

单词 moralize
释义 moralize, v.|ˈmɒrəlaɪz|
[a. F. moraliser, ad. late L. mōrālīzāre, f. mōrāl-is: see moral a. and -ize.]
1. trans. To interpret morally or symbolically; to explain the moral meaning of; to point the moral of; to make (an event, etc.) the subject of moral reflection.
c1450in Lydgate's Nightingale 1 This [fable of the nightingale] ys moralysyd vn-to Cryste.1593G. Harvey Pierce's Super. 18 My leisure will scarsely serue to moralize Fables of Beares, Apes, and Foxes; (some men can giue a shrewd gesse at a courtly allegory).1594Shakes. Rich. III, iii. i. 83 Thus, like the formall Vice, Iniquitie, I morallize two meanings in one word.1600A.Y.L. ii. i. 44 But what said Iaques? Did he not moralize this spectacle?1608Willet Hexapla Exod. 465 Some doe moralize it; that by boring the eare is signified [etc.].1692R. L'Estrange Fables I. cccxxviii. 286 This Fable is Moraliz'd in the Holy Gospel it self.a1711Ken Hymnotheo Poet. Wks. 1721 III. 293 The Herd of Gods, which his Olympus stor'd, He mean'd, should moraliz'd be, not ador'd.1841Trench Parables xii. (1877) 245 Christ moralizes the whole parable..with those solemn words, ‘For many are called, but few are chosen’.
2. Of an incident, event, etc.: To exemplify or instance the moral of (a fable, saying, etc.). Obs.
1597J. King On Jonas (1618) 119 Nay, but there shall be a king ouer vs; yet it may be, when they haue their wish, the fable will be moralized, and verefied vpon them; A storke was giuen them.1601Bp. W. Barlow Eagle & Body (1609) B ij, I speake..onely to shewe how it doth moralize this Prouerbe, That where the Body is, the Eagles will Resort.1608–11Bp. Hall Medit. & Vows ii. §4 (1624) 23 That which is said of the Elephant,..we see well moralized, in men of euill conscience.
b. To supply (a poem) with a moral or subject for moralizing. Obs.
1590Spenser F.Q. i. Induct. i, Fierce warres and faithful loves shall moralize my song.1706Prior Ode to Queen i, And with his Prince's Arms He moraliz'd his Song.
c. To make (something) the subject of an allegory; to symbolize. Obs.
1652Persuasive to Compliance 12 Not sparing Jupiter himselfe, whom they chalenge to have wrested the Celestiall Monarchy from his Father Saturne: (in which is morallized the unnaturalnesse of Ambition).
3. intr. To indulge in moral reflection; to found a moral (on or upon an event, etc.).
1649Ogilby Virg. Georg. i. (1684) 51 note, Seneca takes occasion thus to morallize: The Land..is divided into Regions..; the Chief Good hath its place too.1692R. L'Estrange Fables ccclxxxix. 362 The Pretended Criminal began now to Moralize upon the Story.1710Steele Tatler No. 170 ⁋5, I know you came Abroad only to Moralize and make Observations.1813Shelley Q. Mab. 22 A gloomy theme, On which the lightest heart might moralize.1824W. Irving T. Trav. I. 343 No one can moralize better after a misfortune has taken place.1886Kipling Departm. Ditties, etc. (1888) 82 So we said He was a victim to the Demon Drink, And moralized upon him.
b. trans. To change the condition or aspect of (a person or thing) by moral discourse or reflection. Const. into, out of.
1722Mitchell Ep. Death Dalrymple 9 Nor is it Rudeness for the Friendly Muse To moralize Affliction into Use.1796Burney Mem. Metastasio II. 274 Whom he very anxiously tries to moralize into philosophy and tranquillity.1807–8W. Irving Salmag. (1824) 275 In a similar humour was Launcelot at present, and I knew the only way was to let him moralise himself out of it.
4. To make moral; to give a moral quality to or affect the moral quality of (actions, feelings).
1592Lyly Gallathea iii. iii, Astron. Thy thoughts shall be metamorphosed, and made haile fellowes with the Gods. Raffe. O fortune! I feele my very braines moralized.1627Sanderson Serm. (1681) I. 282 God..seldom bringeth a man from the wretchedness of forlorn nature,..but..by His restraining grace..He doth correct nature, and moralize it.1647Cudworth Serm. 1 Cor. xv. 57 (1676) 93 Such other laws and circumstances as moralize humane actions.1682Sir T. Browne Chr. Mor. iii. §7 Good and bad Stars moralize not our Actions.1762Gentl. Mag. 86 To raise the thoughts and moralize the mind.1861Mill Utilit. v. 77 When moralized by the social feeling it [the natural feeling of retaliation] only acts in the directions conformable to the general good.
5. To improve the morals of.
1633Prynne Histrio-m. 106 If Stage-playes doe onely discover Vices for to make them odious, then those lascivious Pagans who most delighted in them, should have beene meliorated and morralized by them.1647N. Bacon Disc. Govt. Eng. i. xlvi. (1739) 76 Henry the first..being trained up..in the English garb, moralized by Learning, and now admitted to the Throne.1723Welsted Steele's Consc. Lovers Prol., 'Tis yours with Breeding..To Chasten Wit, and Moralize the Stage.1817Coleridge Biog. Lit. xxii. (1882) 217 For the communication of pleasure is the introductory means by which alone the poet must expect to moralize his readers.1840Thackeray Paris Sk.-bk. (1869) 250 Was any man who saw the show [the execution of a murderer] deterred..or moralised in any way?1891W. J. Greenstreet tr. Guyau's Educ. & Heredity 96 Not only individuals, but whole races are moralised or demoralised.




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