

单词 perfume
释义 I. perfume, n.|ˈpɜːfjuːm, pəˈfjuːm|
Also 6 par-.
[a. F. parfum (1528 in Laborde Gloss.), = obs. It. perfumo, Sp. perfumo, n. from obs. It. perfumare, Sp. perfumar, F. perfumer: see next.
Orig., like the vb., stressed perˈfume: so in 18th c. dicts., and in Webster 1828; usually in 17–18th c., and frequently in 19th c. poets; but Shakes. has ˈperfume 7 times against 3, and Walker 1791 considered the stress fixed on per-; on the other hand Todd, 1818, held it was ‘sometimes though rarely so stressed’; but during the 19th c. this became the predominating prose usage.]
1. a. orig. The odorous fumes or vapour given off by the burning of any substance, esp. by such as emit an agreeable odour, as incense. b. Hence, The volatile particles, scent, or odour emitted by any sweet-smelling substance; the fragrance diffused by liquid scent, exhaled by flowers, etc.
1533Elyot Cast. Helthe iv. ii. (1541) 74 b, I toke for a parfume the ryndes of olde rosemary and burned them.1538Dict., Suffitio, & suffitus, a perfume or fumigacyon.1555Eden Decades 43 Animæ album, whose perfume is of most excellent effect to heale the reumes.1578Lyte Dodoens i. xii. 20 The parfume of the dryed leaues layde vpon quicke coles..helpeth suche as are troubled with the shortnesse of winde.c1592Marlowe Massacre Paris i. iii, Methinks the gloves have a very strong perfume.c1600Shakes. Sonn. civ, Three April perfumes in three hot Junes burn'd.c1620Robinson Mary Magd. 1044 Perfumes, exhaled from yr spicy beds.1756–7tr. Keysler's Trav. (1760) III. 383 St. Antony's remains is said continually to emit a most fragrant perfume, which is chiefly smelt at a crevice behind the altar.1810Scott Lady of L. i. xxxv, The wild rose, eglantine and broom, Wafted around their rich perfume.1870Yeats Nat. Hist. Comm. 208 The perfume of most flowers depends on the presence of a fragrant volatile or essential oil.
c. fig. Fragrance, savour; repute.
c1586C'tess Pembroke Ps. l. viii, My dearest worship I In sweete perfume of offred praise doe place.1622Bacon Hen. VII 140 Perkin, for a perfume before him as he went, caused to be published a proclamation.1822Lamb Elia Ser. ii. Detached Th., The sweetest names, and which carry a perfume in the mention, are Kit Marlowe, Drayton [etc.].1850A. Jameson Leg. Monast. Ord. (1863) 209 She..shed over the whole district the perfume of her sanctity.
2. A substance, natural or prepared, which emits, or is capable of emitting an agreeable odour; a fluid containing the essence of flowers or other odorous substances; scent. Orig. applied to such as diffuse a sweet-smelling odour when burned.
1542Boorde Dyetary xl. (1870) 302 A lytell of some perfume to stande in the mydle of the chamber.1555Eden Decades 250 They are these folowynge..: Cinamome,..Spekenarde, Cassia, sweete perfumes.1560Bible (Genev.) Exod. xxx. 35 Thou shalt make of them perfume composed [1611 a perfume, a confection; R.V. incense, a perfume] after the arte of the apotecary.1644Digby Nat. Bodies viii. §1. 53 Perfumes..fill the ayre, that we can putt our nose in no part of the roome, where a perfume is burned, but we shall smell it.1717Lady M. W. Montagu Let. to Mrs. Thistlethwayte 1 Apr., Little arches to set pots of perfume, or baskets of flowers.1841Lane Arab. Nts. I. 69 Perfumes which are generally burnt in these performances.1871Tyndall Fragm. Sc. (1879) I. ii. 57 Patchouli acts more feebly on radiant heat than any other perfume yet examined.
3. attrib. and Comb., as perfume atomizer, perfume-burner, perfume farm, perfume-pot, perfume spray; perfume-distilling, perfume-laden, perfume-sprayed adjs.
1897Sears, Roebuck Catal. 329/1 A fine imitation cut glass perfume atomizer.1942E. Paul Narrow St. xxviii. 254 He began to throw Jeanne's toilet articles at her, perfume atomizer, box of powder, lipstick, mirror.1973M. & G. Gordon Informant xxxvi. 142 Out spilled a wallet, lipstick,..a perfume atomizer, nail file.
1837H. Ainsworth Crichton I. 298 By the faint light of the two perfume-distilling lamps.
