

单词 mastic
释义 I. mastic, n.|ˈmæstɪk|
Forms: 4–5 masty(c)k, -ik, 5 -ykk, 6 mastyke, (-ike), 6–7 masticke, (6 -yc), 6–9 mastick, mastiche, 7–9 mastich 6– mastic. Also in late L. form 5–8 mastix, (7 -ixe).
[a. F. mastic masc. (from 13th c.), ad. late L. mastichum (also mastix), altered form of L. masticha, mastichē, masticē, a. Gr. µαστίχη. Cf. Pr. mastic, mastec, Pg. mastique, Sp. masticis (also almástiga, almástic, almáciga, through Arab. al-maçṭikā, -kī), It. mastice, mastico, G. mastix, Du. mastik.
The etymology of Gr. µαστίχη is somewhat obscure. As mastic is in the East commonly used as a ‘chewing gum’, it is not improbable that the word is (as Apollodorus suggested) from the root of µασᾶσθαι to chew; cf. µάσταξ jaw, µαστιχᾶν (once, in Hesiod) to gnash the teeth; but the formation has not been explained.]
1. A gum or resin which exudes from the bark of Pistacia Lentiscus and some other trees (see 2).
It is known in English commerce in the form of roundish, oblong or pear-shaped tears, transparent, and of a pale yellow or faint greenish tinge. Formerly much used in Medicine. Now used chiefly in the manufacture of varnish.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xvii. xc. (1495) 657 Of the rynde [of Lentiscus] comyth Resina, that hyghte Mastyk, and this gumme mastyck hath the name of mastigando: of chewynge.a1400–50Stockh. Med. MS. 9 Oyle of mastyk.c1450ME. Med. Bk. (Heinrich) 82 Make..þy mastik..in abrasen morter.1534Nottingham Rec. III. 192 Gom Masstyc.1579Langham Gard. Health (1633) 359 The Masticke is also good against spitting of bloud.1597Gerarde Herbal iii. lxxviii. 1244 The Rosen is called..in Latine Lentiscina Resina, and likewise Mastiche: in Shops Mastix:..in English Masticke.1602W. Vaughan Direct. Health (1626) 169 Remember before you rest, to chew downe halfe a dozen graines of Mastike.1712tr. Pomet's Hist. Drugs I. 63 The Mastick in Tear..is a resinous Gum which drops during the great Heat.1860All Year Round No. 42. 364 Mastic resembles gum Arabic; it is crystally cracked, yellow in colour,..and has no taste at all to mention.1883Encycl. Brit. XV. 621/2 Pistacia Khinjuk, Stocks, and P. cabulica, St.,..yield a kind of mastic which..when met with in the European market is known as East Indian or Bombay mastic... Cape mastic,..not exported to England, is the produce of Euryops multifidus... Dammar resin is sometimes sold under the name of mastic.
fig.1598Sylvester Du Bartas ii. i. iii. Furies 65 And innocent Astræa did combine All with the mastick of a love divine.
2. (In full mastic tree.) An evergreen shrub yielding mastic gum, Pistachia Lentiscus of the Levant. Applied also to other species of Pistachia, and to the West Indian Bursera gummifera and Peruvian Schinus Molle.
c1420Pallad. on Husb. iii. 1039 And now The bones hard of mastik tre wol serue Ysowe.1638Sir T. Herbert Trav. (ed. 2) 136 Abounding in..knotty Pines, fragrant Masticks, Kingly Oaks [etc.].1640Parkinson Theat. Bot. 1524 Lentiscus Pervana. The Indian Masticke tree.1753Chambers Cycl. Supp. App. s.v., Indian Mastic, the name by which the Molle, or Peruvian Lentisk is sometimes called.1775R. Chandler Trav. Greece (1825) II. 181 Some boughs of green mastic served us at once for table-cloth and dish.1864Grisebach Flora W. Ind. 785 Mastic tree, Bursera gummifera.1866Treas. Bot. s.v., Barbary Mastich. Pistacia atlantica.1867M. E. Herbert Cradle L. ix. 233 The mastic, with its pendant white bell-shaped blossoms.
3. A valuable timber tree of the West Indies and Florida, Sideroxylon Mastichodendron. (Also mastic-tree.)
1657R. Ligon Barbados 73 The Mastick is a tree very tall but the body slender... The timber of this tree is rank'd amongst the fourth sort, three being better then it.1683J. Poyntz Tobago 28 The Mastick is a Timber Tree of so fine a grain, that it plains like our English Box.1750G. Hughes Barbados 149 The Mastich-tree; Lat. Calaba.1775Romans Florida App. 32 The peninsula affords in this place Lignum-Vitae, Mastick and Mohogany.1830Maycock Flora Barbad. 111 Sideroxylon Mastichodendron..Mastick Tree.
4. (In full herb mastic.) The plant Thymus Mastichina (see marum). Obs.
1597Gerarde Herbal ii. ccx. 544 Of herbe Masticke. The English and French Herbarists at this daie do call this plant Masticke or Mastiche.Ibid. (Table Eng. names), Bastarde Masticke, that is Goates Marierome.1640Parkinson Theat. Bot. 12 Marum vulgare. Hearbe Masticke.Ibid. 13 Marum Syriacum vel Creticum. The Syrian or Candye Mastick. This Candye or Syrian Marjerome.1741Compl. Fam.-Pierce ii. iii. 375 It is not yet too late to plant Slips of..Marum, Mastick, and some other aromatick Plants.1836Loudon Encycl. Plants 508 Thymus Mastichina, Mastick.
5. a. A resinous or bituminous cement. b. A lime cement used by builders. (Cf. mastic cement in 8.)
