

单词 resuscitate
释义 I. reˈsuscitate, pa. pple. (and n.) Obs.
[ad. L. resuscitāt-us, pa. pple. of resuscitāre: see next.]
Revived, restored to life.
1520St. Papers Hen. VIII, VI. 59 All the worlde here is resuscitait fro dethe to lyff.1567Trial Treas. (1850) 29 So rule that at the last you may be resuscitate And raigne with the Almightie with perfect continuance.1637–50Row Hist. Kirk (1842) 265 If that spirit of action, zeal, and Courage, were resuscitat and raised up again.1642H. More Song of Soul iii. ii. xxi, Her body new resuscitate From sleep.
b. absol. as n.
1814Lamb Let. to Coleridge in Life (1837) 91 Dear Resuscitate,..there comes to you this day a volume of German.
II. resuscitate, v.|rɪˈsʌsɪteɪt|
[f. ppl. stem of L. resuscitāre, f. re- re- + suscitāre to raise, revive, etc.]
1. trans. To restore (a person) to life (physical or spiritual) or to consciousness.
1532More Confut. Tindale Wks. 700/1 First in soule, and after in bodye, which the father..shal..reise and resuscitat to blysse.1546Gardiner Declar. Joye 63 Resuscitatinge man in iustificacion from the death of synne to lyfe.1599A. M. tr. Gablehouer's Bk. Physicke 40/1 Sometimes renue the Cotten, till such time as he is resuscitatede.1663H. Cogan tr. Pinto's Trav. lxi. 251 These little children..went on singing praises to God, and praying him to resuscitate this defunct to a new life.1720Welton Suffer. Son of God II. xvii. 478 Why dost Thou not resuscitate and quicken me, O Thou Life of my Soul!1839James Louis XIV, IV. 82 Her mother perceived that life was not extinct, and took means to resuscitate her child.1895Doyle Stark Munro Lett. ii, Then I was to die..and all Scotland was to resound with how Dr. Cullingworth..had resuscitated me.
fig.1845Lewes Hist. Philos. (1867) I. 377 Plotinus, its real founder, resuscitated Plato.1869Echo 8 Apr., The Everett Rooms Service, with Edgar Poe resuscitated, vice the Bible.
2. To revive, renew, restore (a thing).
1532More Confut. Tindale Wks. 385/2, I warne the that thou resuscitate and styrre vp the grace of god that is in the.1633Prynne Histrio-m. i. 80 If then these Playes..haue propagated Idolatrie, and Paganisme heretofore; they may likewise resuscitate, and foment it now.a1676Hale Prim. Orig. Man. i. ii. (1677) 56 In that it can resuscitate and stir up it self to remember and call together other Images.a1734North Exam. ii. v. §159 (1740) 417 There was still the same lurking Faction, which lost no Opportunity to resuscitate a new Flame out of the old Embers.1751Johnson Rambler No. 85 ⁋9 The vital functions are resuscitated..by vigorous motion.1820Lamb Elia i. Southsea House, No wind has resuscitated the face of the sleeping waters.1851Helps Comp. Solit. i. (1874) 9 No one discovery resuscitates the world.1872W. Minto Eng. Prose Lit. i. ii. 143 He resuscitates all the Court gossip of the period.
3. intr. To revive, to come to life again.
1652Benlowes Theoph. x. xii, Tell me no more, Th' art sweet,..And canst with jovial mirth resuscitate from Care.1661Feltham Lusoria §35 Those birds, that yearly sleep a Winters death, Each Spring to mighty Love resuscitate.1727Bradley Fam. Dict. s.v. Gnat, These Nymphæ..from that State resuscitate and fly away.1787Winter Syst. Husb. 74 Every plant will earlier or later resuscitate.1804Something Odd III. 258 Mr. Marriott, whom I must leave resuscitating in the new world.1862Thackeray Philip xxviii, Our griefs, our pleasures, our youth, our sorrows,..resuscitate.1871Tylor Prim. Cult. I. 321 That..men only quitted life..and resuscitated as from a peaceful sleep.
Hence reˈsuscitating vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1554Act 1 & 2 Phil. & Mary c. 8 §50 The Resuscitating of Alms, Prayer, and Example of good Life in this Realm.1707Curios. in Husb. & Gard. 345 Some..have not been satisfied with resuscitating of Plants from..their Ashes.1731Hist. Lit. III. 351 Which Resolution may be effected by Mercury, a resuscitating Salt, or Fire.1864Daily Tel. 17 Aug., We have seen the resuscitating energy of the Don show itself in Morocco.




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