1887C. A. Moloney Forestry W. Afr. 345 Acacia Farnesiana,..cultivated on the perfume farms of the South of France..for the perfume obtained from the flowers and known as Cassie.
1874L. Carr Jud. Gwynne I. vii. 228 Perfume-laden buds.
1836–48B. D. Walsh Aristoph., Acharn. iv. vi, Hold out your perfume-pot!
1898Illustr. London News 22 Jan. 126 (Advt.), These concentrated perfume sprays give a delightful refreshing coolness.1926–7Army & Navy Stores Catal. 498/2 Perfume sprays.1975D. Beaty Electric Train 42 Daphne was sitting at the dressing-table, her perfume spray in her hand.
1922Joyce Ulysses 523 As they are now, so will you be, wigged, singed, perfumesprayed, ricepowdered, with smoothshaven armpits.
II. perfume, v.|pəˈfjuːm|
Also 6 par-.
[a. F. parfume-r (1418 in Caumont Voy. en Jhérusalem 139; gands parfumez, 1528 in Laborde Gloss.), = obs. It. perfumare, Sp. perfumar, f. per- 1, 2 + fumare to smoke, lit. to perfuse with smoke.]
1. trans. To fill or impregnate with the smoke or vapour of some burning substance;
a. of some substance for disinfecting or the like: to fumigate.
1538Elyot Dict., Suffio.., to perfume.1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 209 b, They fayne that she dyed of the plage, and perfume the house with the graines of Iuniper.1582J. Hester Secr. Phiorav. i. xvii. 18 Then parfume hym with Cinaber fiue or sixe mornynges.1607Topsell Four-f. Beasts (1658) 273 Take a wreath of Pease-straw or wet hay, and putting fire thereunto, hold it under the Horses nose, so as the smoke may ascend up into his head; then being thus perfumed [etc.].1722Lond. Gaz. No. 6031/1 The Houses were disinfecting or perfuming.
b. of incense or other substance emitting an agreeable odour. (Now merged in 2.)
1546Bale Eng. Votaries i. (1560) 92 b, They are..Lighted, Processioned, Censed, Smoked, Perfumed and Worshypped.1555Eden Decades 162 They perfume their temples with frankensence.a1633G. Herbert Country Parson xiii, He takes order..that the Church be..strewed, and stuck with boughs, and perfumed with incense.1658A. Fox Wurtz' Surg. ii. xviii. 126 Sometimes I perfumed these warm clothes with Frankincense.
c. To cause to emit pungent or odorous vapour in burning; to use as a fumigating agent. Obs. rare.
1607Topsell Four-f. Beasts (1658) 188 With the hoofs of a Goat they drive away Serpents, and also with the hairs by burning and perfuming them in the place where the Serpents lodge.Ibid. 200.
2. To impregnate with a sweet odour; to impart a sweet scent to. (Now the ordinary sense.)
1539in Lit. Rem. Edw. VI (Roxb.) I. p. xxviii, Rayment..brought of newe, to and for his Grace's bodye..shalbe purely brusshed, made clene, ayred at the fyer, and perfumed throughly.1596Shakes. Tam. Shr. i. ii. 152 Take your paper too, And let me haue them verie wel perfum'd; For she is sweeter then perfume it selfe.1598Drayton Heroic. Ep., Q. Margaret to Dk. Suffolk 89 My Daisie-flower, which erst perfumde the ayre.1718Lady M. W. Montagu Let. to C'tess of Mar 10 Mar., She is perfumed and dressed in the most magnificent and becoming manner.1856G. Wilson Gateways Knowl. (1859) 67, I am not aware that it is held essential to the anointing coronation-oil that it be perfumed.
fig.1573Tusser Husb. (1878) 8 With losses so perfumid was neuer none aliue.1604T. Wright Passions v. 255 In all suiters presentes, a man of a bad scent may easily feele a smell of profit, which perfumeth those gifts.1661Boyle Style of Script. (1675) 199 David and his princes..perfum'd that vast offering..with this acknowledgment to God.
3. intr. To exhale like incense or perfume. Obs.
1546Langley Pol. Verg. De Invent. i. v. 12 Howe Iupiter and the other goddes..repared thyther to feele the fragrant odours that perfumed from the sacrifices.
Hence perˈfuming ppl. a.
1707Mortimer Husb. (1721) II. 176 Tarragon is one of the perfuming, or spicy Furnitures of our Sallets.1719London & Wise Compl. Gard. 205 To contribute towards the giving a perfuming relish.




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