

单词 sampler
释义 I. sampler, n.1|ˈsɑːmplə(r), ˈsæm-|
Forms: 4 saumplarie, -ye, sawmplere, 4–5 samplere, saumpler, 4–8 samplar, 6 sawmplar, 9 dial. sampleth, 6– sampler.
[Aphetic f. OF. essamplaire: see examplar.]
1. An example to be imitated; a model, pattern; an archetype; the original from which a copy is or may be taken. Obs.
a1300Cursor M. 28073 Bot nu sal i tell þe her nest Hu þu sal sceu þi scrift to preist,..þat laud men mai sumquat lere To scape þair scrift wit þis samplere.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xxvii. (Machor) 1439 For þai till hyme war as samplar to lewe his kyne þat mychty war, & þis gret pilgrimag to tak.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xii. 104 Al-þough men made bokes god was þe maistre, And seynt spirit þe saumplarye and seide what men sholde write.1382Wyclif Exod. xxv. 40 Bihold and do after the sawmplere, that to thee is shewid in the hil.c1475Partenay 2947 Off ther beyng here will I leue and cease, To declare and say make me will redy, As of my samplere to procede plainly.1565Jewel Repl. Harding (1611) 382 There are not two sorts of Adoration..but one onely Adoration, both of the Image, and also of the Samplar, whereof the Image is.1581J. Bell Haddon's Answ. Osor. 445 But the Type is past, and the veritye supplyeth the place. Latt us make a comparison betwixt the sampler and y⊇ trueth [Melchisedech and Christ].1597Beard Theatre God's Judgem. (1612) 490 The verie whores..paid him a yearely reuenue for their bauderies: which act..is made a sampler to some of our holie Popes to imitate.1608Topsell Serpents (1658) 778 Arachne first invented..working with the needle, which this mayd of Lydia first learned from the Spiders, taking her first Samplers and patterns from them for imitation.1636Featly Clavis Myst. xvi. 208 Christ's baptism was the perfect sampler and patterne of ours.1656Jeanes Fuln. Christ 296 The holinesse of Christ, which God hath propounded unto us for a samplar to imitate.1658Manton Exp. Jude Wks. 1871 V. 85 God is the original fountain and sampler of holiness.a1680Charnock Attrib. God (1834) II. 259 True holiness consists in a likeness to the most exact sampler.
attrib.1645Rutherford Tryal & Tri. Faith (1845) 48 A stone,..some way conform to..Christ the Sampler-stone.
2. An illustrative or typical instance; a specimen. Also, a representation, symbol, type. Obs.
a1300Cursor M. 10892 Þat þou be noght o þis in weir, Ald elizabeth be þi samplere.1623Lisle ælfric on O. & N. Test. (1638) 24 So thou maist yet at least be furthered somewhat by this little sampler [A.S. bysne].1644Quarles Barnabas & B. 253 What is man but a sampler of weakness?1683Pennsylv. Archives I. 73 And God is giving some Specimens hereof, some Samplars.1697G. Burghope Disc. Relig. Assemb. 25 The Temple..a Type and Samplar..of the Heavenly Temple that is above.
a. A piece of embroidery serving as a pattern to be copied. Obs.
1574R. Scot Hop Gard. (1578) 54 The Hoppesackes that are brought out of Flaunders, may be good samplers for you to worke by.a1586Sidney Arcadia ii. (Sommer) 119 Alas then, O Loue, why doost thou in thy beautifull sampler sette such a worke for my Desire to take out, which is as much impossible? [1608: see 1.]1675Brooks Gold. Key Wks. 1867 V. 284 Such as begin to work with the needle, look much on their sampler and pattern.
b. A beginner's exercise in embroidery; a piece of canvas embroidered by a girl or woman as a specimen of skill, usually containing the alphabet and some mottos worked in ornamental characters, with various decorative devices.
1523Skelton Garl. Laurel 789 The saumpler to sow on, the lacis to enbraid.1546Marg. Thomson Will in Essex Rev. (1908) XVII. 147, I gyve to Alys Pynchebeck my sawmpler with semes.1592Kyd Sol. & Pers. i. ii, When didst thou, with thy sampler..sit sowing?1639Mayne City Match ii. ii, Your schoole-mistresse..teaches To knit in Chaldee, and worke Hebrew samplers.1758Johnson Idler No. 2 ⁋3 Our girls forsake their samplers to teach kingdoms wisdom.1789Burns Let. to Mrs. M'Murdo 2 May, Never did little Miss with more sparkling pleasure show her applauded sampler to partial Mamma, than I now send my poem to you.1803R. Anderson Cumbld. Ball. 61 Sin I furst work'd a sampleth at Biddy Forsyth's.1862Calverley Verses & Tr. (1894) 80 Now not all they seek to do Is create upon a sampler Beasts which Buffon never knew.1886J. K. Jerome Idle Thoughts (1889) 136 There is a ‘sampler’ worked by some idiot related to the family.
attrib.1859A. Cary Country Life i. (1876) 19, I see that it was marked with sampler letters in one corner.1881Besant & Rice Chapl. of Fleet I. 170 Esther, for her part, taught her embroidery and sampler work.
transf. and fig.1627W. Hawkins Apollo Shroving Prol. 5 Take out thy fescue, and spell here, in this one-leau'd booke. Tell the stitches in this sampler of blacke and white.1717Prior Alma ii. 448 Distinguished Slashes deck the Great; As each excells in Birth, or State His Oylet-holes are more, and ampler, The King's own body was a Samplar.1819Keats Wks. (1889) III. p. cxxv, The more he may love the sad embroidery of the Excursion, the more will he hate the coarse samplers of Betty Foy and Alice Fell.
4. Forestry. A young tree left standing when the rest are cut down.
1653W. Blithe Eng. Improv. Impr. 161 Take a good straight Pole or sampler growing of Ash or Willow.1785J. Phillips Treat. Inland Navig. 19 Cutting down samplers and young trees even for faggot and stack wood..has been..a common practice.1813Vancouver Agric. Devon 246 Standards or samplers are always left, but seldom raised to timber.
5. = sample n. 2 a, b.
1823J. Badcock Dom. Amusem. 136 Test for proving Steel. Take weak aqua-fortis, and drop a little on the sampler in question.1972T. Kochman Rappin' & Stylin' Out p. xv, Minimally necessary would be a comparative sampler of the diverse preaching styles that exist in the black community.1975Booksellers Weekly 15 Sept. 55/3 The authors also include a sampler of foreign menus: continental, Italian, Greek, Mexican, oriental, Indonesian.1976National Observer (U.S.) 17 Jan. 14/1 (Advt.), Try this Vermont Sampler... We'll send you, on approval, our Vermont cob-smoked ham..and 1 lb. of our delicious cob-smoked bacon.
6. That which contains a sample or representative selection; spec. a gramophone record of examples of a performer, type of music, etc.
1969Nature 10 May 599/1 This paperback is a sampler of letters, perodicals, and reports in the United States relating to the publication late in 1859 of Charles Darwin's ‘Origin’.1970Melody Maker 20 June 27/4 We are promised jazz releases from A. & M. Records commencing shortly with a jazz sampler.1977Linlithgowshire Jrnl. & Gaz. 15 Apr. 6/6 And one of the best ways to start is with Atlantic Record's sampler containing numbers from the albums ‘War Babies’, ‘Abandoned Luncheonette’ and ‘Whole Oates’.
7. attrib. and Comb., as (sense 3 b) sampler rhyme; (sense 6) sampler album (album1 6), sampler collection, sampler record.
1977Zigzag Mar. 28/3 He's also doing a *sampler album, with sleeve notes too, I think.
1973A. Dundes Mother Wit p. xii, There are already *sampler collections of raw folklore data available.
1975Gramophone May 2024/1 Gustav Leonhardt Portrait. *Sampler Record.
1951W. de la Mare Winged Chariot 51 My cross-stitch *sampler-rhyme.
II. sampler, n.2|ˈsɑːmplə(r), ˈsæm-|
[f. sample v. + -er1.]
1. One whose business it is to sample goods; also, one employed in any other form of sampling.
1778Pryce Min. Cornub. 216 To make a rough guess or coarse essay, the sampler takes a handful of it, and washes it on a shovel [etc.].1877Raymond Statist. Mines & Mining 382 The sampler takes charge of the piles.1906Act 6 Edw. VII, c. 27 §3 (2) An official sampler shall at the request of the purchaser..take a sample for analysis by the agricultural analyst of any such article.c1950G. van Delden I have Plan i. 15 He..came to the mine.., so they put him on the staff as a sampler.1971J. B. Carroll et al. Word Frequency Bk. p. xviii, The responsibility for judging whether or not a textual segment was an essentially English sentence was left to the sampler.
2. A device for obtaining samples for scientific study.
1902Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1901 XXI. 58 (caption) Soil sampler, after Delbecque.1927Bull. Nat. Res. Council (U.S.) No. 61. 237 A modification of the Davis peat-sampler.Ibid. 238 In deeper water the other sampler had to be used.1946Geogr. Jrnl. CVII. 164 The core-sampler gave relatively short cores or none at all... The piston-sampler constructed by Dr. Kullenberg—a modification of the original vacuum core-sampler—secured practically undisturbed cores down to a maximum depth of over 3600 metres.1959Jrnl. Sci. Instruments XXXIV. 3 (heading) Impaction sampler for size grading air-borne bacteria-carrying particles.1974Nature 25 Oct. 678/2 The air samplers do not register this excess presumably because the size of the spray particles is beyond the upper limit of collection of the sampling duct.

