释义 |
‖ peba Zool.|ˈpiːbə| [Shortened from Tupi tatu-peba, i.e. tatu armadillo, and peba low.] An American species of armadillo, Tatusia (Dasypus) peba, found from Paraguay to Texas; the Seven- or Nine-banded Armadillo.[1648Marcgrave Hist. Nat. Bras. 231 Tatu peba Brasiliensibus, armidillo Hispanis.] 1834Penny Cycl. II. 352 The peba..called by the Guaranis tatouhou, or black tatu, is extremely common in Paraguay. Ibid., The length of the peba, from the snout to the origin of the tail, is about sixteen inches, that of the tail fourteen... It is commonly called in Brazil, tatu-peba. 1893Mivart Types Anim. Life (1894) 259 The peba or nine-banded armadillo ranges from Paraguay to Texas. 1896List Anim. Zool. Soc. 195 Peba Armadillo... South America. |