1706London & Wise Retir'd Gard'ner I. 85 Cover the Top of the Stem with some Mastick... This Mastick must be compounded of..Rosin,..Wax,..Pitch, and..Mutton Suet.1713Addison Guardian No. 156 ⁋9 As for the small particles of brick or stone, the least moistness would join them together, and turn them into a kind of mastick.1839Ure Dict. Arts 274 (Cements) Mastics of resinous or bituminous nature which must be softened or fused by heat.1881Young Every Man his own Mech. 625 An asphalte composition called..Patent India Mastic.Ibid. 627 The..heads of the nails are afterwards to be coated with the same asphalte mastic.1884Health Exhib. Catal. 87/1 Patent Joint Mastic for making joints of all kinds.
6. A liquor, used in Turkey and Greece, made from grain-spirit or grape-juice, flavoured with gum-mastic. (Cf. mastic-brandy and raki.)
1882E. O'Donovan Merv Oasis I. 452 In Turkey we always drank mastic on such occasions.1887Pall Mall G. 23 May 4/2 [Stamboul] Their mothers prefer mastic, the spirit that fortifies and induces the loose, indolent mood.
7. The colour of mastic; a shade of pale yellow. Also as adj.
1890Daily News 27 Sept. 2/1 Coats and jackets in mastic, cigar-colour, and shades verging on terra-cotta.1899Westm. Gaz. 17 Aug. 3/2 A gown..of mastic cloth.
8. attrib. and Comb., as mastic gum, mastic pill, mastic seal, mastic timber; mastic-chewing; mastic brandy = sense 6 above; mastic cement, cloth, fly (see quots.); mastic paint, a kind of cement used for plastering walls; mastic patch, a patch for the face (a) fastened on with mastic, or (b) composed of mastic, and worn as a remedy for the tooth ache; mastic plant, cat-thyme, Teucrium Marum; mastic shrub = mastic tree; mastic thyme, Thymus Mastichina (see 4); mastic tree (see 2, 3); mastic varnish, a fine varnish used for varnishing pictures; mastic-wood, the wood of the mastic tree.
1883Encycl. Brit. XV. 621/2 *Mastic brandy.
1815in Titles Patents (1854) 690 A *mastic cement or composition, which he denominates Dihl's mastic.1875Ure's Dict. Arts (ed. 7), Mastic cement, a mixture of lime, sand, litharge, and linseed-oil.
1879Geo. Eliot Theo. Such v, Preliminary media of understanding, such as pipes, chocolate, or *mastic-chewing.
1882Caulfeild & Saward Dict. Needlework, *Mastic Cloth, a new variety of canvas, designed for embroidery purposes. It is woven in alternate stripes.
1700Petiver Musei Petiver. 66 Capricornus Barbadensis major..from..Barbadoes where they are very plentifull and call'd by them the *Mastick-fly.1750G. Hughes Barbadoes iii. 81 The Mastich-fly..derives its name from the Tree it feeds upon.
1837Penny Cycl. VII. 91/1 *Mastic gum.
1884Health Exhib. Catal. 87/1 Heat Resisting *Mastic Paint [cf. 1839 Ure Dict. Arts 869 Hamelin's mastic or lithic paint to cover the façades of brick buildings, &c.].
1597–8Bp. Hall Sat. vi. i. 115 Or Gellia wore a veluet *mastick-patch Upon her temples when no tooth did ach.1639Mayne City Match iii. iii, When there was not fire enough to warme a Mastick patch t' apply to his wives Temples In great extremity of toothach.
1697Grew Epsom Waters 57 Take of *Mastick Pills, two Scruples.
1718Quincy Compl. Disp. 80 Mari Syriaci, the *Mastick Plant, as some call it. It is reckon'd a kind of Marjoram.
1837Sir F. Palgrave Merch. & Friar i. (1844) 18 Suppose the letter completed,..and sealed with the *mastic seal.
1682Wheler Journ. Greece i. 61 Lentiscus, or the *Mastick shrub.
1640Parkinson Theat. Bot. 6 Thymum latifolium. *Masticke Tyme.1707[see marum].
1833J. Bennett Artificer's Lex. 228 *Mastic timber, specific gravity per foot cube, 53 lbs.
1510in Willis & Clark Cambridge (1886) II. 199 *Mastyke vernysch.1841E. FitzGerald Lett. (1889) I. 78 The picture has just been varnished with mastick varnish.
1669H. Stubbe Let. in Birch Life Boyle (1744) 191 To let you see, what *mastick wood will do in the gout.1699Garth Dispens. iii. 90 And on the structure next he heaps a load Of..mastic wood.1856Mayne Expos. Lex., Mastich Wood... A tincture is made from it.

Add:[8.] mastic asphalt, a dense mixture of bitumen and powdered limestone, to which gravel, stone chips, etc., are often added, used chiefly for surfacing footpaths and roofs.
1930Jrnl. Soc. Chem. Industry 18 Apr. 182t/1 The great distinction between rock and mastic asphalts is that, while in the former the incorporation of the bitumen and the mineral base has been effected by nature, in the latter it takes place by human agency.1991Better Roads Nov. 7/2 It's interesting to note the recent touting of the wonders of stone mastic asphalt.
II. ˈmastic, v. Obs. rare.
[f. mastic n.]
trans. To treat with a preparation of mastic: a. as a setting for a stone; b. as a varnish.
1688R. Holme Armoury iii. 91/1 [Jewellers' terms.] Masticking, is setting a Black between the Stones to set them off.1697Evelyn Numism. vi. 217 Masticking them over very Artificially,..to elevate both the Figures and Letters with the Vernish.




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