

单词 roborate
释义 I. ˈroborate, pa. pple. Obs.
[ad. L. rōborāt-us, pa. pple. of rōborāre: see next.]
Confirmed, ratified, strengthened.
1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) VIII. 245 The kynge made a chartoure roborate by auctorite of the pope.1533Bellenden Livy i. x. (S.T.S.) I. 54 Mony vthir bandis war roborate betuix þe two pepill.1536Cron. Scot. (1821) I. 21 The peace beand roborat in this maner, baith the kingis returnit hame.c1550Rolland Crt. Venus ii. 251 His Fortoun was with strenth so roborait.Ibid. 585 With subtill wark it was sa roborat.
II. ˈroborate, v. Obs.
[ad. ppl. stem of L. rōborāre to strengthen, f. rōbor-, rōbur strength.]
1. trans. To ratify, confirm (a charter, league, etc.).
1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) VIII. 203 Gregorius..roborate the sentence of excommunication ageyne Frederyke the emperoure.1513Bradshaw St. Werburge i. 2460 It to confyrme, and roborate specyall With charters and dedes, and seales patent.1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. ix. iv. §20. 454/2 Euen now will I confirme..your ouer-worne and vndermined Charters, and will roborate them most firmely with a new oath.1655Fuller Hist. Camb. ii. §36 This Bull also relateth to ancient priviledges of Popes and Princes, bestowed upon her; which herein are roborated and confirmed.
2. To strengthen, invigorate; to fortify. Also fig.
1533tr. Erasm. Expos. Commune Crede 118 b, Anone after as waxyng yonge men, they were roborated and made stronge vnto greate batayles.1615Crooke Body of Man 163 He prescribeth stipticke..to roborate or strengthen the vertue of the guttes.1675Baxter Cath. Theol. i. iii. 74 By preventing Grace.., the Liberty of the Will..is wonderfully perfected and roborated.1710T. Fuller Pharm. Extemp. 85 It roborates the Parts that are hurt.
absol.1590P. Barrough Meth. Physick v. v. (1639) 275 Those things which doe confirme and roborate.1657Tomlinson Renou's Disp. Pref., Some Simples..to qualify, the rest to roborate.
3. To make obdurate; to harden. rare—1.
1652Gaule Magastrom. 217 To what end served those false mirables of the magicians, but to roborate or harden Pharaohs heart?
Hence ˈroborating ppl. a. Obs.
1684tr. Bonet's Merc. Compit. xix. 680 Before all things roborating and comforting things should be given to the Sick.




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