

单词 renish
释义 ˈrenish, a. Obs. exc. dial.
Forms: 4 renischche, 4–5 renysch, 6 rhenish, 7 dial. rennish, 9 ran(n)ish; 4–5 renyst, renishit, ? 7 renisht.
[Of unknown origin: cf. runish. The sense in early examples is often obscure.]
Strange, uncouth; fierce, wild, etc.
13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 96 We haf broȝt..Mony renischche renkez & ȝet is roum more.a1400–50Alexander 387 Quen he had wroȝt all his will..with a renyst reryd þis reson he said.Ibid. 2943 Ser Dary..Rysys him vp renysch & reȝt in his sete.1596Nashe Saffron Waldon Wks. (Grosart) III. 201 Chute,..that bobd me with nothing but Rhenish furie.a1600King Estmere viii. in Child Ballads II. 52/1 Thus the renisht them to ryde, Of twoe good renisht steeds.1691Ray N.C. Words (ed. 2) 58 Rennish, furious, passionate: a rennish Bedlam.1866J. E. Brogden Prov. Words Lincs., Ranish, rash, precipitate, giddy, wild.1889N.W. Lincs. Gloss., Rannish, rash, violent.
Hence ˈrenishly adv., strangely, roughly.
13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 1724 Þe fyste with þe fyngeres..Þat rasped renyschly þe woȝe with þe roȝ penne.a1400–50Alexander 4931 The renke within þe redell..Rymed him full renyschly & rekind þir wordis.




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