

单词 manger
释义 I. manger, n.1|ˈmeɪndʒə(r)|
Forms: 4 manyour, maniore, mawnger, maungour, 5 maniure, maniowre, mangeour, mawngeur, mawnjowre, 6 mangeor, maungere, mangier, 4– manger.
[a. F. mangeoire (in 12th c. written maingeure) = Pr. manjadoira, Catal. menjadora, Pg. manjadoura, It. mangiatoia:—vulgar L. type *mandūcātōria, f. mandūcāre (F. manger) to eat.]
1. A box or trough in a stable or cowhouse, from which horses and cattle eat. (Chiefly used for those kinds of food which cannot be placed, like hay and straw, in the rack above.)
c1315Shoreham Poems (E.E.T.S.) 120/145 Þe oxe and asse in hare manyour.c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 11182 Bordes broughte, cordes & cables, & made mangers [v.r. maniores] to stande in stables.a1400Sir Perc. 441 A mawnger ther he fande Corne therin lyggande, Therto his mere he bande.c1440Promp. Parv. 325/1 Maniure (S., P. maniowre), mansorium, presepium, C., F., presepe.1465Paston Lett. II. 254 An hows to ley inne hey and straw, and cost yow not but making of a rak and a mangeour.1526Tindale Luke ii. 7 She..wrapped hym in swadlynge cloothes, and layed hym in a manger [so 1582 Rheims and1611; Wyclif cracche, Geneva cretche: see cratch n.1 1 b].1552Abp. Hamilton Catech. (1884) 24 The Asse has knawin the mangier of his maister.1629Milton Christ's Nativ. 31 While the Heav'n-born-childe All meanly wrapt in the rude manger lies.1791Mrs. Radcliffe Rom. Forest ii, My horse, I believe, smelt the corn in the manger by the rate he went at.1868Regul. & Ord. Army ⁋570 To prevent infection..the rack and manger, are to be scoured with soft soap and hot water.
b. Used as the symbol of the Nativity.
1838Jackson tr. Krummacher's Elisha xiii. 294 The blissful mystery of the manger and the Cross.
c. Phr. in hack (heck) and manger: see hack n.2 2, heck n.1 3; rack and manger: see rack n.2 3 b, c, d. Also dog-in-the-manger.
2. Astron. (= L. Præsæpe.) The name of a nebulous tract in the constellation Cancer. Obs.
1551Recorde Cast. Knowl. (1556) 265 After Gemini foloweth Cancer containing 8 stars, beside a cloudy tract which is named y⊇ Manger or Crybbe.
3. Naut. A small berthing in the bows of a ship-of-war, intended to keep the water entering the hawse-holes from flooding the deck.
1627Capt. Smith Seaman's Gram. ii. 10 A circle of planke either abaft or before the maine Mast called the Manger.Ibid., The Bits..are..placed abaft the Manger in the ships loofe.1836E. Howard R. Reefer xliii, The manger, that part of the main-deck directly under the forecastle.1867in Smyth Sailor's Word-bk. 466.
4. attrib. and Comb., as manger-cradled adj.; manger-board (see quot.); manger-doggishness nonce-wd., the character of a dog-in-the-manger; manger-door, the outlet from a ship's manger; manger-food, -meat, food which may properly be placed in the manger for cattle; manger-scupper, an aperture for carrying off water from a ship's manger.
1867Smyth Sailor's Word-bk., Manger, a small berthing in the bows..separated on the after part from the rest of the deck by the *manger-board, a strong coaming rather higher than the hawse-holes.
1620Dekker Dreame 9 The *Manger-Cradled Babe, the Begger borne, The poorest Worme on earth, the Heighth of Scorne.a1631Donne To C'tess Huntingdon 14 Poems (1633) 91 As such a starre which Magi led to view The manger-cradled infant, God below.
1860Trollope Framley P. xxxi, Is not that *manger-doggishness one of the most common phases of the human heart?
1802J. Anfrey in Naval Chron. VII. 48 A man was..sentry at the *manger-door.
1805R. W. Dickson Pract. Agric. II. 599 A *manger food for the labouring teams.
1744–50W. Ellis Mod. Husbandm. I. ii. 41 The best Sort of Pease for *Manger⁓meat.1834Brit. Husb. I. 141 The whole of this food is given as manger-meat, no part of it being put into the rack.
c1850Rudim. Navig. (Weale) 131 The water is returned into the sea by the *manger-scuppers.
Hence ˈmangerful, a quantity that fills a manger.
1875C. Rossetti Goblin Market, etc. 221 A breastful of milk And a mangerful of hay.
II. manger, n.2 Obs.
[a. OF. mangier to eat (the inf. used as n.). Cf. gramaungere.]
A sumptuous meal; a banquet.
In the later quots. the word may be a jocular use of manger n.1
[13..Minor Poems fr. Vernon MS. xxx. 566 And þenne boþe bodi and soule i-fere Schal wende to the graunt Mangere.]c1420Laud Troy Bk. 24 That gestoures often dos of hem gestes At mangeres and at grete ffestes.c1460Towneley Myst. xii. 201, I am worthy the wyne, me thynk it good skyll, My seruyse I tyne, I fare full yll, At youre mangere.1548Latimer Ploughers (Arb.) 26 They are so troubeled wyth Lordelye lyuynge..mounchynge in their maungers..that they canne not attende it.1605Chapman, etc. Eastward Ho! iv. i, Farewell thou horne of hunger that calst th' Innes a court to their Manger.
b. A prepared dish. manger blanc = blancmanger.
1574Hellowes Gueuara's Fam. Ep. (1584) 98 They set before her..Manger blank, Pasties, Tarts, and other variable kinde of gluttonies.1601Holland Pliny I. 246 A certain manger or broth made of their [barbels'] liuers.1676Lady A. Fanshawe Mem. (1830) 209 Cakes, cheese, and excellent sweetmeats, especially manger blanc.
III. manger, v.1 Obs. rare—0.
[a. F. manger (inf.).]
1613R. Cawdrey Table Alph. (ed. 3), Manger, to eate.
IV. manger, v.2 rare.|ˈmeɪndʒə(r)|
[f. manger n.1]
trans. To fasten (an animal) to a manger.
1905W. Holman Hunt Pre-Raphaelitism II. 72 An old ram mangered by a halter.




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