

单词 parergon
释义 parergon|pəˈrɜːgɒn|
Pl. parerga (in 7 erron. parergas).
[L. parergon an extra ornament in art, a. Gr. πάρεργον by-work, subordinate or secondary business, etc., n. use of neuter of πάρεργος beside or in addition to the main work, f. παρά beside + ἔργον work.]
1. In Painting: Something subordinate or accessory to the main subject; hence, generally and fig., ornamental accessory or addition, grace, embellishment. ? Obs.
1601Holland Pliny II. 542 He painted among those by⁓works (which painters call Parerga) certaine small gallies and little long barks, to show therby the small beginnings of his art.1612Peacham Graphice 45 For your Parergas or needlesse graces, you may set forth the same with Farm⁓houses, Water-mills, Pilgrims travelling, &c.1656Blount Glossogr. s.v. Landskip, All that which in Picture is not of the body or argument thereof is Landskip, Parergon, or by-work.1658Phillips s.v. Lantskip, The persons are called the Argument, the Landskip the Parergon or By⁓work.1724R. Wodrow Life J. Wodrow (1828) 68 These were the proper parerga to and the gentlemanly learning of a minister.
2. By-work, subordinate or secondary work or business; work apart from one's main business or ordinary employment. Also a work, composition, etc., that is secondary to or a derivative of a larger or greater work; an opusculum.
c1618E. Bolton Hypercrit. iv. iv, For that the Subject..is rather Parergon, then the thing it self I write of.1673O. Walker Educ. xiv. 197, I advise to, but onely as a parergon, not an employment.1897Athenæum 9 Jan. 51/3 [He] pursued astronomy as a parergon (to use his own favourite phrase).1928W. M. Wheeler Foibles of Insects & Men p. vii, For some time friends have been urging me to republish in book form some of my papers which have appeared in various scientific journals. The continued demand for these parerga..suggests that they may, perhaps, be of interest to readers who do not habitually consult scientific journals.1957H. Nicolson Let. 2 Oct. (1968) 339, I don't think that you [sc. Vita Sackville-West] will really go down to posterity as a writer of gardening articles. You will be remembered as a poet... So your gardening things will be regarded as a mere parergon (‘a bye-work’), like the flute-playing of Frederick the Great.1963Times 15 Feb. 6/6 At the end of the programme he and his orchestra played the suite of Symphonic Dances from West Side Story, a parergon of the musical show, and a very distinguished one.1975A. Mims tr. N. Kazantzakis Let. in Nikos Kazantzakis iv. 526, I think that my whole soul..is crystallized in the Odyssey. All the other works are parergons.1975Times Lit. Suppl. 16 May 531/2 Henry Bradley's The Making of English..is what it is only because it arose as an inspired parergon to its author's main work as co-editor of the great Oxford Dictionary.
3. A supplemental work. (As title of a book.)
1726Ayliffe (title) Parergon Juris Canonici Anglicani: or, a Commentary by Way of Supplement to the Canons and Constitutions of the Church of England.




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