

单词 pertinace
释义 pertinace, a. Obs.
Also 5 -nax.
[a. OF. pertinace, also pertinax (14–15th c.), in It. pertinace, Sp. pertinaz, ad. L. pertināx, -ācem very tenacious, f. per- 4 + tenax tenacious.]
= next.
14..in Rel. Ant. I. 192 Olde maisterez war noȝt bisie ne pertinacez in sekyng and serchyng of this forsaide cure.1491Caxton Vitas Patr. (W. de W. 1495) ii. 301/1 Seeyng that he was pertynax & obstynate.
Hence pertinacely adv., pertinaciously.
1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 224 Pertynacely expownynge the holy scripture wrong, they fell in to heresyes.




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