

单词 mammaday
释义 ˈmammaday Obs.
[Of obscure origin: cf. mod. dial. mamady (Linc.) ‘a sweetmeat made of boiled sugar’.]
? Nurse's milk, ‘pap’ (fig.). Also attrib. b. As a term of contempt: A ‘milksop’.
1589G. Harvey Pierce's Super. (1593) 74 Nothing, but pure Mammaday, and a fewe morsels of fly-blowne Euphuisme, somewhat nicely minced for puling stomackes.Ibid. 136 This Mammaday hath excellently knocked himselfe on the sconse with his owne hatchet.1603Harsnet Pop. Impost. 29 If their Conies be Protestants..then some holy Ceremonies..must be solemnly used..to bring them to lie betweene the sweete breasts of their holy mother the Romish Church that the Mammaday, which shall be given them, may doe them the more good.1618N. B. Courtier & Countrym. D 4 b, Thy meat tasts all of mammaday pudding, which breaking at both ends, the stuffing runnes about the Pot.




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