

单词 rheumatic
释义 rheumatic, a. and n.|ruːˈmætɪk|
Forms: 4–6 r(e)um-, 4–7 rewm-, 7 rhewm-; 4–6 -atyk(e, 4–7 -ike, -icke, 6 -eticke, -iticke, -atique, 7–8 -atick; 6– rheumatic.
[a. OF. ru-, reumatique (mod.F. rhumatique), or ad. late L. rheumaticus, a. Gr. ῥευµατικός, f. ῥευµατ-, ῥεῦµα rheum n.1 Cf. It., Sp. reumatico, Pg. rheumatico.]
A. adj.
1. Consisting of or of the nature of rheum or watery secretion or discharge. Obs.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. iv. iii. (1495) e vj b/2 For somtyme rewmatyk humours comyth to þ⊇ spirytuel partyes & stoppe þ⊇ wayes of þ⊇ spyryte.1547Boorde Brev. Health (1557) cxix, A reumatyke humour suppressyng the brayne.1594Nashe Unfort. Trav. Wks. (Grosart) V. 16 After hee had..spunged..all the rumatike driuell from his ill fauoured Goates beard.1606Dekker Newes fr. Hell Wks. (Grosart) II. 121 More salt Rewmatick water runnes out of them, than would pickle all the Herrings that shall come out of Yarmouth.1696Floyer Anim. Humours xiii. 158 The Blood taken away looked very Sizie or Rheumatic.
2. Full of or dropping with watery mucus.
1599Nashe Lenten Stuffe 47 Shee..had rumatique sore eyes that ran alwaies.1601Holland Pliny II. xx. xx. 69 Rheumaticke ulcers.1607T. Walkington Opt. Glass. 71 He was wiping his rheumatick nose.c1630Risdon Surv. Devon (1810) 8 It is good to cure rheumatic eyes.
3. Of persons, their bodies:
a. Suffering from a ‘defluxion of rheum’ or catarrh. Obs.
1574Hellowes tr. Gueuara's Fam. Ep. (1577) 122 By sleeping in an ayrie place, you haue bene very rumatike.1592Shakes. Ven. & Ad. 135 Were I hard-fauourd, foule, or wrinckled old,..Ore-worne, despised, reumatique, and cold.1655tr. Sorel's Com. Hist. Francion viii. 19 A defluction which fell upon my lungs did make me very rheumatick.1661Culpepper London Disp. 13/1 They are good for Rhewmatick people to chew in their mouth, for they draw forth much water.
b. Affected with, suffering from, or subject to rheumatism or rheumatic pain. Also fig.
1727–38Chambers Cycl. s.v. Rheumatism, The urine of rheumatic people does not afford above the thirtieth part of the alcaline salt found in that of healthful persons.1834E. Barlow in Cycl. Pract. Med. III. 608/1 We have seen leeches when applied to a rheumatic joint prematurely..exasperate every symptom.1852S. Thomson Dict. Dom. Med. 442/2 Many rheumatic patients find their chief protection in an underdress of chamois leather.1934E. Sitwell Aspects Mod. Poetry i. 14 The cramped and rheumatic eight-syllable lines..are not suitable to his themes.1958J. Press Chequer'd Shade i. 14 It is obscure, less because of its vocabulary than because the entire movement of the syntax is rheumatic and muscle-bound.
4. Of a disease, symptom:
a. Characterized by rheumy or catarrhal ‘defluxion’. Obs.
b. Of the nature of or characteristic of rheumatism. rheumatic fever, an acute non-infectious febrile disease marked by inflammation and pain of the joints.
