

单词 maniable
释义 ˈmaniable, a. Obs.
Also 6–7 manyable, (7 mannyable, maineable).
[a. OF. maniable, f. manier to handle (= It. maneggiare: see manage v.), f. L. manus hand.]
1. Easy to handle; flexible, pliable, workable.
1484Caxton Chivalry 64 Gauntelots..to receyue the strokes yf it were so that his other armures manyable faylled to hym.1520St. Papers Hen. VIII, VI. 55 note, For the nymble handlyng wheroff [the sworde] He hathe or knowythe no feate, but thowght it not manyable, and callyd the Admirall, and cawsed hym to feell the weght theroff.1590Sir J. Smyth Disc. Weapons 4 b, Short, strong, and light arming daggers are more maniable.1610Donne Pseudo-martyr 140 Those instruments of battery..were left off..because they were not so maniable and tractable, and apt for transportation, as these are.a1612Raleigh To P. Henry Rem. (1661) 251 If she [a ship] be bigger she will be of lesse use,..lesse nimble, lesse mannyable.1633R. Ashley Barri's Cochin China D iv b, It [the elephant's trunk] is so flexible and maniable that he extendeth and turneth it as he list.1654Earl of Monmouth tr. Bentivoglio's Warrs Flanders 183 The earth about it is everywhere manyable, so as Trenches may easily be made.1727Bradley Fam. Dict. s.v. Gimbels, Your Business only is to make the Paste firm, and to knead it well; if it be not maniable, and that if you cannot draw it with your Hands..you must beat it in a Mortar.
b. Of a person or his attributes: Manageable, tractable.
c1596–1604Bacon Helps Intell. Powers Wks. 1859 VII. 100 And as to the will of Man, it is that which is most maniable and obedient as that which admitteth most medicines to cure and alter it.1605Adv. Learn. i. ii. §8 Learning doth make the minds of men gentle, generous, maniable, and pliant to government.1628Sir R. Le Grys tr. Barclay's Argenis 275 This rage, which was..not maniable by any prudence or counsell.1630S. Lennard Charron's Wisd. ii. ix. §3. 334 To be supple and maniable, to know how to rise and fall, to bring himselfe into order, when there is need.
2. That may be handled or felt, palpable.
1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 27/1 He is not manyable ne may not be handled.c1520Andrewe Noble Lyfe i. xlii. I iij, The Motte..is a maniable worm, and yet it hydeth him in y⊇ clothe that it can scantly be sene.1665J. Sergeant Sure Footing 64 Actions, Sacraments, and all other outward shows which could be invented to make such mysteries maniable.1686Cotton tr. Montaigne II. ii. xii. 261 We..leave to them [Beasts] for their Divident, Essential, Maniable, and Palpable Goods, as Peace, Repose [etc.].




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