

单词 parvi-
释义 parvi-|pɑːvɪ|
comb. form of L. parvus small, as in parviˈfolious a. (Bot. L. parvifolius), having small leaves; ˌparviˈpension [L. pensio a weighing, cf. phr. parvi pendĕre to esteem little], slight estimation; parˈvipotent a. [potent], having little power; parviˈpsoas [Gr. ψόα lumbar muscle], a name applied by Coues to the psoas parvus or small psoas muscle; hence parvipsoˈatic a.; parviˈrostrate a. [L. rostrum beak], having a slender beak; parˈviscient a. [L. scient-em knowing], knowing little.
1857Mayne Expos. Lex., Parvifolius, having small leaves,..*parvifolious.1893in Syd. Soc. Lex.
1675R. Burthogge Causa Dei 44 When we consider in it that Contempt, Scorn, and *Parvipension of God, which does compose it.1678Phillips (ed. 4) List Barbarous Words, Parvipension, a setting litely by, an esteeming at a small rate.
1862F. Hall Hindu Philos. Syst. (1897) 152 The ignorance of a single soul..keeps it *parviscient, *parvipotent.
1857Mayne Expos. Lex., Parvirostris, having a slender beak,..*parvirostrate.1884T. J. Scott in J. M. Reid Doomed Relig. 160 Brahma alone..is neither parviscient nor omniscient.




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