

单词 non-certain
释义 I. non-cerˈtain, n. Obs.
[f. non- 1 + certain B. 2.]
Uncertainty. Chiefly in phr. in non-certain.
1387–8T. Usk Test. Love iii. i. (Skeat) l. 61 Opinion is whyl a thing is in non-certayn, and hid from mens very knowleging.1390Gower Conf. III. 348 Al the whiles that I hove In noncertein betwen the tuo.c1392Chaucer Compl. Venus 46 In noun certaine we langwisshe in penaunce.1422tr. Secreta Secret., Priv. Priv. 176 Hit is a grete noun certayne of good renoune, that a man Putte hym of anothyr manys mouthe to be Praysid.1426Lydg. De Guil. Pilgr. 24103 Wherfore I stonde in nonecerteyn.c1430Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 245 This sesoun Ver stant evir in nouncerteyne.
II. non-ˈcertain, a. Obs.
[non- 3.]
1602W. Fulbecke 1st Pt. Parall. 9 b, When a graunt is non-certaine.Ibid. 37 This estate is determined, and it was certaine, but a thing non-certaine was the cause of the determination of it.




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