1563T. Gale Antidot. ii. 82 Thys woode hath a synguler propertie..agaynste many other moyste and rumiticke sicknesses.1590Shakes. Mids. N. ii. i. 105 The Moone (the gouernesse of floods)..washes all the aire; That Rheumaticke diseases doe abound.1688Holme Armoury ii. 136/1 Rewmatick, or the Slavering Madness.1704F. Fuller Med. Gymn. (1705) 118 An excessive Dose of Millepedes in an odd kind of a Rheumatick Case.1711Swift Jrnl. to Stella 19 Sept., She is lame in one of her legs with a rheumatic pain.1782F. Burney Cecilia ix. v, The poor woman, whose disease was a rheumatic fever, was already much better.1783J. C. Smyth in Med. Commun. I. 152 A kind of arthritis vaga (or what is vulgarly called rheumatic gout).1797Jane Austen Sense & Sens. viii, A slight rheumatic feel in one of his shoulders.1836–9Todd's Cycl. Anat. II. 518/2 We are acquainted with no disease which more frequently produces deformity of the hand and fingers than chronic rheumatism (chronic rheumatic arthritis).1845R. Williams in Encycl. Metrop. VII. 681 In scarlatina the joints are often the seat of the severest rheumatic inflammation.1887Brit. Med. Jrnl. 5 Mar. 510/2 Rheumatic pyrexia.1974Passmore & Robson Compan. Med. Stud. III. xvi. 51/2 Rheumatic fever is an immunological disorder developing after an infection by a group A β-haemolytic streptococcus. Its major clinical features are fever, polyarthritis, carditis, chorea, erythema nodosum and annulare, and subcutaneous nodules.
c. transf. and fig. (a) Tearful. (b) Phlegmatic.
a1625Fletcher Nice Valour ii. i, The Rhumaticke story of some loving Chandler.a1680Charnock Attrib. God (1682) 762 We present him with a sleepy, sickly, rheumatick service.
d. Pertaining to rheumatism.
1886H. Baumann Londinismen 155/2 Rheumatic dodge, List einer Bettler-klasse, welche Rheumatismus erheuchelt.1976Lancet 27 Nov. 1202/2 The hospital's closure was strenuously opposed by the consultant rheumatologists to whom it was obvious that to halve the number of beds in the regional centre would gravely impair the rheumatic service.
5. Of weather, places: Inducing or having a tendency to produce (a) catarrhal affections, (b) rheumatism. (Cf. rheumy 3.)
1565Abp. Parker Corr. (Parker Soc.) 250 If any offence be taken for my not attending, and to come over the reumatike Tempsis.1589Peele Eglogve Grat. Earl of Essex xxxviii, And evening air is rheumatick and cold.1598Shakes. Merry W. iii. i. 47. 1609 Dekker Gull's Horn-bk. ii. 11 The Sun..hath..refind that thicke tobacco-breath which the rheumaticke night throwes abroad.1856F. E. Paget Owlet of Owlst. 23 Church towers are..warmer and less rheumatic than hollow trees.1879Mrs. A. G. F. E. James Ind. Househ. Managem. 14 India is a very rheumatic country.
B. n.
1. pl. Rheumatic pains, rheumatism. colloq. Also (rarely) sing.
1789Burns To the Toothache ii, When fevers burn, or ague freezes, Rheumatics gnaw, or cholic squeezes.1803M. Charlton Wife & Mistress IV. 166 John's hands were so contracted by the rheumatics that had settled in them.1852S. Thomson Dict. Dom. Med. 439/2 The acute form of rheumatism..is popularly named the ‘rheumatics’, whilst the chronic form..is known..in vulgar parlance as ‘the rheumatiz’.1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. III. 57 The ‘rheumatics’ so often complained of by elderly patients.1918V. Woolf Diary 16 July (1977) I. 169 He is a ridiculous figure precisely like the false Mandrill, especially now that he's bent with the rheumatic, & can only creep and crawl.
2. A rheumatic patient. rare.
1884Harper's Mag. Aug. 439/2 Rheumatics, who so largely preponderate among the invalided visitors.
Hence rheuˈmaticness, rheumatic condition or tendency. So rheuˈmatical a., rheumatic; rheuˈmatically adv., by or with rheumatism.
1702R. Pitt Crafts of Physick Expos'd 154 An Acrid Collection of Humours..causing the Rheumatical Pains.1727Bailey, vol. II, Rheumatickness, subjectness to be afflicted with a Rheumatism.1747Wesley Prim. Physick (1762) 92 note, Rheumatical pains are generally most violent as soon as you are warm in bed.1852S. Thomson Dict. Dom. Med. 440/2 The heart in a child may become affected rheumatically.




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