorums.
fig.1622Mabbe tr. Aleman's Guzman D'Alf. i. ii. iv. 123 [He] that buyes an Office, whose money only (without any other merit) hath inthroned him in the Sancta Sanctorum of the world.1643Sir T. Browne Relig. Med. i. §13 There is no danger to profound these mysteries, no sanctum sanctorum in Phylosophy.1771Smollett Humph. Cl. 5 June, The inner apartment, or ‘Sanctum Sanctorum’ of this political temple.
b. transf.
1598W. Phillip Linschoten i. xliv. 82 The doore of their Sancta Sanctorum, or rather Diabolorum, being opened, it shewed within like a Lime-kill,..neither was ther any light in al the Church, but that which came in at the doore we entered by.1738Gentl. Mag. VIII. 146/2 The Door of the Inner Temple, or Sanctum sanctorum opened, and discovered the most frightful Idol that ever the wit..of men contrived.1806Edin. Rev. VIII. 95 Sometimes there is a smaller circle [of stones], which is a sort of sanctum sanctorum, in the centre.1878J. Payn By Proxy I. iii. 35 Oh, that is the sanctum sanctorum, in which the..blessed relic of Buddha is kept.
2. A person's private retreat, where he is free from intrusion.
1706E. Ward Wooden World Diss. (1708) 7 The great Cabin is the Sanctum Sanctorum he inhabits.1834Beckford Italy II. 169 We went by appointment to the archbishop confessor's and were immediately admitted into his sanctum sanctorum, a snug apartment [etc.].1874Aldrich Prud. Palfrey xvii. 368 And now, if you please, we will inspect the sanctum sanctorum of the late incumbent.
transf.1832W. Irving Alhambra (1875) 122 Here was the sanctum sanctorum of female privacy.




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