Music. a. An electronic device or (occas.) a piece of software used to sample sounds, excerpts of music, etc. (cf. sample v.).
1985Sound on Sound Nov. 7/3 The sudden, if not anticipated, arrival of affordable samplers has now commenced.1986Making Music Apr. 7/1 Both samplers are MIDI compatible, have built-in disk drives, and a whizzy Roland-style alpha wheel for modifying your sounds.1989Blitz Jan. 35/2 Samplers are certainly going to get cheaper, and as people on the fringes of the rock scene begin to experiment with them, we may get something akin to the synth boom in the early eighties.1993R. Rucker et al. Mondo 2000 24/2 Samplers are central to the creation of much of today's ‘modern rock’ sound; particularly hip-hop, house and industrial.1999Muzik June 150/3 (advt.) We sell: mixers, decks, samplers, EQ's, carts, styli, headphones, amps, speakers.
b. A person who uses such a device; spec. a person who obtains digital sound samples (esp. from recordings by other artists) for use in his or her own music.
1988Oxf. Times 31 Mar. 12 James Brown has returned to the limelight as his recordings have recently been ripped widely off by ‘samplers’ (i.e. plagiarists).1992Vibe Fall (Preview Issue) 40/1 On the other hand, Warner/Chappell is widely viewed as being friendly to samplers.2000N.Y. Mag. 1 May 96/2 Fatboy Slim sounds less like a clever sampler than a deft D.J. willing to throw on anything to keep people moving.
III. ˈsampler, v. Obs.
[f. sampler n.1]
= sample v.
1628Prynne Brief Survay 54, I will therefore now confine my selfe to the Matter, and Substance of these Deuotions, which I will now Paralell, and Sampler with those Popish Authors.




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